, It
' 1
‘t !■
1 3 8 9 . Stilb o sp o ra o v a ta . Pers. “ Ovate Stilbospora.”
Stroma scarcely any ; spores ovate, triseptate, septa sometimes
obsolete.—Pers. Obs. i. t. 2 ,/. 2. Eng. F l. y .p . 357. Grev.
t. 212,/. 2. Fr. S .M . iii.)». 485. S . pyriformis, Hoffm. F. G. ii. i.
1 3 ,/. 2. Fries, exs. no. 214. Gorda. iii./. 61. Bisch.f. 3890.
On dead twigs. [United States.]
1 3 9 0 . Stilbo spo ra a n g u s ta ta . P. “ Narrow Stilbospora.”
Stroma scarcely any ; spores cylindrical, 4-5 septate.—Fr.
S .31. iii. p. 485. Berh. Mag. Zool. / Bot. no. 36.
On Gornus sanguinea. [United States.]
(Fig. 180.)
1 3 9 1 . S tilb o sp o ra maozosperma. P.
“ Large-spored
Stroma scarcely any, spores oval-oblong, quadriseptate.—Pers.
Disp. t. 3.f . 13. Nees. f . 17. Fchl.exs.no. 82. Sporidesmhm,
Gorda. Sturm.t. 21. Bisch. f . 3879. S c h n z l.t.l2 ,f.l6 -1 8 . Fres.
t. 7 , / 46-52. Hooh. Journ. 1851, iii. i. 9 , / 9. P a y .f. 254. Rabh.
F .E . no. 180.
On oak branches, &c. [Mid. Carolina.]
The stylosporous fruit of SpluRria (Massaria) inquinans.
Gen. 1 4 3 . ASTERO SPO RIUM, Kunze.
Spores stellate, septate, oozing out
in a black mass.—Berh. Outl.p. 324.
(D i/1 8 1 .)
1 3 9 2 . A s te z o sp o z ium H o tfm anni.
M. 4 N “ Star-spored Fungus.”
Stroma floccose or grumous ; spores
stellate, septate, brownisb, or sligbtly
coloured—Moug. exs. no. 669. Fres.t.
5 ,f. 10-13. Gurr. M icr. Jour. iv. 1.11,/.
1-9. Stilbospora asterosperma, Pers. S yn .p . 96. Hoffm. F .G.ii.
t. 13,f . 3 . Fr. S .M .iii.p . 484. Eng. F I . y ,p .356. Gooheexs.no.
211. Fckl. exs. no. 81.
On twigs of beech. Common. [Mid. Carolina.]
Easily known by the stellate spores. (Fk/181.)
Gen. 1 4 4 . CORYNEUM, Kunze.
Fig. 182.
On beecb twigs.
Spores '0065 in. (B.C.)
Spores separate, seated on a cushionlike
stroma.—Berk. Outl. p. 324. Eng.
F I .y . p . 355. {F ig .182.)
1 3 9 3 . Cozyneum maozospozum.
Berk. “ Large-spored Coryneum.”
Disc sligbtly depressed ; spores fusiform
7-12 septate, pellucid above, greatly
elongated, and curved back.—Eng, Fl. y.
p . 355. Rabh. F.E . no. 75. Sporidesmium
vermiforme. Fres. ii. t. 6 ,f. 56-58.
This is said to be the Conidia of Melogrammas
1 3 9 4 . Cozyneum p u lv in a tum . Kze. “ Pulvinate Coryneum.” ]
Disc sub-rotund, pulvinate, convex, spores oblong, obtuse,
brown ; sporophores cylindrical.—Kunze. M .H . i. t. 2, f . 19.
Moug. exs. no. 574. Eng. F I .y .p .355. Fr. S.M.Hi. p. 474. Fchl.
exs. no. 1654. Bon. 1.12,/. 240.
Cn dead sycamore. [Mid. Carolina.]
Spores '003 in.
1 3 9 5 . Cozyneum d isc ifo zm e . Kke. “ Discoid Coryneum.”
Pustules disc-like, flattened ; spores clavate, sporophores attenuated.—
Kunze. M. H. i. p . 76, / . 18. B. 4 Br. Ann. N .H . no.
450. P a y .f. 356. Bisch.f. 3893. Goohe exs. no. 351. Rahh. F .E .
no. 278. Dora. i. 1 2 ,/2 3 9 .
Cn dead birch.
var. /3. e llip t ic u m . B. 4 Br. Bursting transversely through
the bark, large, elliptic, pulvinate ; stroma thick wbite, black
towards the edges, consisting of closely packed elongated cells ;
spores fusiform, multiseptate, articulations slightly constricted ;
endochromes granular, containing generally two transversely arranged
globules.—Ann. N.H . no. 450.
Cn trunks of bircb. King’s Cliffe.