1 0 3 9 . D a c rym y c e s s t i l la tu s . Nees. “ Orange Dacrymyces.”
Nearly round, convex, at lengtli plicate, yellow, then orange.
colour persistent; spores multiseptato.—F r .E p ic r .p . 592. Grev.
S .C .F . t .\ 5 9 . Berh. Outl. t . l 8 , f . 8 . Eng. FI.y .p . 220. Coohe.
exs. no. 336.
On pine rails. [United States.]
Distinguished by its persistent orange colour from D. deliquescms, it is
also smaller, more scattered, less depressed, and firmer. Generally barren.
1 0 4 0 . D a c rym y c e s ch r y so c om u s.
Tul. “ Yellow-fir
Small, yellow, gelatinous, cup-sbaped, at length turning pale.
—Berh. Outl. p. 291. Peziza chrysocoma, B ull. t. 37 6, f . 2 . Eng.
F l. Y . p . 205.
On fir brancbes.
Gen. 5 4 . A P Y R E N IU ia , P r.
Stroma gelatinoso-carnose, fibro-
so-floccose, hollow, inflated ; bymenium
smooth, wben dry collapsed,
pubescent.—Berh. Outl.p. 291.
{Fig. 100.)
Fig. 100.
1 0 4 1 . A p y r en ium l ig n a t il e . Fr. “ Wood-loving
Subglobose, always bollow, mostly somewbat lobed, pallid
yellowisb, or reddish wbite.—Fr. E l. ii.73. 39. Berh. Outl.p. 291.
Pyrenium lignatile, Eng. F l. Y .p. 221. Grev. t. 276.
On rotten wood. Appin. (Fig. 100.)
1 0 4 2 . A p y r en ium a rm en ia cum . B . 4 B r , “ Aprioot-
ooloured Apyrenium.”
Receptacle lobate, sub-gelatinous, apricot-colour; spores
obovate, enucleate, borne a t tb e tips of branched threads. B.
4 Br. A n n .N .H . { 1 8 6 6 ) , n o . l lH , p l . i i . , f . 2 .
On oak sticks. Oct. Batheaston.
Spores '0003 X ‘0005 in. long. This may possibly be a condition of
Bypocrea gdatimsa.
Effused, very tbin, maculæform, agglutinate, between waxy
and gelatinous.—Berh. Outl.p. 291.
1 0 4 3 . H ym en u la p u n c tifo rm is.
B . / B r . “ Point-like Hyme-
Gelatiuous, punctiform, pallid, somewbat undulated; spores
elliptic.—Ann. Nat. Hist. no. 729. Berh. Outl.p. 291.
On decorticated fir poles. Sept. Batheaston.
Punctiform, gelatinous, dirty white or very pale umber, slightly tinged
with yellow, i line broad, slightly undulated, consisting of erect simple
threads ; spores minute ('0002 in.) '005 mm. long. I t has somewhat the appearance
of Peziza vulgaris.—B. & Br.
Gen. 5 6 . DITIOLA, Fr.
Orbicular, margined, patellte-
form. Hymenium discoid, gelatinous,
at first veiled.—Berh.
Outl.p. 291. (Fig. 101.)
Fig. 101.
1 0 4 4 . D it io la la d ic a ta . Fr- “ Booting Ditiola.”
Disc nearly plane, golden-yellow ; stem tbick, villous, wbite,
rooting.—Dr. N.M. ii.p . 170. F l. Dan.t. 2338, f . 1. B is c h .f
3375. Baa. t.22. A ..4 S .t. 8 , f .6 . Eng. F l. y . p . 210. Ann.
N.H. no. 729*.
On pine wood. East Bergbolt. (Fig. 101.)