ilM L ±
Gen. 1 6 .
Kg. 59.
6 9 4 .
TROGIA, Pr. Mon. Hym.
Pileus submembranaceous, soft,
tougb, flaccid, but very dry, flexible,
reviving ; giUg venose, fold-like,
forked, edge longitudinally cban-
nelled or crisped ; texture fibrillose;
spores wbite. (Fig. 59.;
In the . only British species the edge of
the gills IS not channelled but obtuse, but it
has the habit, form, and texture of Troqia
and IS referred to that genus without doubt ’•
although the edges of the gills are not ohan!
uelled they are nevertheless crisped.
Tro g ia c iisp a . Fr. “ Crisped Trogia.”
Tougb, cup-sbaped, reflexed, lobed, villous, reddisb-yellow •
gills plaited, dicbotomous, crisped, wbitisb or ffrev.—Dr Emor
p . 369. F l. Ban. t. 1739. D m . Ic. 4 Besc. t. 8 ,/. 7. Buxb v t
7 ,/. 2. B. 4 Br. Ann. N .H . no. 1135.
On twigs of beecb, bircb, &c. Jedburgb. [United States.]
The colour of the pileus varies from a yellowish brown to white, sessile!
lobed, 4 l in . — — ..j ........... .oaa/o/i-jBiiuw oenina. margin v
Gills narrow, veinlike, crisped, with the edge obtuse, not ohannulled.
..broad finely villous reddish-yellow behind.Margin whitish
. veinlike. nnsTiAriY wifli f.lio c/Ir-zz -i *
(Fig. 59, nat. size.)
Gen. 17. SCHIZOFHYLLUM, F r. Obs. i. p. 103.
Kg. 60.
Spores wbite; pileus not
flesby, dry, sessile; gills coriaceous,
branched, split longitudinally
at tbe edge, witb
tbe two divisions revolnte or
spreading, joined to tbe pileus
by a tomentose pellicle.
H ab. E o tte n wood.
An easily recognized but very
aberrant genus of Agaricini.
(Fig. 60.)
6 9 5 . S c h iz o p h y llum c om m u n e . Fr. “ Common Sohizophyllum.”
Pileus adnate behind, somewbat extended, simple, and lobed ;
gills grey, tben brownish, purple, villous, edge revolnte.—Fr.
Epicr.p. 403. Grev.t. 61. Krombh. t. 4, f. 14-16. Batsch. f . 126.
B uU .t.3 4 6 ,5 8 1 ,f.l. S ow .t.l8 3 . Buxb.y. t . l , f . l . Eng. F I .y .
p. 130. Gard. Chron.1860, p . 1151.
On dead wood. [New Orleans, U. S., &c.]
Pileus 1-1^ in. broad, sessile or with a short lateral stem, sometimes resupinate,
and supported by a stem-like process arising from the centre of the
pileus, white or greyish, zoned, tomentose; margin even or variously lobed
and split ; gills reddish-brown or whitish, flabelliform, apparently but not
truly forked, the inner barren face villous with the flocci, of which the substance
of the pileus is composed, the outer surface alone bearing spores.
Cosmopolitan.—31. J .B . Spores very small, almost globular, *0001 in. dia-
(Fig. nat. size.)
Gen. 18 . LENZITES, Fr, Gen. Hymen.
Kg. 61.
Spores w bite; pilens coriaceous,
dimidiate, sessile; gills coriaceous,
firm, unequal, simple, or branched,
and anastomosing behind, edge
obtuse or acute; trama floccose ;
often spuriously porous.
{Fig. 61.)
H a b . On stumps, rails, etc.
Chiefly tropical, where the species become
woody, with ns they are only coriaceous.
Allied to Trametes amiDaidalea,
amongst the Polyporei.
6 9 6 . L e n z ite s h e tu lin a . F r. “ Birch Lenzites.”
Pileus between corky and coriaceous, firm, obsoletely zoned,
tomentose, pallid; margin of the same colour ; gills straight,
somewbat branched, anastomosing, pallid.—Dr. Epicr. p. 405.
F l.D a n .t. 1555. Sow.t. 182. Berh. O u tl.t.15,f . 3 . Dcedaleahe-
tulina, Eng'. F l. v. p . 131.
On stumps, &o. Common. [Cincinnati, U. S.]
Perennial. Pileus 2-4 in. broad, coriaceous, sessile, dimidiate, deeply
grooved concentrically, and clothed with dense pubescence or coarse velvety
down, greyish or pale, often green with minute Alg'ai. Gills straight, tan-
coloured, not much branched or anastomosing, their margin at length torn.
—M ,J .B . (Fig. 61, reduced.)