■' 1 1! '‘ii ^ :
1 2 1 8 . Phoma p ic eum . B .& H t, “ Pitcliy Phoma.”
Hypophyllous; perithecia spurious, pitch-brown, convex,
closely connected witb tbe epidermis ; spores oblong-elliptic.—
B. 4 Br.Ann. N .H . no. 399.
On tbe under surface of dead rose leaves. Feb.
Scattered, pustules conspicuous, convex, pitch-brown ; cuticle closely conneoted
witb the spurious peritbeoia; spores pure white, minute, oblong-
elliptic, with a sporule at either extremity.—B. A Br.
1 2 1 9 . Phoma s t ic t ic um . JB. 4 B r. “ Pied Phoma.”
Scattered; very minute ; covered by tbe cuticle, wbicb at length
splits longitudinally; spores oblong-elliptic, witb a sporule at
eitber extremity.—B. 4 Br. Ann. N.H.no. 400.
On dead twigs of box. Feb.
1 2 2 0 . P hom a e x ig u um . Besm. “ Little Phoma.”
Perithecia numerous, scattered or approximate, small, rounded
or ovate, opening witb a pore, covered by tbe cuticle, brownisb
wben moist, blackisb wben dry, and ratber sbining. Spores numerous,
ovoid, very minute, byaline.—Desm. exs. no. 1869. B . 4
Br. Ann. N .H . no. 400.*
On sboots of elder, &c.
Spores about ¿ m.m. Very different from Sporocadus exiUs, Corda,
and Sendersoiiia exilis, Lev., to which some authors have referred it.
1 2 2 1 . P hom a d e v a s ta tz ix . B . 4 B r . “ Destructive Phoma.”
Peritbeoia very minute, punctiform, black, globose; spores
oblong, 2-3 nucleate.—B . 4 S r . Ann. N .H . no. 813.
On Lobelias. Aug.
This minute species, all but invisible to the naked eye, was most destructive
in gardens in 1856. The perithecia are globose, and perforated with a
minute round aperture ; the spores are oblong, byaline, containing from 2
to 3 nuclei -0004--00033 in. (-Ol-'OOS m. m.) long.—B. ABr.
1 2 2 2 . Phoma m ic z o sc o p icum . B . 4 B r . “ Microscopic Phoma.”
Perithecia subglobose, scattered beneatb tbe epidermis, wbicb
is blackened above tbe ostiola, spores oblong-elliptic.—B . & Br.
Ann. N .H . no. 401.
On dead stems of Potamogetón.
Forming scattered, very minute dark brown dots on discoloured patches ;
beneath each dot is seated a distinct subglobose, smooth perithecium, with
no visible mycelium, very slightly conical above, pierced with a round simple
ostiolum. Spores oblong-elliptio, variable in size, having occasionally, but
not constantly, a sporidiolum at eitber extremity.—B. A Br.
1 2 2 3 . P hom a n eb u lo sum . Berk. “ Cloudy Phoma.”
Covered ; perithecia very minute, gregarious, forming interrupted,
grey, cloud-like sub-longitudinal spots, ostiola ratber
prominent, acute.—Berh. Outl.p. 314. Sphceria nehulosa, Pers.
S yn .p . 31. E n g .F l. Y. p. 2o6. N e e s .f.3 4 \. Fr. S. M .i\.p .4 3 0 .
On dead herbaceous stems. Common.
Easily known by its long grey patches, dotted with the ostiola.
1 2 2 4 . Phoma lo n g is s im um . Berk. “ Very long Phoma.”
Covered, black; perithecia minute, running together into extremely
long parallel rows, ostiola obsolete ; spores elliptical or
slightly curved, witb two rmdei.—Berh. Outl.p. 314. Sphwria
longissima, Pers. Syn. p. 31. Fr. S.M. ii.p. 431. Eng. F l. r .p .
256. Gurr. Linn. Trans, xxii.)». 285.
On dead stems of Umlelliferae, &o.
Known by the narrow, linear, black patches, extending from jo in tto jo in t.
1 2 2 5 . P hom a p e tio lo zum . Rob. “ Petiole Phoma.”
Perithecia scattered, globose or ovate, black, covered by tbe
epidermis, papillate, at length pierced witb a terminal pore.
Nucleus whitish. Sporidia minute, ovoid-oblong, witb two
nucleoli.—Desm. Ann. des. Sc. N at. 1847, viii. p. 16. West. /
Wall. exs. n. 471. Coohe Seem. Journ. iv ./. 13.
On petioles of Sobinia pseud-acacia. Feb.
1 2 2 6 . P hom a g la n d ic o la . L&i). “ Acorn Phoma.”
Peritbeoia gregarious, erumpent, subglobose, smooth, black,
surrounded by tbe lacerated epidermis. Ostiolum scarcely conspicuous.
Spores minute, ovate, simple, pellucid.—Lev. Ann.
Sc. Nat. 1846, Y.p. 281. Coohe Seem. Journ. Bot. i r . f .14. Sporo-
nema glandicola, Desm.
On acorils wbicb bad lain some time on the groand.
[Low Carolina.]
Sect. 3. Lignicolce. On bleached wood.
1 2 2 7 . P hom a in o p h ilum . Berk. “ Maple-plank Phoma.”
Spots indeterminate, silky-shining; perithecia oblong, spores
oblong, very minute.—Der*. Hook. Journ. 1853, p. 40, t. 3, f. 4.
A n n .N .H .n o .l3 5 .
On maple planks. Nov.