! 1; : i
3 8 0 . A g a iic u s (Galera) sp a z teu s . Fr. “ Meadow Galera.”
Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, convex, tben expanded,
obtuse, bygropbanous, dry, even, smootb ; stem slender, rigid,
flexible, smootb; gills adnate,crowded, plane,cinnamon coloured.
■—Fr. E p .p .206. B o lt.t.51,f . l .
Amongst moss in meadows. Eare.
Pileus 5 lines broad, cinnamon, striate and pellnoid when moist, when 4cy
tan-ooloured. Stem 1-2 iu. long, polished, smooth, basé darker, of a brightish
Sect. 4. HypnopUlm—amongst moss.
3 8 1 . A g a z ic u s (G a le ra ) em h o lu s . Fr. “ Heath Galera.”
Pilens membranaceous, campanulate, obtuse, radiato-striate,
bygropbanous ; stem very smootb, sbining, tbichened upwards;
gills adnate, triangular, tbick, very distant, cinnamon.—Dr.
Epicr.p. 207.
Amongst beath.
When moist shining, reddish tawny, when dry ochraceous. Stem 2 in.
long, yellow, manifestly thickened upwards, smooth, naked. Pileus i in.
broad, hygrophanous.
3 8 2 . A g a z icu s (Galeza) hyp no rum .
Batsch. “ Moss-loving
Pilens membranaceous, campanulate, subpapillate, smootb,
striate, bygropbanous ; stem slender, flexuose, lax, of tbe same
colour, apex pruinose; gills adnate, ratber distant, broad, lax, at
length plane,cinnamon-yellow.—Fr. E pic r.p .2 0 1 . Batsch.f. 96.
Sow. t. 282. Bull. t. 560,/. i. G.E. Eng. F l. Y. p . 100.
Amongst moss. Common. [United States.]
Pilens 2-3 Unes broad, conico-campanulate, of a_ beautiful tawny brown
when moist, or sonietimes reddish, the striate margin only when dry retaining
its original hue, the rest pale, flesh thick in the centre, turning pale
like the pilens. Gills ventricose, adnexed or adnate, tawny, rather broad.
Stem 1 in. high, filiform, minutely fistulose, paler than the pileus, prninose.
—M .J .B .
3 8 3 . A g a iic u s (Galeza) sp ha gn o zum.
Pers. “ Bog-moss
Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, smooth, striate, yellow-
ocbraceons, disc broad ; stem long, slender, sub-fibrillose, tawny,
gills adnate, subdistant, broad.—Pers. Syn. p. 885. B u ll.t.560,
f . H. B. 4 B r. Ann. N .H . 1865, no. 1008.
On on the borders of a pine wood. Aug. Aboyne,
Twice or three times larger than A . hypnorum, of which Pries considers it
a variety.
Sect. 5. Eriodermei—squamulose.
3 8 4 . Aga,zicus (Galeza) m y c en o p sis.
Fr. “White-scaled
Pileus submembranaceous, campanulate, dben expanded, disc
even, slightly striate to the middle, about the margin at first
wbitisb-silky, and veiled; stem much attenuated, whitisb-silky;
gills adnexed, seceding, ventricose, rather distant, wbitisb, tben
pale ochre.—F r. Epicr. p . 208, B . 4 Br. Ann. N.H. 1866, no.
In marshy ground amongst Sphagnum. Aug,—Oct.
The specimens hitherto found belong to the variety mentioned by Fries,
with adnate gills. Pileus with the margin clothed, with little white scales,
the remains of the veil j stem slightly furfuraeeous above j gills adnate, not
merely fixed by a tooth.—B. A Br.
3 8 5 . A g a iic u s (Galeza) p a lu d o su s. Fr. “ Swamp Galera.”
Pileus submembranaceous, campanulate,. then convex, acutely
umbonate, bygropbanous, silky everywhere with persistent
white hairs ; stem fistulose, twisted, encircled witb the remains
of the wbite v e il; gills adnate, plane, ovate, pale honey colour.
—F r .E p ic r .p . 209. B. 4 Br. Ann. N .H .1866,no. 1125.
In marshy ground, amongst Sphagnum. Aug. King’s Cliffe.
Stem lJ-3 in. long, 1 line thick. Pilens J in., when moist brownish honey
colour, when dry tau-oolonred.
Suh-Gen. 25. T d b a e ia . Smith. Seem. Journ., 1870.
Pileus generally depressed, at first witb an incurved margin ;
stem cartilaginous, hollow, confluent with but heterogeneous
from the bymenopbore ; gills decurrent. {PI. IV ., fig. 25.)
^ As in Bocilia there are very few known representatives of this sub-genns
e /h e r British or Foreign. I t is analogous with Omphalia,, Bocilia, and
Decomca.— W.G.S.
3 8 6 . A g a z icu s (T u b a iia ) in q u ilin u s .
Pr. “ Little
Pileus submembranaceous, convexo-plane, smooth, slightly
striate, bygropbanous, centre somewhat fleshy ; stem fistulose,
short, tough, dark brown, attenuated'downwards; gills adnato-
‘1 t
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