296 H T D N E I ,
In pine woods, &c. Street, Somerset.
“ leqiial, fl/ten ed or depressed, with a whitish
margin, bpines slender, equal, becoming cinereous. Very distinct and
easily recognised b.y its black, zoneless flesh. Spores white round narü
lore diameter •Ü0017in. In my specimens of this species the % ! fs § i t
IF. f t n!““'’ “ ™ ™ recently published leones.—
8 4 8 . Hydnum graveolens. Bel. “ Strong-soented Hydnum.”
Pilens coriaceous, thin, soft, not zoned, rugose, dark-brown
brown within; margin becoming whitish ; stem slender; spines
short, grey.—F r .E p ic r .p . 509. Ann. N .H . no. 280. Babh F E
no. 1004. Fr. Icon. t. 6,/ . 1 .
In woods. Rare. [United States.]
™ mu’' bi'antiful, being dark in the centre with a white
border. The spues stb pale, and the spores evidently white. The whole
foim vp! ' ®^tre™®U strmig of melilot, and after it has been dried three or
tour years the scent is as strong as ever.—H. <6 Hr.
8 4 9 . Hydnum tomentosum. J . “ Tomentose Hydnum.”
^ Pileus coriaceous, thin, plano-infundibnliform, zoned, pale
cinereous ; stem slender, of the same colour ; disc tomentose •
margin and spines white.—Fr. Epicr.p. 510. Schoeff. t 139 k I
exs. no. p 3 . F l. Dan. t. 1020J . 2. B. 4 Br. Ann. N .H . 1865, no'.
1025. Seem. Jour. 1868, t. 76. Harz. t. 3. a.
In fir woods. Ascot. [Mid. Carolina.]
. 1 a from II. graveolens in the
siitoto tT® substance, and in the white (not grey)
wVt® f'® “ abundance on any Spores white, globular, rough, or papillated, diameter -000s1u3b ijna.cent objects.
Sect. 2. PfewrojiMs—sub-dimidiate ; stem lateral.
8 3 0 . Hydnum auiiscalpium. L . “ Fir-cone Hydnum.”
Pilens dimidiate, coriaceous, reniform, hairy, bright brown, in-
clming to black; stem slender, rootmg, hairy, of tbe same colour-
spines tough, bright brown,—Dr. 511. Schoeff.t. 143.
F l. D a n .t .l0 2 0 ,f.\ . Grev.t. 196. Kromhh. t. 50, f. 15-17 Ena
to- l i t J - 2- 267. Cooke exs. no. 306.
Bisch.f. 3284. S c h n z l.t.l6 ,f.3 3 -3 5 . Kl.exs. no. 126.
On fir cones. Common.
tlip 'i® ::J ''’ J ’ thin, coriaceous, often somewhat lobed,
rreedhdTisshh- bbrrooww nn , ss®oo merti mes pale ; spinOe'-s leesnsb zeoinneerde,o tuosm, eonr toas ed,i lpuuter pslhisahd e ooif
H Y D N E I . 297
the pileus, the tips often darker, but not always so, more or less hoary from
the spores. Stem buried to some depth amongst fir-leaves, 2-3 in. high, often
confluent, slender, dark brown tomentose, attached by a shaggy or spongy
base.—Af. J. B.
Sect. 3. Merisma- -muoh branched or tuberculiform,
* Much branched or palmate.
851. H y d n um co zn llo id e s. Scop. “ Coral-like Hydnum.”
Very much branched, wbite, at length yellowisb, broken up into
intricate attenuated branches; spines unilateral, subulate, entire.
—Fr. Epicr. p . 511. Schoeff.t. 142. Sow. t. 252. L en z.f. 53.
Kromhh. t. 51, f . 4-7. Eng. F l. Y.p . 157. Bull. t. 390. Bisch. f .
3393. Kl. exs. no. 125.
On decayed fir, beecb, asb, &c. Rare. Esculent.
[United States.]
Toung plant, according to Persoon, resembling a cauliflower ; when old it
forms tufcs, afoot or more in length, with flexuous, angular branches, beset
with incurved ramuli bearing spines on tbe under side.
** Tuberculiform, immarginate.
8 3 2 . H yd n um e z in a c eu s . Bull. “Hedgehog Hydnum.”
Fleshy, tough, elastic, pendulous, tuberculose, immarginate,
white, tben yellowisb, torn into fibrils above ; spines very long,
straight, equal, pendulous.—Dr. Epicr.p. 512. Bull. t. 34. Vitt.
t.26. Krombh. t . 51, f . 1-3. Eng. F I . y. p . 157. Tratt. Essb. t. Y .
On trunks of oak, beech, &c. Rare. [United States.]
Pileus a span or more broad, tbe base projecting, soft, torn into subfasci-
culate fibrillæ (abortive spines) ; margin obtuse, gradually giving out true
spines, often imbricated witb smaller pilei ; spines l |- 2 |in . long, pendulous,
tbick set, very regular, soft, equally attenuated, connected two or three together
at their bases, fastigiate; substance thiek, tough, fleshy, very soft,
elastic, white, not changing colour.—Fries. Spores white, plain, *00019 X
•00023 in.
8 5 3 . H y d n um cap u t-m ed u sse . Bull. “ Medusa-head Hydnum.”
Flesby, tuberculiform, substipitate, white, then cinereous;
upper spines distorted, lower spines fertile, long, straight.—Dr.
Epicr. p . 512. Bull. t. 412.
On trunks of trees. Rare. Esculent. [United States.]
Large and fleshy, at first snowy-white, then dingy-oinereons ; stem dilated
into the pileus ; all the spines at first straight, slender, long, the upper ones
at length bent and contorted.
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