i t
On the ground, in pine woods. Esculent.
[Mid. & Up. Carolina.]
Pileus 2-5 in. broad, tliiok and flesby, plane, or slightly convex, and
rounded at the margin, at length somewhat hollowed iu the ceutre, varying
from reddisli to mouse-brown, scaly; scales imbricated, numerous, the central
ones being often mere cracked portions of the pileus, which render that
part tesselated ; flesh pale-buffish or reddish ; spines entire, numerous,
yery short, of nearly equal length, greyish-white ; stem 1-2 in. thick, firm,
irregular, whitish.—Grev. Spores round, tuberoulated, pale yellowish, brown,
•00025 X-0002 iu.
8 4 3 . H yd n um fragile. Fr. “ Fragile Hydnum.”
Pileus fleshy, fragile, sub-repand, undulate and lobed, at first
pubescent, tben nearly smooth, commonly oven, but sometimes
minutely squamulose, at first pallid, then cinereous or brick-red;
margin and flesli grey, somewhat zoned ; stem unequal, sbort
and thick, or elongated ; spines scarcely decurrent, much elongated,
slender, very fragile, whitish, tben grey.—Fr. Mon. U .S .
ii. p. 275. Bergeret. i. t. 13. B . 4 Br. Ann. N .II. 1865, no. 1024.
Amongst heath. Ascot.
This fine species, which attains a diameter of several inches, was included
in Fr. Sys. Myc. under I I . lævigatum, from which it is now very properly
separated.—A/. J. B.
** Spines immutable, whitish.
8 4 4 . H y d n um r ep an d um . L. “ Spreading Hydnum.”
Pileus fleshy, compact, subrepand, nearly smooth, pallid ; stem
deformed, pallid ; spines unequal, of the same colour. —F r. Epicr.
p. 506. F l.D a n .t. 310. I io q .t.2 ,f.2 . Harz. t . 23. Bisch.f.
3430. S o w .t.nO . Schoeff. t.318. Kromhh. t. 50, f . l -9. Vitt.
Mang. t. 25, f . 2. Paid. t. 35. Coohe,B.F. 1 .16,/. 2. Berh.Outl. 1.17
f. 2. Badh. i. 1 12, f . 3, ii. t. 8, / 3,4 . Vent. t. 2 7 ,/. 4-6, t. 28, f . l!
2. Smith, E .M .f. 22. Huss.i. t.16. Eng. F I . y .p . 155. Grev.t.
44. B u l l . t . l l 2 . Berh. exs. n o .141. Gard. Chron.[l860),p. 121,
fg . Trans. Woolh. CL 1869. Barla. t. 32,f . 1-9.
var. r u fe s c e n s . Pr. Entire plant reddish.—Dr. Epicr. p.
506. B o lt.t. 89. Schoeff. 1.141.
On the ground, in woods. Common. [United States.]
Subgregarious ; pileus 2-4 in. broad, the margin more or less arched, very
irregular in form, often excentric, or even laterally stipitate, more or less
lobed or undulated, bulfish or subru'esoent, smooth, or frequently decidedly
tomentose ; spines unequal, conical, entire, or sometimes bifid or laciniated,
and even oompresed and lamellated, sometimes forming spurious pores.
Stem l|-3 in. high, 1 in. thick, solid, paler than the pileus, sometimes
clothed with white down, and at the apex with abortive spines.—Af. J . A.
Spores white, or with a suggestion of yellow, round, with an obtuse apioulus
at one end. Diameter '00022 in. (Fig. 71, reduced.)
Lignosa—pileus corky or coriaceous.
* Spines discoloured ; spores brownisb.
8 4 5 . H y d n um compac tu rn . Fr. “ Compact Hydnum.”
Pileus corky, compact, undulato-tuberoulose, without zones,
olivaceo-cinereous or brownish, commonly involved in wbitisb
down, internally variegated with blue ; stem very short, deformed,
tawny-brown; spines brownisb, pallid at tbe tips.—Dr.
E p ic r.p .501. KromhJi.t. 50,f . 12. S tr .S tu rm .t.l. Batsch.f.221.
Eng. FL Y. p . 156. Babh. F .E . no. 803. Vent. t. 28, f . 3, 4.
On tbe ground, on heaths, and fir woods. Rare.
[Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
Irregular, confluent inodorous, resembling a thick, shapeless crust. Pileus
1-6 in. broad, thick, r idily imbibing moisture, clotted with down of the
same colour, or dirty white. Spines equal, chestnut; stem corky, obsolete
or very thick.—Dries,
Spines discoloured ; spores ferruginous.
8 4 6 . H yd n um z o n a tum . Batsch. “ Zoned Hydnum.”
Ferrugmous; pileus equally coriaceous, thin, expanded, sub-
infundibuliform, zoned, becoming smooth, radiato-rugose ; margin
paler, ste rile; stem slender, nearly equal, floccose, tuberous
at the base ; spines slender, pallid, then of tbe same colour as
the pileus.—Dr. Epicr. p. 509. KL exs. no. 1715. Batsch. f .
224. Nees.f. 242. Ann. N .H . no. 360.
In woods. Rare. [United States.]
A small variety has been found at Ascot, remarkable for an appearance in
the spines like that of shot silk. Spores ferruginous.—A. 4: Ar. Ab®. D.H.
1865,72,0. 1025.
Spines immutable ; spores whitish.
8 4 7 . H y d n um n ig zum . Dr. “ Black Hydnum.”
Pileus corky, rigid, tomentose, zoneless, blue-black, within
and the stout stem black; margin and spines white.—Fr. Epicr.
yi.509. M i c h . t . l 2 ,f 5 . B a ts c h .f 223. Seem. J o u r .1868,p.334.
Fr. leones, t. 5. Br. Bath. Trans. 1870, j3. 86.