8 9 . A g a z icu s (Clito cyb e) d e a lb a tu s . P. “ Ivory Clitocybe,”
White ; pileus rather fleshy, convex, then plane, and revolute,
even, smooth, somewhatshining; stem stuffed, flbrous, thin, equal,
sub-pruinose above ; gills adnate, crowded, thin, white.—Fr.
Epicr.p. 63. Eng. F I. y .p . 36. Sow. 1. 123. Coohe, B. F. 1. 10 a.
Gard. Ghron. (1861),y). 312. Smith E . M ., f . 27. Hogg 4 Johnst.
1 .1 0 .
In flr plantations, &c. Esculent.
Gregarious ; pileus I in. or more, sometimes cup-shaped, innato-pruinose
under a lens, dirty white, cream coloured, or roseate ; gills adnate, at first
slightly emarginate, brittle, white, moderately broad ; stem 1 in. high, 2 lines
thick, often curved, farinaceous, stuffed, occasionally hollow above when old;
odour fungoid ; spores white, round. A variety sometimes occurs on old mushroom
beds, which is cæspitose, 1-2 iu. or more across, lobed and undulate.
Spores -00016 X '00007 in.—IF. G. S.
9 0 A g a z icu s (Clito cyb e) g a llin a c e u s . Seop. “ Acrid
White, acrid ; pileus somewhat fleshy, convex, then depressed,
even, dry, opaque ; stem solid, equal, thin, even ; gills suh-decur-
rent, crowded, thin.—Fr. Epic r.p. 63. Bolt. t. 4, / . 2 7 Huss. 1, t.
In pastures. Common. Strong odour.
Pileus opaque, dirty white, about 1 in. across ; stem 2 in. in length.
B. Difformes—pileus irregular.
Sect. 1. Pileus cinereous or dark brown.
9 1 . A g a z icu s (C lito cyb e) e lix u s . Sow. “ Sodden Clitocybe.”
Pileus umbonate, at flrst convex, at length variously depressed,
dingy, minutely tomentose and streaked ; stem even, nearly of the
same colour as the pileus ; gills decurrent, distant, white.—Sow.
t. 172. Berh. Outl. p. 109, no. 82. Ann. N .H . no. 264.
In woods. Oct.
Pileus 2-3 in. across, at first strongly umbonate, obconical, at length flat,
or even depressed, with the border flexuous, not the least involute ; disc fuliginous,
very minutely virgate, border whitish, with dingy sodden spots, not
viscid ; stem 1 in. high, f in. thick, or 2 in. high, J in. thick, dingy, like the
pilens, clothed with matted down, which reaches tothebase of the gills, often
smooth at the base, which is buried amongst leaves, solid, mottled within,
slightly discoloured beneath the cuticle ; gills very distant, deourrent, white,
interstices more or less veined.—i f . J. B,
92. Agazicus (Clitocybe) fumosus. P. “ Smoky Clitocybe.”
Sub-cartilaginous, rigid ; pileus fleshy, convex, then expanded
ohtuse, even, naked, turning pale, cuticle adnate; stem stuffed’
unequal, somewhat pruinose above; gills adnate, rather crowded’
grey, or whitish, as well as the stem.—Dn Epicr. p. 56. Enq F I y
V-35. P e r s .Ic .Pic t.t.7 ,f.3 -4 . F r .S .M . \ ,p .8 8 , . ' '
In woods and waste ground. Solitary. [United States.]
Var p o liu s densely and connately cæspitose; pileus convex,
then plane, obtuse, smooth, grey; stem flexuose, smooth; gills
1T8s6T8s, yn) . 246. Saund. 4 Sm. t. 13. ^oolhope’OEuh,’
On charcoal heaps, in woods, round the wrekin. 1868
as to present the appearance of innate fibrillæ; bistre coloured g lis r a t C
Mutent A i d som e tim e s^ a lls t d^(
where it is punotato-squamifos“ ',
nearly spherical-00024 i n .- IF . f t .S. ^ FI. Spores
Sect. 2. Pileus pallid.
9 3 . A g a z icu s (C lito cyb e) op a cu s. W m . “ Opaque Clitocybe.”
White; pileus fleshy, convex, then expanded, umbonate, repand,
even, covered with a floccose-shining film; stem stuffed
mequal, flexuose ; gills adnate, decurrent, very crowded, white.—’
Fr.Eptcr. p. 67. S o w .t .U 2. >
In woods.
downlTthe^edM^^ud®’ "A®“ expanded, but a little turned
C. Infundibuliformes— -pilens funnel-shaped.
Sect. I. Pileus innately flocculose or silky.
9 4 . Ag a z icu s (Clito cyb e) g ig a n te u s . Fr. “ Giant Clitocybe.”
o p r i ' sligMy flocculose, white,
S r r ’ t p yellowish, shorti;
wo “ Ann. Nat. Hist. (1865),