f Jijl:
Gen. 13 . K A R A S ia iU S , Fr.
Spores wbite, sub-elliptical ; pileus
tougb, flesby, or membranaceous ;
stem central (in one species it is
absent), confluent witb tbe bymenopbore,
but of a different texture ;
gills tbick, tougb, and coriaceous,
confluent at tbe base, generally distant,
and rarely decurrent, witb a
sbarp entire edge. (Fig. 55.;
H ab. Epiphytal, or growing on
decayed leaves, or tbe roots of grasses.
This genus, closely allied to Collyhia,
commences the series of Agarics that are
not putrescent, bnt which dry up with drought, and come to life with rain.
This biological character is of great importance ; by its neglect species nearly
related have been widely separated. The texture of all the species is tough,
distinguishing them from the preceding. The species are mostly small and
slender. Some are edible, others have an offensive, foetid, or alliaceous
smell.—17. (?.N.
Sect. 1. CollyhicB.
6 5 4 . B la ra sm iu s u z e n s . Fr. “ Stinging Marasmius.”
Acrid. Pileui between fleshy and coriaceous, convex, tben
plane, smooth, even, at length wrinkled or rivulose ; stem flbrous,
solid, rigid, pallid, mealy with wbite fibrils, and clotbed witb
white down at tbe base ; gills free, joined behind, pallid, somewhat
yellowisb, becoming brownish, at length remote, distant,
firm.—Dr. Epicr. p. 373. B u ll t. 628,f . 1. Fl.Dan. t. 2018,/. 1.
Berh. O u tl.t.I4 ,f.3 . Ann. N .H .n o .276. P r ic e ,/.13. Smith.
P .M .f. 30.
In woods.
Gregarious, cæspitose. Stem 2-3 in. long, 3 lin. thick, equal, clothed
everywhere with white flocci, pallid, viUous at the base. Pilens 2-3 in. broad,
pinkish-tawny ; margin thin, involute. Taste acrid, stinging. Spores ‘0001
X -00012 in.
6 5 5 . M a za sm iu s p e z o n a tu s . Fr. “ Masked Marasmius.”
Acrid. Pileus between coriaceous and membranaceous, convexo
plane, opaque, at length lacunose ; margin striate ; stem
fibrous, stuffed, outer coat villous, yellow, tben rufescent, base
peronate and strigose ; gills adnexed, seceding, ratber tbin and
crowded, pallid, tben rufescent.—F r.E p ic r.p . 373. Bolt. t. 58.
Sow. t. 37. Fl. Dan. t. 2018, / . 2. Berh. Outl. 1.14,/. 4. Eng. Fl.
Y.p. 47. Goohe, B .F . 1.14, f . 2 . Berh. exs. n o .126.
In woods, amongst leaves. Common.
Pileus 1-24 in. broad, convex or campanulate, at length expanded, sometimes
umbonate, carnoso-coriaceons, subrufescent or yellowish, pallid when
dry, clothed with a minute matted silkiness. Gills of the colour of the pileus,
with a yellowish margin, distant, rounded behind, almost free. Stem 2-3
in high, 2 lines thick, solid above and downy, hollow below, and there covered
with dense yellow strigæ. Taste acrid.—Af. J. B. Spores pip-shaped, -00028
X -00015 in. (Fiy. 55, reduced.)
6 5 6 . M a za sm iu s po z z eu s. Fr. “ Garlic Marasmius.”
Strong scented. Pileus between coriaceous and membranaceous,
convex, tben expanded, striate, floccid, disc of the same colour,
even ; stem stuffed, tben bollow, tough, without juice, incrassated
at either end, reddish-brown, pubescent ; gills free, seceding,
distant, firm, yellowisb, becoming pallid.—Fr. Epicr. p . 374.
Sow. t. 81. Bull. t. 158. Eng. F l. v. p. 48.
In woods, amongst leaves. Sept.—Nov.
Smell strong of garlic, persistent sometimes for years in dried specimens.
Pileus i-1 in. broad, plane, slightly depressed, dirty white, with a brownish
shade, paler on the margin, which is memhranaoeous, and regularly striate.
Gills nearly free, paler than the pileus, slightly connected by veins. Stem
2-3 in. high, 2-3 lines thick, velvety, albido-pulverulent, rufescent, tomentose
below, pale above, fistulose.—AT./.A. Spores pip-shaped, '00015 X '00025
6 5 7 . M a za sm iu s o z ead es. Fr, “ Fairy-ring Champignon.”
Pileus flesby, tough, convexo-plane, tben somewbat umbonate,
smooth, growing pale ; stem solid, equal, naked, witb a villous
interwoven coat, pallid, base naked ; gills free, broad, distant,
cream-coloured.—F r .E p ic r .p . 375. B o lt.t.161. Grev.t. 323.
Vitt. 1.1 0 ,/. 1. Krombh. t. 43, f . 11-16. Sow. t. 247. Schoeff. t. 77.
Bull. t.l4 4 , 628, f . 2 . Paul. t . l 0 3 , f . 1-4. Price f . 11. Coohe,
B.F. 1.14, f . 1. Berh. Outl. 1.14, f . 5. Eng. F l .Y.p. 48. Gard.
Chron. (1860), p. 190. Trans. Woolh. Cl. (1867), t. xii. Smith.
E .M .f. 28. Badh. i. t. 8 , f 3, ii. t. 7 . / 4.
In exposed pastures, forming rings. Common. Esculent.
[Mid. Carolina.]
Gregarious. Pileus i - l i in. broad, smooth, fleshy, convex, at length nearly
plane, more or less nmbonate, generally more or less compressed and sinuate,
tough, coriaceous, elastic, wrinkled, and sometimes cracked, watery brown,
as it becomes dry cream-coloured, margin pale; flesh white, quite distinct
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