2 9 0 . A g a z icu s (P h o lio ta ) p iæ c o x , P . “ Spring Pholiota.”
Pileus fleshy, soft, convexo-plane, obtuse, at length smooth,
even ; stem stuffed, then hollow, cylindrical, pubescent or mealy,
at length smooth, white as well as the ring ; gills emarginate,
adnexed, crowded, white, then brownish.—F r. Epicr. p . 162.
Schoeff. ¿.217. Berk. Outl. t. 8 f . 1. E n g .F l. v. p. 107. Krombh.
¿ .5 5 ,/. 11-16. Lete ll.t. 608.
In gardens and pastures. Spring. [United States.]
Pileus about 2 in. across, very fleshy , flesh firm, white or pale buff, watery
near the gills, cnticle when moist snbvisoid, when dry resembling white kid
leather, retaining the impression of the fingers, somewhat tesselated, yellowish
or pale tawny, GiUs adnexed or subadnate, moderately broad, not
ventricose, slightly hollowed out behind with a sub-decurrent tooth, pale
brownish purple, edge white or yellowish ; stem i^-3 in. high, 2-3^ lipes
thick, sub-flexuous, equal or sub-bulbous, solid, but sometimes decidedly
hollow, juicy, white, or faintly shaded with buff, fibrillose, under a lens
sub-pubescent, ring near the top deflexed and striate, or attached in frag ments
to the edge of the pileus; root strong, white, branched.—i f . / .
Spores -00031 X *0002, sometimes inclined to be irregular in shape as m
some Hyporhodii.
B . Truncigenei—on wood, sub-cæspitose.
2 9 1 . A g a z icu s (P h o lio ta ) zad ico su s.
Bull. “ Rooting
Pileus flesby, equal, obtuse, even, smooth, spotted; stem
solid, rooting ; above tbe distant ring mealy, below concentrically
squamulose ; gills free, ventricose, pallid, tben reddisb brown.
Fr. Epicr. p . 163. Bull. t. 160. Krombh. t. 62 f . 6-10. Eng. F l. v.
p . 90.
In woods.
Pilens 3 in. or more broad, convex, fleshy, the whole covered at first with
a slimy web which leaves behind broad adpressed scales on the stem and
pilens, besides these there are many fine close silky scales, pallid ochre, margin
downy, involute ; gills incarnato-ferruginous, pale, adnate, n ep ly horizontal,
minutely serrulate; stem 4 in. high, 1 in. thick, deeply rooting, firm,
solid, white within, ring thick, sub-erect, beneath the slimy coat silky and
furfuraeeous, above the ring pruinose. Odour of prussic acid ; taste soon
disagreeable .—M. J. B. Spores '00034 X '00017 in., oval, with an apioulus at
one end, somewhat irregular in shape.
2 9 2 . A g a z icu s (P h o lio ta ) p u d ic u s . Bull. “ Modest Pholiota.”
Pileus flesby, convex, tben expanded, obtuse, _ even, dry,
smootb; stem solid, sub-equal, even; ring spreading, persiste
n t; gills rounded behind, adnate, ventricose, wbitisb, tben
tawny.—F r. Epicr. p . 164. Bull. t. 5 9 7 , / 2. R. S . and B. 0.
Huss. ii. t. 31. Batt. t . 8,A . Letell. t. 664.
F 5