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Coprinus e x t in c to r iu s . Fr. “ Extinguisher Coprinus.”
Pileus submembranaceous, clavate, tben campanulate,
straight, m a rp n striate, a t first clothed with evanescent floccose
scales ; stem hollow attenuated from the rooting base, smootb ;
g lls leacbmg the stem, lanceolate, white, then brown-black__
Fm E picr.p. 2 1 5 . Paul. t. 1 2 4 , / . 7. Bull. t. 4 3 7 , / 1. B o lt.t.
On the ground.
pifeus'lbOTÌ f base, 4-5 in.pileus about 3 m. broad, becoming pale ; disc darker, som leowngh,a t3 l ilviind.. thick ■
4 6 3 . C o p rin u s fim eta r iu a . Fr. “ Shaggy dung Coprinus.”
submembranaceous, clavate, then conical, at length
01 n and i evolute, at first rough with wbite fioccose scales, tben
naked, longitudinally nmoso-sulcate, even at the apex ; stem
tb e n - n c T '’ at the base, solid ; gills free, lanceolate,
tben Imeai and flexuose, black.—Dr. Epic r.p. 245. Ball. t. 88.
On dung heaps. Mar. Apr. Common.
4 6 4 . Coprinus tom en to su s . Fr. “ Downy Coprinus.”
Pileus submembranaceous, cylindrical, tben conical, striate
floccoso-tomentose then longitudinally cracked; stem hollow’
rathei short, equal ve vety ; gills free, linear, brownish-black
D i . Epici . p . 24G. Bull. 1. 1 3 8 . Bolt. t. 1 3 6 . Mich. t. 7 5 , / 3.
On dung and in rich pastures
4 6 5 . Coprinus n iv e u s . Fr. “ Snowy Coprinus.”
n oval, then campanulate, and expanded,
floccoso-squamulose, with dense white down, and nearly
peisistently furfuraeeous ; stem fistulose, equal, villous wbite^
gills sub.adnate,narrow, b la ck ish .-D r. Epicr. p . 246. Eng. F l y
p . 1 2 1 . F l.D a n .t. 1 6 7 1 . Paid. t. 1 2 5 , / 2 . S ow .t.2 6 2 ?
On horse dung. Common. [United States.]
Pileus i~l in. broad, campanulate, at length expanded and depressed,
margin rolled back, clothed with dense scaly meal, margin striate, very thin
and delicate ; gills narrow, free, subventricose, black, stem 2 in. or more
high, 1 line thick, thickest at the base, senceo-squamulose, hollow, fragile,
splitting longitudinally.—iff. J.A. Spores'0004 X '00047 in.
4 6 6 . Coprinus m ic a c eu s . Fr. “ Glistening Coprinus.”
Pileus submembranaceous,
oval, then campanulate, subre-
pand, striate, discoid, sprinkled
with fugacious micaceous granules,
at length naked, rimoso-
sulcate ; stem bollow, silky, or
even, whitish ; gills adnexed,
lanceolate, whitish, brown to the
middle, then blackish.— Fr.
Epicr. p. 247. F l. Dan. 1. 1193.
Bolt. t. 54. Bull. 246, 565.
Schoeff. t. 66, f . 4-6. Sow. t. 261.
Grev. t. 76. Paul. t. 126. Eng.
F I . y . p . 120. F l.B o r u s s .t.316.
Corda. Sturm, t. 2.
Fig. 39.
About old stumps. Common.
[S. Carolina.]
Cæspitose. Pileus J - l in. broad, or more, half ovate, often more or less
irregular from the dense mode of growth, sprinkled with glittering meal,
strongly striate, almost plicate, rufous, the umbo darkest, margin cinereous,
very thin, veil very fugacious ; gills attenuated in front, broad behind, ascending,
attached above, umber, mottled with the spores, winch appear
black when viewed in a mass, but are really brown purple. Stem 2-3 in.
high, 2 lines thick, hollow, brittle, squaniulose, pulverulent, cnticle often
cracked into little scales, very faintly tinged with red, attenuated upwards,
base downy.-iff. J . A. Spores with an oblique apiculus, -(101)3 X '00026 m.
{Fig. 39, reduced.)
4 6 7 . C op iin u s a ia tu s . Berk. 4 B r. “ Umber Coprinus.”
Solitary. Tall. Pileus campanulate, umber, deeply sulcate,
micaceous; disc rugose; stem attenuated iqiwards, sub-bulbous
at the base, minutely silky, snow wbite; gills narrow, bright
brown, free.—Ann. N .H . no. 927.
In a bollow tree. May. King’s Cliffe.