Gen. 3 8 .
Hymeninm coriaceous, ratlier thick,
concrete with the intermediate stratum
of the pileus, whicli has a cuticle, always
even and veinless, uncliangeable,
not beset witb bristles. (Fig. 81.;
9 1 0 .
Fig. 81.
S te z eum pu rp ur eum . Fr. “ Purple Stereum.”
Coriaceous, soft; pilens effuso-reflexed, obsoletely zoned,
villoso-tomentose, pallid or whitish; hymenium naked even'
smooth, purplish.—Dr. Epicr.p. 548. Sow. < .3 8 8 ,/.!. Da«, t.
4 8 3 ,/. 1. Besm. exs. no. 117, 414. Mich. t. 66,/.4 . Huss. i. t. 20.
{Batsch.f. 131. var.) Thelephora purpurea, E n g .F l.y . p. 166.
Berh. exs. no. 147.
On fallen trunks, especially poplar. Common.
[United States.]
Perennial. Tn general densely imbricated, soft but coriaceous, very rigid
when dry, deeply zoned, strigose, but not so much as in the next species •
margin much waved, and almost plicate, varying greatly in colour, whitish,’
^ llow i/.p a llid lilac, and with frequently a black zone near the margin
Hymemuni smooth, in general of a fine purple or lilao, at length cinereous,
sometimes dark brown.—Af. J .B s i
911. S te z eum h iz su tum . Fr. “ Hairy Stereum.”
Coriaceous ; pileus effused and reflexed, strigose, hairy, somewhat
zoned, becoming pallid; margin rather obtuse, yellow;
bymenium even, smooth, naked, juiceless, yellowish, unchanged
when bruised.—Dr. Epicr.p. 549. Sow. t. 27. Grev. t. 256 F l
D a n .t.ll9 9 (1 7 3 8 / 1 . m r .; Bull. t.2 1 4 {4 8 3 ,f.2 ,4 ,va r .) Desm.
e x s .n o A U . Price, f 8. Mich. t. 66, f 2. Berh.Outl. t . l l , f l .
E u s s .\.t.5 8 . Thelephora Mrsuta, Eng. F I.y . p. 166. Coohe.exs.
wo. 307. Babh. F .E . n o .1109. Berh. exs, n o .146.
On stumps, &c. Common everywhere. [United States.]
Perennial. Variahle. At first resupinate, at length generally reflexed,
often imbricated, more or less zoned, strigose, tough and leathery, but not
rigid, buff, yellowish; or greyish, often acquiring a greenish tinge from the
presence of minute Alga. Hymenium smooth, even, buff, sometimes cinereous
; margin entire, more or less lobed.—M .J .B . (Pig. 81.)
9 1 2 . S te z eum sp a d ic eum . Fr. “ Bright-brown Stereum.”
Coriaceous; pilei effuso-reflexed, villous, sub-ferruginous ;
margin rather obtuse, white, even beneatb, smootb and brownish,
bleeding when bruised.—Fr. Epicr. p. 549. Fl. Dan. t. 1 6 1 9 ,/.
1. Bull. t. 4 8 3 ,/ 5. Sow. t. 25. Ann. N.H. no. 50. Berh. exs. no.
144. Goohe, exs. no. 804.
On sticks, especially asb. Common. [United States.]
Easily known from every state of Screamparpiireamhy itsbeoomingblood-
stained when scratched. Spores copious, pure white, oblong-elliptio.—
M. J. B.
9 1 3 . S te z eum s a n g u in o le a tum . Fr. “ Bleeding Stereum.”
Coriaceous, tb in ; pileus effuso-reflexed, closely silky, somewhat
striate, pallid ; margin acute, wbite; hymenium even,
smooth, brownish-cinereous, bleeding when wounded, when old
pruinose.—F r .E p ic r .p .549. B a il.t.2 8 . Grev.t.225. Fl.Boruss.
t. 381. Thelephorasanguinolenta, Eng. Fl. y.p . 167.
On wood of firs. Common. [Low. and Mid. Carolina.]
Densely gregarious, at first resupinate and circular, at length dimidiate,
or with the margin more or less reflexed all round, silky or almost strigose,
zoned, the zones darker; hymenium rough, from the inequalities of the
matrix, otherwise smooth, pale greyish-brown, when scratched or bruised
becoming instantly blood-red.—Ai. J. B.
9 1 4 . S te z eum zu g o sum . Fr. “ Rugose Stereum."
Corky, rigid; pileus effused, and shortly reflexed, obtusely
marginate, atlength smootb, brigbt-brown ; hymenium unpolished,
pruinose, somewhat blood-stained wben bruised.—Fr. Epicr. p.
552. T. Lauro-cerasi, Eng. F l. var. Thelephora rugosa, Eng. Fl.
y .p . 166. Berh. exs. no. 145.
On stumps, especially hazel. Common.
[Mid. & Up. Carolina.]
Assuming a blood-red colour when scratched. Sometimes surviving one or
more seasons, and then thick and zoned within.
9 1 5 . S te z eum a c e z in um . Fr. “ Maple Stereum.”
Crustaceous, adnate, even, smootb, wbite.—Fr. Epicr. p . 553.
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