I ■ il
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9 5 1 . Cyp h e lla c a p u la . Fr. “ Stalked Cyphella. ”
Membranaceous, obliquely campanulate, extended into a curved
stem, smootb, wbitisb ; margin irregular, sinuated ; hymenium
even.—Fr. Epior. p. 568. Holms, ii. t. 22. F l. Dan. 1.1970,/. 3.
Coohe exs. no. 275.
On dead stems. [United States.]
liooks very much like a Peziza. I t is sometimes yellow.
9 5 2 . C y p h e lla G o ld h a ch ii. F r. “ Villous Cyphella.”
Membranaceons, cup-sbaped, urceolato-concave, sessile, externally
villous, white; bymenium even, pallid.—Fr. Epicr. p . 569.
Sturm, t. 63. Ann. N .H . no. 720.
On dead leaves of Aira ccespitosa. Spye Park, Wilts.
Differs from C. mticulosa iu its villous coat.
9 5 3 . C yp h e lla C u rr ey i. B e r k “ Currey’s Cyphella.”
Gregarious, sometimes sligbtly crowded, pezizseform, white,
externally villons.—B. 4 B r. Ann. N . Hist. no. 935.
On twigs of broom, furze, elm, &o.
This resembles very closely Peziza aibo-violascens, but has the true fruit of
a Cyphella. I t is probably the incomplete state of some Peziza.
9 5 4 . C yp h e lla fu lv a . B . Sp Par. “ Tawny Cyphella.”
Membranaceous, cup-sbaped, tbe mouth more or less directed
downwards, tawny, externally tomentose. Spores ovate, '0006
in. long.—D. 4 Rav. Ann. N .H . no. 936.
On dead bark. [S. Carolina, U. S.]
The American specimens are generally fasciculate.
9 5 5 . C y p h e lla c u t ic u lo s a . Fr. “ Dickson’s Cyphella.”
Membranaceons, white, diaphanous, at first oblong, tben cup-
sbaped, elongated into a stem, smooth externally.'—Dichs. iii. t.
9 ./. 11. Fr. S.M. i i . p . 201. Berh. O u tl.p .218. Eng. F I . y . p .
On dried grass stems. Oct.—Feb.
Not found since the time of Dickson.
Gen. 4 3 . SO L EN IA, Pers.
Cups tubular, cylindrical; mouth
narrowed, inferior, or turned downwards.
{Fig. 86.)
This genns has been placed amongst the
Discomyoetes from neglect of its mode of
fruiting; the spores are produced as in
Fig. 86.
9 5 6 . S o le n ia c a n d id a . Hoffm. “White Solenia.”
Scattered, cylindrical, smootb, wbitisb.—Hoffm. Dent. F l. t. 8]
/ 1. Br. Bath. Trans. 1870, p. 90. Bisch.f. 3391. Kl. exs. no.
n rotten beecb. Jan. Batheaston. [Low. Carolina.]
9 5 7 . S o le n ia o c h ia c e a . Hoffm. “ Ochrey Solenia.”
Scattered, clavato-oylindrical, subtomentose, ochraceous.—
Hoffm. Dent. F l. t. 8. f . 2. Sow. t. 369. f . 3. Br. Bath. Trans.
1870,)5. 90. B is c h .f. 3392. Kl. exs.ii. no. 232. Fchl. exs.no.
I IM . Peziza anomala, Eng. F l. Y.p .199. Berh. exs. no. 260.
Trichia faginea, Johnst. F .B .ii. p . 191.
On dead trees. [Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
•00025 X -0003 in.
Order V. C L A V A R IE I.
Hymenium scarcely distinct from the bymenopbore, vertical,
amphigenous, reaching to tbe very apex, even, or at length
wrinkled. Never incrusting or coriaceous.—F r. Epicr.p. 570.
Fleshy, frondose, and la o in ia te .........................
Stem not distinct —
Fleshy, hymenium d r y .........................
Gelatinous, then horny; hymenium viscid . .
Stem more or less distinct—
Flaccid, stem tiiread-like, hymenium waxy.
Waxy, then horny, cellular (sometimes fibrous)
V' 1