li fe !
I ' I i
Pilens 1-2 in. broad, at first obtuse, comoo-campannlate, at length inverted,
sometimes strongly umbonate, splitting from the centre, yellow,
orange or scarlet, viscid when moist, when dry pallid, appearing to the eye
fibrillose, but not really so, margin thin, more or less wavy. Gills broad,
ventricose, wrinkled, thick, connected by veins, retaining their colour longer
than the pileus, adnate, witha decurrent tooth in depressed specimens. Stem
14 in. long, 4 in. thick, more or less hollow, sub-flexuous, smooth, though
apparently sub-fibrillose, tough, but easily splitting.—M .J .B . Spores '00016
X -00027 in.
6 7 0 . H y gzophozus m in ia tu s . Fr. “ Vermilion Hygrophorus.”
Fragile. Pileus thin, convex, thin, umbilicate, vermilion, soon
dry, changing colour, opaque, and squamulose; stem somewhat
stuifed, equal, polished, scarlet; gills adnate, distant, yellow, or
yellowisb vermilion.—Fr. Epicr. p. 330. F l.D a n .t. 1009,/. 2.
Krombh. 1. 1 ,/. 29. Bull. t. 570, fig. 2 {smaller figs). Eng. F l. v.
p. 41.
In moist places, on heaths, &c. July. Aug. Common.
Pileus 4-1 iu. broad, obtuse, even, moist but not viscid, turning pale; gills
not decurrent nor conneoted by veins, distant, broad, plane, yellow, with a
tinge of scarlet, or dull yellow; stem 2 in. high, 1 line thick, brittle, even,
shining, at length hollow at the apex.—Dries. Spores '00023 X '00034 iu.
6 7 1 . H y gzophozus p u n ic e u s . Fr. “ Blood-red Hygrophorus.”
F rag ile; pileus flesby, thin, campanulate, obtuse, repand,
even, viscid, blood-scarlet, tben becoming pale ; stem hollow,
thick, ventricose, striate, wbite at the base ; gills adnexed, tbick,
distant, yellow.—F r. Epicr. p. 331. F l. Dan. i. 883, / 1. Bull,
t. 202. Bolt. t. 67, / . 2. Paul. 1. 1 2 0 , / 1,2, 6. Tourn. t. 327, f .
A.B. Eng. F I . y . p . 40.
In meadows. July—Aug.
Pileus 2-4 in. broad, at first campanulate, then plano-convex, broadly
and obtusely umbonate, even, undulated and lobed, irregular, when moist
subviscid, blood-coloured, when dry the ceutre beeoming pale ; gills ventricose,
2-4 lines broad, at length connected by veins, altogether adnate, but,
because of the form of the pileus, appearing free, yellow, varying to whitish-
yellow, and purplish at the base ; stem 3 in. long, 4-f in- thick, attenuated
at both ends, dry, striate, often squamulose at the apex, stuffed when young,
then hollow, yeUowish, or of the colour of the pileus.—Dries.
5 7 2 . H y gzophozus obzusse-ns. Fr. “Golden Yellow Hygrophorus.”
Fragile, bright golden yellow; pileus fleshy, thin, conico-convex,
obtuse,flexuose, ratherdry; stemhollow,sub-compressed, smootb,
even; gills adnate, ventricose, thick, distant.—F r. Epicr.p. 331.
Batt. 1. 19, D. Bolt. t. 68. Ann. N .H . no. 798.
In woods. Oct. Rare. Mossburnford.
Remarkable for its bright gold-coloured pileus, and adnate ventricose gills.
■"Klfnf2.3 in. broad, flexuons, suh-lohate; stem thick, 3 '
pressed, 3 in.long, Jin . thick, or broader when compressed, sulphur-coloured,
tawny at the base.
5 7 3 , Hygrophorus c o n ic u s , Fr, “ Conical Hygrophorus.
Fragile; pileus submembranaceous, conical, acute, smooth,
somewhat lobed, at length expanded, and rimose ; stem bollow,
cylindrical, fibroso-striate; gills attenuated, f e e , ventricose,
thin, rather crowded.—Dr. Dpfer. p. 331. Schæff. t. 2 Sow. t
381. Batsch. f . 28. B ull. t. 50, 5 2 4 ,/. 3. B^ng. F l. v. p. 40.
Smith. P .M .f . 2. . ^ V n
In pastures. Common. [Low. and Mid. Carolina.]
Pileus 1-2 inches high, acutely conic, variously waved and
viscid when moist or young, juicy, turning black as do®s the P
when broken or bruised, orange, yellow, scarlet, b r o w n , dusky, Æo., ™riou8
colours often blended together; gills thick, fleshy,
ffind free or adnexed, yellowish with frequently a cinereous tinge ; stem 3-4
In bug, 2 - 4 Unes th ilL often splitting fibrilloso-striate, coloured hke the
pileus.-iff. J. B. Spores '0004 X '00025 in. ( J fe-
5 7 4 . H y gzophozus chlo zop h an u s.
Dr. “ Sulphury Hygro-
Fragile ; pileus submembranaceous, convex, obtuse, somewbat
lobed, striate; stem hollow, equal, even, viscid; gills adnexed,
ventricose, thin, ratber distant, becoming whitish.—Dr. Epicr.p.
332. B. 4 Br. Ann. N .H . no. 033. Krombh. t. 3, f . 6,7.
Amongst grass and moss. King’s Cliffe.
Stem hollow, equal, rarely compressed, 2-3 in. ; TsuaU!
viscid when moist, shining when dry, yellow ; P."®"®
bright sulphur-yellow, sometimes red, viscid ; gills emarginate, adnexeo,
with a small decurrent tooth.
6 75. H y g z o p h o z u s p s i t t a c i n u s . Dr. “ Parrot Hygrophorus.”
Pileus tbin, campanulate, then expanded, nmbonate, somewhat
striate, clothed witb green evanescent gluten, as well as "of-
low, tough, even stem ; gills adnate, ventricose, thick, distan ,
greemsh.— F r .E p ic r .p . 332. Schoeff. t. 301. Grev t.7 4 . Bull.
I 545,/. 1. Batt. t. 21, E. Sow. t. 82. Huss 1. 1. 41 E n g .F l. v.
p. 39. Gard. Chron. 1860, p. 240. Vent. t. 42, / . 1-3. ^
In fields, &c. Common, [Mid. Carolina.]
Pileus 1 in. broad, conical, at length
the margin turning up, smooth, glutinous, green at P ^ V ®
yellow of various intensity, often cracking; gills slightly adnate, brignt