P O L T P O E E I .
a n g u la r, wb itisli-b row n .— D irD Outl. p . 236. D ichs.i.t. 3, f . 2.
Pers. M .E . 1.19. B.strobilaceus,Fr. Epicr. p. 422. Krombh. t. 4,
/. 28-30,/. 7 4 ,/. 12-13. Eng. F I .y . p. 154.
In fir woods. Eare. Ludlow. Haywood Forest, Hereford.
[Carolina. Canada.]
Spores very dark. Pileus 2 in. broad, tesselated or cracked, like tbe cone
oi the Scotch fir; pores very white; stem 3-4 in. high, thick, solid.—iff. J . A.
Pileus 2-4 in. broad, tough, pulvinate, brown, broken up in tto ^ g t ! thick
projecting scales (like tke cone of the Scotch fir), merging into a thick floc-
cose, ragged and penduloiis, white veil at margin; stem solid, equal, coarsely,
fibrillose, 3-6 in. long, f m. or more thick, brown at the base, and white at
the deeply sulcato-reticulated apex, which runs gradually into the tubes •
tubes white, very large, adnate, or with a decurrent tooth anastomosing •
spores oval, nearly globose, stalked, blackish-brown, ’00038 X ’00053 in.
llie whole plant turns deep sienna-red when cut or bruised.—TT. G. S,
Gen. 2 0 . FOLYPORVS, Fr. Gen. Hym.
Hymenopbore descending into tbe
trama of tbe pores, which are not
easily, if at all, separable, and changed
witb them into a distinct substance.
{Fig. 64.)
Hymenophore descending into the trama
of the pores, which are confluent with the
substance of the pileus, and not easily, if at
all, separable from each other, or from the
hymenophore; the trama, with the pores,
when full grown, being different from the
hymenophore in substance and often in
colour. Pores at first clearly formed by the
perforation of the substance of the pileus,
very minute, imperfect, or entirely absent,
Kg. 64. tben rounded, angular, or lacerated.
Fungi of various forms, at first of an acid odour, not preformed like Boletus,
bnt growing indefinitely. Polyporus is the central genus of the Poly-
pores., more or less approaching in character to all the other genera, as
Agarusus&ooi, to the genera of the Agarwini. The sections of Polyporus
p e founded on structural characters, but the genus might be divided according
to the colour of the spores, like Agaricus.—W.G.S.
Sect. 1. Mesopus—pileus entire, stem distinct.
7 3 5 . F o lyp o zu s b zum a lis. Fr. “ Winter Polyporus.”
Pileus between flesby and coriaceous, subumbilicate, zoneless,
in tbe first season dingy villous, in tbe second squamulose, beP
O L T P O E E I .
coming smootb, pallid ; stem tbin, birsuto-squamulose, pallid ;
pores oblong, angular, slender, acute, denticulate, wbite.—Fr.
Epicr. p . 430. Batsch. f . 42. F l. Dan. 1.1297. B o stk .t.8 . Eng.
Fl. y.p .1 3 5 . A n n .N .H .n o . 343. Krombh. t . 4 . f . 19-21. Fl. ex.
no. 204. Fckl. exs. 1396.
On dead trunks and branches. Eare. [Low. and Mid. Carolina.]
Pileus 1-4 in. broad, nearly plane, depressed in the centre, dingy, clothed
with minute scales, at length fawn-coloured, and nearly smooth. Pores very
slightly angular, white, the dissepiments rather thick. Stem J-3 in. high,
2-4 lin. thick, central, velvety, hirsute or squamulose.^—M .J .B .
7 3 6 . F o lyp o zu s fu s c id u lu s . Fr. “ Yellow-brown Polyporus.”
Pileus flesby, tougb, subeoriaceous, convexo-plane, zoneless,
eveii, yellowish-brown; stem ratber slender, equal, smooth,
pallid; pores adnate, somewhat rounded or angular, obtuse,
quite entire, yellowisb.—F r. Epicr. p . 431. Bolt. 1.170.
Amongst cbips, &c. Eare.
Stem 1-2 in. long, 2 lin. thick, nearly straight, eqnal, or thickened towards
each extremity, tawny or yellowish. Pileus 1-2 in. broad; flesh tough, yellowish
7 3 7 . F o ly p o zu s lep to c e p h a lu s . Fr. “ White-pored Polyporus.”
Pileus tough, coriaceous, convexo-plane, tbin, smootb, zoneless,
even, pallid, tben fawn-coloured; stem sbort, smooth,
pallid; pores adnate, minute, subrotund, obtuse, whitish.—F r.
Epicr. p . 432. Jacq. Misc. i. /. 12. P a u l.t. 164. f . l . Mich.t.70.
f. 1. Eng. F l. v. p. 135.
On trunks. Eare.
Pilens 1 in. broad, tawny-bay, flat, thin, leather-like; pores white, very
short; stem pale or reddish-brown, thick as a crow quill, and about half an
inch high.— With.
7 3 8 . F o ly p o zu s le n tu s . Berh. “ Tough Polyporus.”
Pileus flesby, but tougb, umbilicate, minutely scaly, especially
at f ir s t; stem hispid, furfuraeeous, rather slender, incurved,
central or excentric; pores irregular, decurrent, wbite.—Berk.
Outl.p. 237. /. 16,/. 1. Eng. F l. Y.p. 134.
On old furze stems. Northamptonshire and Notts.
Pileus IJ in. broad, convex or slightly depressed, at first furfuraoeo-squam-
ulose, reddish-brown, at length nearly smooth, ochraceous; the margin
fibrilloso-squamose, of a tough, fleshy substance ; pores large, rather deep,
deeurrent, roundish or subquadrate, at first white ; edges slightly toothed,
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