' " ' i r
' r i I
S PA R A S S IS , Fr. S.M., p. 464.
Fleshy, frondose ; branches
laciniate.—Fr. Epicr. p. 570.
{Fig. 87.)
Only one British species, which
is rare.
Mg. 87.
9 5 8 . Sp a za ssis c z isp a . Fr. “ Crisped Sparassis.”
Very much branched, fragile, whitish; branches intricate;
tips recurved, not zoned, serrate.—E r. Epicr.p. 570. Berlc.In-
tell. Obs. no. 2 5 .1.1. L en z.f. 56. Jacq. Misc. ii. 1.1 4 ./. 1. Schoeff.
M 6 3 . Hogg. 4 Johnst. t. 24. riwra. W.if. 1866. 1189*. B ail.
t.2 7 Kl. exs. no. 517.
Amongst heath. Sept. South-east Berkshire. Didlington,
near Brandon. Esculent. [Up. Carolina.]
Pale ruddy yellow, forming a rounded mass attaining a diameter of 18 in.
The laminæ rounded and leaf-like, though curled and folded, and variously
lohed and laeiniate, with a crest-like margin, and springing from a well-
marked, thick, rooting stem, the greater part of which is snnk in the soil.
Hymenium more or less uneven, and rather wrinkled or rough, with wartlike
elevations. In deoa y the margin becomes soft, acquiring first a yellow, then
a brownish tinge, and finally the. whole forms a loathsome mass.—Ai. J. B.
Gen.tiS. Cl. A V A R IA , L.
Fleshy, branched, or
simple, without any stem
of a distinct substance.
Hymenium dry. — Berk.
Outl. p. 278. {Fig. 88.)
Ket. 88.
Sect. 1. Ramar ia—branched.
A . Leucosporoe—white spored.
9 5 9 . Clavazia b o tz y tis . P. “ Red-tipped Clayaria.”
Fragile, trunk thick, fleshy, unequal, very much branched;
branches swollen, unequal, sub-rugose, tips red.—Fr. Epicr.
p. 571. F l. Dan. 1.1303. Krombh. t. 53./. 1-3. Sclmff. 1.176.
Ann. N.H . no.721. Bisch.f. 3390. Badh.i. t. 16. f 2. ii. t. 5. f.3 .
Pric e,f.76. Barla. t . 40.f.1 - 3 . Harz. t. 67. Corda.Ic. Y .f. 75.
In woods. Eare. Inverary. Bowood. [United States.]
9 6 0 . Cla v a z ia am e th y s tin a . Bull. “ Amethyst Clavaria.”
Fragile, very much branched, violet ; branches round, even,
ohiuse.— Fr. Epicr. p. 571. Bxdl. t. 406. f 2. Ilolm.i. p. 110.
N e e s .f 151. Schoeff. 1.172. Cooke, B . F . 1.17. f 2. Eng. Fl. v. p.
174. Vent. S . M . f 113.
In mossy places. Eare. Esculent.
Very variable in size. Sometimes 3 in. or more high, and very much
branched, sometimes a few lines and nearly simple.—M .J .B .
9 6 1 . C la v a z ia fa s t ig ia ta . B.C. “ Fastigiate Clavaria.”
Tough, cæspitose, yellow, slender-stemmed, very much
branched ; branches short, divaricate ; branchlets fastigiate.—
F r .E p ic r .p . 571. Bull. t. 358. f . D. F. Holms-, i.p . 00. with fg .
Fl. Dan. t. 836, f . 2. Fers. Com. t. 4 . / 5. Vaill. t. 8 .f. 4. Ray.
Syn. t. 24. f . 5. Clav. pratensis, Eng. F l. Y.p . 174.
In pastures. Common. [Mid. Carolina.]
Sometimes the apices are yellow and at others brown. Slightly fragrant.
Spores not truly white, pale hnff, irregular ; diameter -00027 in.
9 6 2 . Cla v a z ia m u s c o id e s . L . “ Forked Yellow Clavaria.”
Eather tough, graceful, yellow, slender-stemmed, twice or
thrice forked ; branchlets lunate, acute.—F r .E p ic r .p . 571. Fl.
D a n .t.7 7 5 .f.3 . H o lm .i.p .87. withfig. Schoeff.t.173. Krombh.
t. 53.f . 22, 23. Kl. exs. no. 1123. Bull. t.4 0 6 .f. 0. Q. Clav. cor-
niculata, Eng. F l. Y. p . 174.
In pastures. [Mid. Carolina.]
Taller than the last, solitary, less branched, dry, very smooth, except the
base, whicli is tomentosej bright yellow, resembling somewhat the yolk of an
egg ; branchlets elongated, atfcenuatedj subcompressed, acute, or obtuse.—
Eng. FL