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On trunks.
Imbricated, flesh white. Pileus depressed behind, commonly emarginate.
Colour usually livid, with a chestnut coloured disc.
7 4 5 . P o lyp o ru s v a r iu s . Fr. “ Variable Polyporus.”
Pilens fleshy, tough, thin, soon woody, smooth, sub-virgate,
irregular, depressed behind or in the centre ; stem excentric and
lateral, even, smootb, gradually blackisb-cinereous downwards ;
pores decurrent, minute, sbort, rounded, unequal, whitish, or
watery cinnamon.—Fr. Epicr.p. 440. Batsch.f. 129. Bull.t. 360
445,/. 2. Buxh. v. t. 15,f . 2. Bolt. t. 168. Eng. F I.y .p. 136. Kl.
exs.no. 223.
On trunks. [Mid. & Up. Carolina.]
Variable in size, i-4 in. broad. Pileus hard, lateral, excentric or regular
infundibuliform or convex, deep red brown or dirty white, smooth and even.
Pores decurrent, very minute and shallow. Stem, when present, generally
either altogether or abruptly je t black at the base. Occasionally the stem
is altogether pale.—A/. J. B.
7 4 6 . P o lyp o ru s e le g a n s . Fr. “ Elegant Polyporus.”
Pileus equally fleshy, soon indurated, woody, expanded, even,
smooth, self-coloured; stem excentric or lateral, even, smootb,
pallid, base from the first abruptly black, rooting; pores plane,
minute, sub-rotund, pallid, yellowish-white.—Fr. E picr.p. 440.
B u ilt. 46. Fl. Dan. 1.1075, f . l . R o sth .t.11. Bolt. t. 83. FcM.
exs. 1395.
On trunks. [Up. Carolina.]
var. ¡3. n um m u la r iu s, smaller, thinner, sub-regular ; stem
equal, excentric.—Rostk.t. 12. B uU .t.l2 4 .
On trunks.
2-4 in. broad, pale ochre or orange, shining, not infundibuliform,
depressed. In tbe variety the pileus does not exceed 1 in.
7 4 7 . F o ly p o zu s q u e r c in u s . Fr. “ Oak Polyporus.”
Pileus corky, soft, tongue-shaped, very tbick, convexo-plane,
even, at first floccnloso-granulose, pallid tan, narrowed behind
into the thick horizontal stem ; pores short, minute, whitish.—
Fr. Epicr.p. 441. Kromhli.t.5,f.3-5,t. 4 8 ,f .l l - 1 3 . P a u l.t.l8 ,
f. 1-4. FIuss. i. t. 52. Ann. N . H. no. 344.
On old oaks. Eare. Apethorpe, Kent.
A very distinct species, having somewhat the form oi Fistulina hepatka.
I t is of a beautiful yellow-brown with rather shallow pores.—B. & B r.
P o lyp o zu s lu c id u s . Fr. 7 4 8 . “ Shining Polyporus.”
Pileus corky or woody, flabelliform, sulcate, rugose, yellow,
then reddish-obestnut, varnished and shining, as well as tbe
lateral, equal stem ; pores determinate, long, minute, wbite, then
cinnamon.—F r.E p ic r.p . 442. Grev.t.245. R o s tk .t.l3 . Krombh.
t. 4, / . 22-24. Sow. 1.134. Paul. 1.10, f . 1-2. {Batt. t. 36. /. 35,
D. var.) Berk. Outl. 1.1 5 , / 2. Eng. Fl. Y.p . 136. Vent. t. 4 9 ,/. 1,
2. Roq. t. 2 ,f. 1.
On the ground about stumps. [United States.]
Pileus 2-6 in. hroad, generally more or less oblique, very variable in thickness,
rugose, often marked with concentric grooves or ridges chocolate brown,
the edge often tawny or bright chestnut, shining as if varnished, with occasionally
a vitreous appearance. Pores very minute, sub-rotund, pale, eqnal,
at length cinnamon. Stem 6-10 iu. high, 1 in. or more thiek, rugose, marked
occasionally with transverse lines of growth, shining like the pileus, sometimes
chocolate. Both the pileus and stem oeoasionally marked with minute
wavy wrinkles.—Af. J. B.
Sect. 3. Merisma—divided into numerous pileoli.
7 4 9 . F o ly p o zu s in ty b a c e u s . Fr.
“ Grey-branched
Very much branched, fleshy, somewbat brittle, pileoli very
numerous, dimidiate, expanded, sinuate, at length spathulate,
nearly even, greyisb-brown; stems united into a very short
trunk; pores firm, obtuse, wbite, then brownish.—F r .E p ic r .p .
446. Fl. Dan. t. 17 93. Paul. t. 30. H u s s .i.t.6. S o w .t.87. P.
frondosus, Eng. Fl. Y. p. 137.
On trunks. Eare. Esculent.
Pile! very numerous, dimidiate, condensed into a convex tuft, |-1 foot
broad, imbricated, variously confluent, irregular, at first downy, dusky, then
smooth, livid grey, disc depressed, dilated above, |-1 in. broad, convex, the
base confluent with the compound stem. Smell like that of mice.—Fries.
Spores oval, white, '0002 X '00014 in.
750. F o lyp o zu s c z is ta tu s . Fr. “ Crested Polyporus.”
Branched, firmly flesby, fragile, pileoli entire and dimidiate,
imbricated, depressed, somewhat pulverulent or villous, tben
rimoso-squamose, greenisb-brown ; stems connate, irregular,
white ; pores minute, angular and torn, whitish.—Fr. Epicr. p.
447. R o s th .t.l6 . Schoeff. 1.113? Eng. F l. y. p. 138. Krombh. t.
48,/. 15,16. Barla. t.2 9 , f . 4-7. B is c h .f.3297. Fckl. exs. 1394.
In beecb woods. Eare. [Mid. Carolina.]