1 3 0 9 . S e p to iia B ad h am ia . B .A B r . “ Vine-leaf Septoria.”
Peritbeoia sub-conglomerate, brown ; spores clavate, elongated,
sligbtly thickened.— Cooke exs. no. 206. B . & B r. Ann. N .H .
no. 748, ¿ .1 5 ,/. 9.
On vine leaves. Oct. Common.
Forming little brownish specks on either side o fthe leaf, consisting of a
few sub-conglomerate peritheoia ; spores oblong, clavate '002 in. ('05 m.m.)
long ; endochrome sometimes retracted to one end, containing a few minute
granules, very rarely there are one or two septa.—B. A B r .
1 3 1 0 . S e p to iia p o ly g o n o ium . Besm. “ Polygonum Septoria.”
Epipbyllous ; spots small, rounded, tawny, with a purplish
border ; peritbeoia innate, very minute, pale-brown, pierced, at
length concave ; spores linear, curved, with numerous sporules.
—Desm. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1842, xvii. )». 108. Desm. exs. no. 1171.
B. S; Br. A n n .N .H .n o .! 49.
On living Polygonum. Autumn.
The spores are unequal in length, from (•025-'03 m.m.) -0009-'001 in.
1311. S e p to iia c o n v o lv u li. Besm. “ Bindweed Septoria.”
Epipbyllous ; spots orbicular, tben confluent and irregular,
dingy brown or whitish ; peritheoia innate, minute, blackisb-
brown, pierced ; spores elongated, linear, curved or straight.—
Desm. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1842, xvii. p. 108. Septoria convolvulicola,
A n n .N .H.no. 195. S.fuscella, Berk. M .S . Cooke,exs.no. 127. Kl.
exs. no. 1862. Cooke. L .F . no. 65.
On living bindweed. Summer.
Spores *001»*0015 in. (’03-'04 m.m.) long.
1 3 1 2 . S e p to iia c o in ic o la . Besm. “ Dogwood Septoria.”
Spots orbicular, greyish, circumscribed by a darker line ; perithecia
scattered, rounded, depressed in the centre.—Desm. Ann.
Sc. Nat.. Sphoeria cornicola, Fr. SM . ii. p . 530. Berk. Mag.
Zool. 4 Bot.no. 54. Cooke exs.no. 136. Berk.exs. n o .135. Cooke
L .F . no. 64.
On leaves of dogwood. Common.
In Berkeley’s “ Outlines” this is said to be the Hendersonia cornicola of
Currey, evidently by a slip of the pen, since the Hendersonia is found on the
twigs, and is a very different thing (agreeing with Currey’s description) from
the Septoria on the leaves. -
1 3 1 3 . S e p to iia h e t e io c h io a . Besm. “ Varicoloured Septoria.”
Spots scattered, small, rounded, greyisb-brown, tben wbite,
with a brown border; perithecia few, brown, at length black,
pierced, concave when dry ; spores linear, slender, straight or
curved.— Ann. Sc. N at. 1347, y \\\. p. 22. Sphoeria (Depazea)
vagans, Fr. S .M . ii.p . 532. Berk. Ann. N .H . no. 105. Berk. exs.
no. 188. Cooke exs. no. 140.
On leaves of Lamium alhum. Mallow, &c.
1 3 1 4 . S e p to iia s tem m a te a . Berk. “ Cowberry Septoria.”
Epipbyllous, gregarious ; perithecia globose, minute, seated
upon rounded bleached spots.—Sphoeria (Depazea) stemmatea,
Fr. S .M. ii.p. 528. Berk. Ann. N .H . no. 192.
On living leaves of Vaccinium Vitis Idea.
13 1 5 . S e p to iia g iam in um . Besm, “ Grass Septoria.”
Spots oblong, pallid, surrounded by a more or less distinct
darker line ; perithecia obscurely disposed in lines, immersed ;
spores linear, straight, or curved.—Desm. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1843,
xix.yj. 339. Sphoeria (Depazea) graminicola. Berk. exs. no. 186.
Ann. N .H . no. 103. Cooke, exs. no. 208.
On grass. [Low. Carolina.]
The perithecia are so minute as scarcely to be visible to the naked eye.
1 3 1 6 S e p to iia h e d e iæ . Besm. “ Ivy Septoria.”
Spots dirty-white, surrounded by a broad brown border ; perithecia
gregarious, globose, naked, opaque, atlength black ; spores
linear, slender, straight.-—Desm. exs. no. 341. Ann. Sc. N at. A cs..
p . 340. Sphoeriahederoecola, Fr. S .M .ii.p . 523. E n g .F I .y .p . 279.
Moug. exs. no. 663. Cooke, exs. no. 126. Fckl. exs. no. 503.
On ivy. Common.
13 1 7 . S e p to iia p o p u li. Besm. “ Poplar Septoria.”
Spots wbite, or greyish, witb a brown border; perithecia
hypopbyllous, scattered, depressed, soon splitting all round ;
spores elongated, obtuse, curved, nniseptate.— exs. no. 1731.
Ann.Sc. N at. 1843. s is . pp. 345. Sphoeriafrondicola,Fr.Ohs. ii.¿.
5 ,f. 6, 7. S.M. ii.p. 529. Eng. F l. Y.p. 280. Moug. exs. no. 369.
Cooke exs.no. 145. Kl.exs.no. 1958.
On poplar leaves. Autumn.