Series V. Coprinarii. F r. Epicr. p. 234. Spores black.
Psathyrella is very close to Ooprinus, more so than Panceoltis. In the Coprinarii
the unrepresented spaces are very numerous.
Sub-Gen. 33. P a n a io lu s , Pr. Epicr. 234.
Veil, when present, interwoven, sometimes wanting ; spores
black, oval, smootb lemon-sbaped, or eohinulate; pilens somewbat
fleshy, viscid when moist, shining when dry, never striated, the
margin exceeding the variegated gills; gills clouded, never becoming
purple or brown.
H a b . Almost all grow on dung, often near towns, in summer
and autumn. (PI. VI.,fig. B3.)
This and the following snbgenus differ from all the preceding in their
black spores, and occupy an intermediate position between Agaricus and
Coprinus, agreeing with the latter in the colour of the spores, but joined
more properly to the genuine Agarics by the giUsnot deliquescing. Almough
the veil may be entirely absent in some species, yet they are so allied that
they cannot be well separated.— W. G. S.
4 3 7 .
Sect. 1. Pileus viscid, sbining when dry.
A g a iic u s (Fanseolus) s e p a ia tu s . L . “ Oohrey
Pileus somewhat flesby, campanulate, obtuse, even, viscid ;
stem straight, sbining, white, thickened downwards, ring distant
; gills fixed, cinereous-black.'—F r. Epicr. p. 234. Bolt. t.
53. Berk. Outl. t. 11, f . 7. Bull t. 84. A. semiovatus. Sow. t.
131. Eng. F l. V. p. 116. 39.
On dung. Common.
Pileus IJ in. broad, semiovate, very obtuse, at first ochraceous, then dirty
white, shilling, smooth, slightly viscid, wrinkled when old, subcarnose but
watery, gills subdeliquescent, broad, ventricose, adnate by a small portion,
clouded, cinereous, margin white; stem 5 in high, or more, 2 lines thick,
at first fibrillose, beneath the ring squamuloso-pulverulent, above dotted, as
is the ring, with the large, black, elliptic spores.—M. J. B. Spores 'OOOt) X
■0004 in. (P l.r i.,f.& B .)
4 3 8 . A g a iic u s (Panseolus) leu c o p h a n e s.
“ Shiny-white Panaeolus.”
JB. 4 Br.
Pilens campanulate, obtuse, viscid, shining when dry, innate-
silky wbite, here and tbere witb an ochraceous tin g e ; margin
appendicuiate; stem attenuated upwards, white, fibrillose, witb
scattered farinaceous particles, transversely subundulate, fistu