\ ï i’I
Sect. 4. Lactiîiedes— g ilh and stem milky.
1 9 5 . A g a z icu s (M y cena ) hæma topus.
Pers. “ Bleeding
Cæspitose; pileus fleshy, campanulate, obtuse, smooth, mar
gin denticulate; stem rigid, pulverulent, yielding a dark-red
juice; gills adnate, white.—Pers. Obs. u. 77. 56. B. 4 Br. Ann.
N.D. 1865,77(7.991. , c
On old dead trunks. Sept. Bodelwyddan; [United States.]
“ Tufted : pileus moist, campanulate, then expanded, reddish, with a tinge
of Durnle J -1 in. or more across, striate, very minutely rivulose ; stem pale
rufous flesh-coloured, at first thickened at the base, then nearly equal, f p i
Uaeeous ¿llB adnato-sub-decurrent, white, edge red ; interstmes
even - everywhere distilling when broken a dark-red juice. Far larger than
any form of A. sangumeolentus or A. cruentm. —B.AJir.
1 9 6 . A g a z icu s (M y cena ) c zu en tu s . Fr. “ Red-juiced
Pileus submembranaceous, conico-campanulate, striate margin
entire ; stem rigid, glabrous, villous at the base, distilling a
red juice; gills adnate, whitish.—Fr. Sys. Myc. 1. 7?. 149. B. 4
Br. Ann. N .H .1865,no.992.
On fir cones. Bodelwyddan, Flintshire.
“ Pileus conic, ohtuse, striate, margin inflexed entire ;
ratlier thick iu proportion; stem rigid, smooth, full / ^
the base ; gills obtuse in front, shortly adnate, white; margin of the same
colour.”—S. tf' Dr.
1 9 7 . A g a z icu s (M y c en a ) sa n g u in e o le n tu s . A. 4 S.
“ Stinking Mycena.”
Pileus membranaceous, campanulate or convex, striate ; stem
flaccid, smooth, yielding a red juice ; gills adfixeii, re(i(lish, w itt
a dark purplish edge.—Dr. Epicr. p. 115. bu ll. t. 518, / . F.
(right). Eng. F I . y . p. 59.
Amongst leaves in woods. Sept. Oct.
Solitary or gregarious ; pileus 1-2 lines broad, obtuse, margin striate,
brownish purple, resembling th a t of th e crust of port wine ; gills paler, adn
a t e with a tooth, margin purple; stem stra,ight, smooth sometimes a ttenuate,
upwards of the same colour as the pileus darker below,
replete with pellucid juice of th e same colour ; when growing on fir cones
strigose at the base; odour -OOüUin "’I"
proaching in shape some Hyporhodii 00034 X 0002 in.
1 9 8 . A g a z icu s (M y c en a ) c zo c a tu s. Schrad. “ The Stainer.”
Pileus sub-membranaceous, campanulate, sub-striate; stem
tall, attenuated, with a villous, rooting base, yielding a copious
saffi’on-coloure(i ju ic e ; gills attenuated behind, adnexed, veutricose,
white.—Dr. Epicr.p. 115. FI. Dan. t. 1 5 5 0 ,/. 1, 2 0 2 4 ,/. 1.
Knapp. Journ. Nat. 1. 1. Ann. N .H . no. 672.
Amongst leaves.
Stem 3-5 in. long, about 1 lin. th ick ; pileus J-1 in. broad, olive, greyish,
or whitish, margin quite smooth.
1 9 9 . A g a z icu s (M y c en a ) c h e lid o n iu s . Fr. “ CelandineMycena.”
Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, then convex, obtuse,
nearly even ; stem even, smooth, rooting, compressed,, with a
yellow juice ; gills adnate, whitish, then yellowish.—Dr. Epicr.
77. 1 1 5 . S ow .t.8 8 5 ,f.4 .
On stumps of beech.
Only found by Sowerby. Stem lJ-2 in. long, about 1 lin, thick, smooth,
yellowish, with a sparing yellow juice, rooting; base villous; pileus -J-1 in.
broad, pellucidly striate when moist, even and opaque when dry, yellowish,
tinged with flesh colour.
200. A g a z icu s (M y c en a ) g a lo p u s.
Schrad. “ White milky
Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, rather umbonate, striate;
stem slender, fibrillose, and rooting base, filled with white milk ;
gills attenuated, adnexed, white, then glaucous.—Fr. Epicr. p .
115. B e r h .O u tl.t.6 ,f.2 . FI. Dan. 1.1550, f . 2. Batt. t. 28. Q.
Eng. F I. Y . p . 58.
Amongst leaves, under trees. [S. Carolina.]
Pileus J-lin . broad, campanulate, or convex, ochraceous, the centre blackish,
pellucid, striate; gills white, arcuato-adnate, or even deourrent ; stem
2-3 in. high, about 1 line thick, pale umber, base somewhat rooting, fibril-
loso-tomentose, or even strigose, fistulöse, not brittle ; milk mild, taste like
that of radishes ; variable, but known by its white milk.'— M. J.B.
Sect 5. Olutinipedes—stem viscid, not milky.
2 0 1 . A g a z icu s (M y c en a ) ep ip te z y g iu s . Scop. “ Yellow-stem
Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, then expanded, rather
obtuse, striate, cuticle viscid, separable ; stem elongated, tough
rooting, smooth, viscid, yellowish ; gills adnate, with a decnrrent
tooth, variablem colour.—F r.E p ic r.p . 116. Sow. t. 92. Fl.Dan.
i. 2 0 7 8 ,/2 . Eng. F I .y .p .62. Schoeff. t.81.