Operculum distinct, chalky.
1 1 4 9 . Craterium p e d u n c u la tum . Trent. “ Stalked Craterium.”
Peridium cyathiform, subcernuous, chestnut, operculum firm,
chalk-white ; stem elongated, even, saffron-yellow ; spores black.
—Dr. N.M.iii.)). 150. Eng. F I . y .p . 316. Mich. t. 86, f . 13.
Hoffm. Cr. t. 2 ,f. 2. Sturm, iii. t. 9. N e es.f. 120. Chev. t. 4 ,f. 26.
Bisch.f. 3666. Kl.exs. ii.no. 139. Fchl. exs. no. 1453.
On mosses, sticks, leaves, &c. [Mid. Carolina.]
Gregarious, stems capillary, equal, even, shining, base adnate to a very
delicate, membranaceous, whitish hypothallus, soon vanishing. Peridium
cup-shaped, somewhat nodding, dark bright brown ; operculum plane, orbicular,
seated below the prominent margin ; flocci white ; spores black, globose.
(Fig. 130.)
1 1 5 0 . Craterium p y r ifo rm e . JDltm. “ Pear-shaped Craterium.”
Peridium pyriform, nearly erect, ochraceous, as well as tbe
sbort even stem ; operculum firm, chalk-wbite ; spores black.—
Dr. N.M. iii. )). 150. Sturm.t.lO. Bisch. f.3 6 6 7 . P a y . f .518.
Fchl. exs. no. 1454.
On bark. Appin.
Constantly differing from C. pedunculatum in the form and colour ofthe
peridium, and in the shorter stem. Peridinm generally contracted above.
* * Operculum circumscissile, parting from tbe peridmm.
1151. Craterium m in u tu rn . F r. “ Little Craterium.”
Peridium pyriform, erect, yellowisb ; operculum convex, of
tbe same colour ; stem sbort, even, rufescent ; spores black.—
Dr. N.M-. iii.)). 151. Eng. F I . y . p . 316. B u ll.t. 484, f . 1. Cy-
athus minutus. Sow. t. 239.
On moss leaves, &o. Common.
sile, of the same colour, growing whitish. This is the commonest species.
*** Operculum very delicate, evanescent.
1 1 5 2 . Craterium le u c o c e p h a lum . B itm. “White-headed
Peridium turbinate, erect, bright brown, growing pale, operculum
very tbin, evanescent ; stem striate, bay ; flocci wbite ;
spores black.—Dr. N.M.iii. p. 153. Eng. F I.y . p. 316. Mich. t.
86, f . 14. Grev. t. 65. Cyathus cinereus. Purt. t. 35. Hoffm. F l. 9.
t. 6 , f 1. F l. Dan. 1.1314, f . 2. Sturm, t. 11. B isch .f. 3665.
On various substances. [United States.]
Hypothallus, or orbicular spot, bay, soon obsolete; peridium top-shaped,
at first bay, tben becoming paler, yellowish, or whitish-mealy with age.
1153. Csaterium m u ta b ile . Fr. “ Changeable Craterium.”
Peridium sub-rotund, or turbinate, lacerated, erect; base, and
sbort striate stem, golden-yellow, flocci yellowisb ; spores black.
Fr. S.M. iii.)). 154. Eng. F l. v. p . 316. F l. Dan. t. 2081, f . 2,
Fchl. exs. no. 1455.
On bark, moss, &c. July. Aug. Appin.
Peridium continuous, with the striate stem obovate above, and lacerated,
at length more open and cup-shaped ; scarcely any true operculum ; stem
short, thick equal, or dilated upwards, sulcate. Colour o fthe whole fungus
golden-yelloW) the peridium at length becoming paler.
Gen. 8 5 . D1ACHÆA, Fr.
Peridium very delicate, simple, falling off in
fragments. Capillitium, sub-retioulate, springing
from a grumous pallid columella.—Berh. Outl. p.
308. {Fig. 131.)
1 1 5 4 . D ia chæ a e le g a n s . Fr. “ Elegant
Pig. 131.
Hypothallus persistent; peridium ovato-oblong,
deciduous, violet or steel-blue; stem attenuated,
tbick, shorter than the peridium, wbite.—Dr. N.M.
iii.)). 156. B e rh .A n n .N .H .n o . 112. B u ll.t.502,f .
2. Corda. Ic. v. / . 38. Pay. f . 582. Kl. exs. no.
1229. Fckl. exs. no. 1451.
On dead leaves, &c. King’s Cliffe.
[United States.]
(.Fig. 131.)