' i
t i l
Ili m
ili : 'iÌ !
Pig. 132.
1 1 5 6 . S tem o n itis fe r r u g in e a . Khrb. “ Eusty Stemonitis.”
Fasciculate, hypothallus persistent, peridia fugacious, cylindrical
as well as the capillitium ; spores reddish, then ferruginous.—
D r. S .M . iii.p. 158. Bull. t. 411, f . 1. Ehr. S .B . f . 6 A.B.
Fl. Dan. t. 2016. / . 1. Bisch. f . 3704. P a y .f. 580. FcU. exs. no.
On old stumps. [United States.]
Simiiar to the foregoing, but the spores are much smaiier, and of a different
Peridium very delicate, simple,
evanescent. Capillitium reticulate,
springing from the dark penetrating
stem.—A«rA. Outl. p. 308. Eng. Fl.
Y.p. 317. CFig. 132.)
1155. S tem o n itis fu s c a . Roth.
“ Brown Stemonitis.”
Fasciculate, hypothallus persistent,
peridia very fugacious, cylindrical,
as well as the capillitium;
spores black-brown.—Dr. S .M . iii.
p . 157. Eng. F I .y . p. 311. Nees.f.
118. G rev .t.110. Mich.t. 94, f . l .
Ehr. S .B . f . 5. Jacq. Misc. ii. 1.15.
F l. Dan. t. 6 5 9 ,/. 1, t. 2016, / 2.
Bisch, f . 3661. Kl. exs. ii. no. 457.
Fckl. exs. no. 1449. Trichia nuda.
Sow.t. 50. B o lt .t.9 3 ,f.l.
On rotten wood. Common.
[United States.]
(Fig. 132.)
1157. S tem o n itis ty p h o id e s . -D. C. “ Ciub-maoe
Gregarious, hypothallus evanescent, peridia fugacious, capillitium
and spores brownish.—Dr. S.M. iii. p . 158. Mich. t. 94,
f. 2. F l. Dan. t. 216. Sclmff. t. 297. Batsch. t. 30, f . 176. Bull. t.
411, f 2. Ehr. S .B . f l . A n n .N .H . no. 113. Kl. exs. no. 923.
Fckl. exs. no. 1450.
On rotten wood. [Low & Mid. Carolina.]
1158. S t em o n it is o v a ta . P. “ Ovate Stemonitis.”
Scattered, peridium very fugacious, ovate, steel-blue, capillitium
purplish, spores brown ; stem semi-penetrating.—Dr. S.M.
iii.p. 160. Kl. exs. no. 1132. Eng. Fl. y . p . 311.
1446. Trichia alba. Sow. t. 259.
On rotten wood. [United States.]
1159. S tem o n itis o b tu sa ta . Fr. “ Obtuse Stemonitis.”
Scattered, peridium globose, fugacious, blackish ; capillitium
black-brown, stem sligbtly penetrating.—Dr. S.M. iii. p . 160.
Eng. F l. Y.p . 311. F l. Dan. t. 2091,/. 2.
On wood. Apethorpe, Norths. [United States]
At first white, theu ruddy brown.
1 1 6 0 . S tem o n itis p u lc h e lla .
Bab. “ Beautiful
Very minute, hypothallus brownisb; peridia scattered, evanescent
; stem rather short, inorassated below, not reaobihg tbe
ap ex ; capillitium purplisb, ovate-oblong, scarcely ventricose ;
spores purplisb brown.—Berk. Ann. N .H . no. 211, t. 1 2 ,/ . I I .
Bab. Abst. Linn. Trans. 1839.
On Pteris aquilina. Sept. Leicestershire.
Extremely minute, not 1 line high, scattered, with a transparent horn-
brown hypothallus; peridium extremely evanescent; stem vanishing a little
below the ap ----- " ‘------------ ' ”
short, smoot
apex, giving off filaments on every side ; the free part rather
oth, dark, slightly incrassated below, capillitium ovato-oblong,
purplish-brown; spores purple-brown.—M .J .B .
1161. S tem o n itis p h y sa z io id e s .
A . A 8. “ Coppery
Peridmm globose, obtuse, persistent, silvery, at length torn,
capillitium sub-compact black-brown, stemlong, semi-penetrat