ìifeiK '■
I l i ! ,
| ! .
unequal, minute, brownisb cinnamon, tben pallid.—F r Epicr p
t t o ', *■ 34 ,/-1 5 -1 8 , i.7 5 ,/. 7-14.' S choe ff't
115 ? Eng. F l. Y.p. 150.
In pine woods. Aug. Sept. [Mid. Carolina.]
V I ™ ' f a s o i c u l a t o - s q u a m o s e ; scales small,
changing to bine when out; margin tomentose, sufal
involute; tuhes very narrow, dull-yellow, blue when bruised, adnate, resembling
somewhat those of B. lomntis ; stem 3 in. high, f in. thick, granu-
lato-pulverulent, very neat, firm, yellow, obtuse. Smell u n p le a sa itf taste
notso.—A/. J.A . Spores oval, very small, greenish oohre, '0001 X ’OOOl? in.
7 1 2 . B o le tu s str iæ p e s. Sec. “ Striate Boletus.”
Pileus convex, tben plane, soft, silky, olivaceous ; cuticle ferruginous
witbin ; stem firm, curved, yellow, witb blackisb-brown
striæ; base browmsb-rufous; tubes minute, angular, greenish
orifice yellow.—Dr. Dyifer.yi. 415. Batt. t. 29 o. ’
In woods. Eare. Coed Cocb.
Stem dirty-yellow, dotted under a lens with broad bay lines. Flesh white
red near the cuticle, sparingly changing to blue.—M. J. A. ’
7 1 3 . B o le tu s c h z y sen te r o n . Fr. “ Eed-oraoked Boletus.”
Pilens convexo-plane, soft, floccoso-squamose, brownish inclining
to brick-red ; flesb yellow, red beneatb the cuticle; stem
nearly equal, rigid, fibroso-striate, scarlet or yellow ; tubes subadnate,
ratber large, angular, unequal, greenisb-yellow—Dr
Epicr. p. 41-0 B u ll.t. 490, f . 3 . Kromhh. t. 76. Ann. N .H . rw.
339. Corda. S tu rm .t.l. B a tt.t.3 0 .E . H u s s .i.t.5 . B.suhtomen-
tosus, Eng. F l. Y.p. 150, in part.
In meadows, woods, &c. Common. [Mid. and Up. Carolina.]
When the pileus is cracked, the cracks are red. Pileus 2-3 in. or more
broad, variable, of some shade of red, olive, or yellow, pulvinate, minutely
downy; cuticle often cracked, interstices reddish; flesh white or yellowish
cuanging slightly to blue ; stem 3 in. high, 4-4 in. thick, yellowish, njore oi
b row t 0005 X OOOU ®Pmdle-shaped, pale warm
7 1 4 . B o le tu s su b tom en to su s . L . “ Tellow-oracked Boletus.”
Pileus pulvinate, expanded, soft, dry, villoso-tomentose, somewhat
olive, not discoloured under tbe cuticle ; stem stout unequal
sulcate and ribbed, rough, punctate, yellow ; tubes adnate
broad, angular, of tbe same colour.—Dr. D^ifer.ji 415 Nees f.
206. L e n z .f.36,37. Schoeff.t. 112. Krombh. t. 37 ,f. 8-11 t 48
f l - 6 . F l.D a n .t. 1074. Price, f . 2 . B a tt.t.3 0 .F . Enq. F I .y p.
150, in part.
In woods. [United States.]
When the pileus is cracked, the cracks are yellow. Size and habit very much
resembling A. chrysenteron, but less common. Often growing on beech nuts.
Spores oval, yellowish brown, '0005 X '00021 in.
var. ra d ica n s. Krombh. t. 48, f . 1-6. Whole plant pale ocbre
or stone colour. Spores spindle-shaped, very pale ocbre, almost
wbite, '00026 X '00012 in., bas the appearance of being distinct.
Epping Forest. Staplehurst, &c.— W. G.S.
715. B o le tu s v a z ie c o lo z . B .A B r . “ Varicolored Boletus.”
Pileus convex, subtomentose, olive, margin involute, flesh
under tbe cuticle dark-purple, stem bulbous, attenuated upwards,
reticulated at tbe apex, yellowish below, rufesoent above and
finely pubescent; tubes minute, free, yellow.—Ann. N.H . 1865,
no. 1020, / . x iii./. 3.
In woods, &c. Aug. Deeside.
The flesh ofthe pilens and stem is pale, here and there inolining to yellow,
and partially marbled. I t approaches A. suUommtosm^ iu habit, but with the
bulbous reticulated stem of the section Cal Î of Fries.
Sect. 3. Galopodes.
7 1 6 . B o le tu s c a lo p u s. Fr. “ Scarlet-stemmed Boletus.”
Pileus globose, then pulvinate, unpolished, somewhat tomentose,
olivaceous ; stem firm, conical, then nearly equal, reticulated
entirely, or at the apex, scarlet ; tubes adnate, minute,
angular, yellow.—Fr. Epicr.p. 416. Krombh. t. 37. f . 1-7. Schoeff.
t. 315. Bolt. i. 84. Eng. F I .y . p . 151. Saund. 4 Smith, 1.13.
In mixed woods. Aug. King’s Cliffe. Epping Forest.
[Mid. Carolina.]
Differs from A. subtomentosus in the red, thicker, reticulated stem and narrower
tubes. Flesh more or less changing to blue.—Fries. Spores spindle-
shaped, yellowish brown, *0003X'00014 in.
7 17. B o le tu s o liv a c e u s . Schæff. “ Olive Boletus.”
Pileus convex, even, at length smooth, olive-brown, margin
at first inflexed, stem firm, clavato-bulbous, reticulate, punctate,
blood-red, yellowisb above ; tubes adnate, sbort, minute,
unequal, olive-yellow.—Fr. Epicr. p. 416. Schæff. t. 105. B.
pachypus, var. h. E n g .F l. v .p . 151. Purt. no. 988.