On wood. Jan. Weybridge.
Distingmshed by tbe acutely fluted, long flexuous stem. Spiral threads
simple and detached, short, very pale yellow, with very delicate markings,
each extremity of the thread tapering gradually to a very long thin point,
the spiral markings not extending into the narrow extremities of the threads.”
— Curr.
1181. T z ic h ia se r ó tin a . Schrad. “ Late Trichia.”
Scattered ; peridmm obovate, bay ; stem brown, even; capillitium
and spores yellowisb.—Fr. N.M.iii.)». 184. Fng. F I .y .p.
310. Schrad. J o u r .n i9 , t.3 , f , 2. Fl. D a n .t.l6 8 0 ,f.2 . Fchl.
exs. no. 1436.
On rotten wood. Appin. Bristol. [United States.]
1 1 8 2 . T z ic h ia f a l la x . P. “ Irregular Trichia.”
Gregarions, peridia turbinate, at first vermillion-red, then clay-
colonr, plaited below as well as tbe stem, capillitium dusky-ocbre,
as also are the spores.—Dr. N.M. iii.p. 185. Eng. F I . y . p . 319.
S c hm id .I c .t.3 3 ,f.l. B u ll.t. I l l , f.2 . P e r s .O h s .i.t.3 ,f.4 ,5 .
N e e s .f.113. D?. Da», i. 467,/. 2, i. 2088,/. 3. Jacq. Aust. t.299.
Wig. Ann. Sc. N at. (1862), xvi. 1.1 4 ,/. 14,15. Bisch.f. 3674. Kl.
exs. no. 931. Fchl. exs. n o .1435.
On rotten wood. [United States.]
Peridium at first globose, when adult top-shaped, even above and thin,
oiroumsoissile, firm below and plicate, as well as the stem. Colour dark and
dusky yellow, sometimes shining, sometimes opaque. Spores ovate. When
yonng of a beautiful vermillion-red, which, when dried prematurely, it sometimes
retains, though often assuming a black hue.
1 1 8 3 . T z ic h ia c la v a ta . P. “ Clavate Trichia.”
Gregarions; peridium obovate, yellow, sbining, even; stem
rugose, of tbe same colour, capillitium and spores ochraceous.
—Dr. N.-M. iii.p. 186. E n g .F I.y .p . 320. Sturm.t. 25. Moug.
exs. no. 284. Wig. Ann. Sc. Nat. (1862), xvi. t. 15, / . 1-3. Fl.
Dan. t. 2089,/. 1. Bisch.f. 3668. Fchl. exs. no. 1434. T. pyri-
foimis. Sow. t. 400, f . 6.
On decayed wood. [United States.]
Stem constantly present, but variable, sometimes long and sornetimes
short, rugose, attenuated downwards, of the same colour as the pmdium, or
rufescent at the base. Peridium rather large, usually even, dehiscing irregularly
; the lower part, which has a shining, transparent, skinny ^,
ance, remains when the capillitium and spores have vanished, and in this
state resembles a GmieriMm.-“ Tbe threads form an extensive complicated
capillitium, in which it is rarely, if ever, possible to trace a single thread
from one extremity to the other, and their colour ia darker than in T. cerim.
The markings also are strongly defined.”—Citrr.
1 1 8 4 . T z ich ia c e z in a . Bitm. “ Waxy Trichia.”
Solitary, peridium egg-sbaped, olivaceous wax-colour; stem
elongated, dingy, spores globose, and as well as tbe threads of
tbe colour of the peridium.—Sturm, i. t. 25. Curr. Quart. Jour.
Micr. Y. p . 127. Trich. clavata (). olivaceus. Fr. S .M . iii.)». 186.
On decayed wood. Sept. Near Swansea.
The threads are pale-coloured, and taper gradually to a very thin point at
each extremity; the spiral markings are very delicate, and the threads themselves
are simple, detached from one another, and of a definite and moderate
* * Goniospora.
1185. T z ic h ia n ig z ip e s . P. ‘ Black-stemmed Trichia.”
Gregarious, peridia variable in form, even, yellowisb, stem
very short, blackisb, capillitium and spores ocbraceous-yellow.—
Fr. S .M . iii.p. 186. Bull. t. 417, f 2. Pers. Ic. / Des. 1.1 4 ,/. 3.
Fl. Dan. t. 1 3 1 3 ,/ 2. Mich. t. 96, / 4. Gurr. Quart. Jour. Micr.
Y .p . 128—iii. t. 2, f . 4. Wig. Ann. Sc. Nat. xvi. 1.15, f . 5-6. Kl.
exs. no. 1025. Fckl. exs. no. 1433.
On rotten wood. Kent and Surrey. [United States.]
Threads rather short and obtusely pointed, smooth, slightly constricted between
the spirals.
1186. T z ic h ia tu zb in a ta . With. “ Top-shaped Trichia.”
Crowded; peridia obovate, sessile, even,ocbraceous-tancolour,
capillitium and spores ocbre.—Fr. S.M. iii. p . 187. Eng. Fl. v.
p. 320. Hall, t.48, f . l . F l.D a n .t.l3 1 3 , f . l . Sow.t. 85. Kl.
exs. no. 762. Wig. Ann. Sc. Nat. (1862) xvi. 1.15, / . 6. Clathrus
turbinatus. Bolt. t. 94. f . 3.
On rotten wood. Common. [United States.]
1187. T z ic h ia ch zy so sp ezm a .
-D. C. “ Tellow-spored
Crowded, peridia rounded, subsessile, cinnamon yellow, capil-
litum and spores ochraceous golden-yellow.—Dr. N.M. iii.p. 187.
Eng.F I . y . p . 320. B a ts c h .f. 113. Bull. t. 411, f . 4. Trichia
nitens. Grev. t. 281. Curr. Micr. Jour. iii. t. 2 ,f. 1-3. Wig. Ann.
Sc. Nat. (1862), xvi. 1.15, f 13-17,1.16,/. 1-5. F l. Dan. t. 2089.
f.2 .