smooth, hygrophanous, dry, silky, or flocculose; stem fleshy-
fibrous, sometimes waxy, continuous with the hymenophore,
and homogeneous with it; gills sinuated, as in Tricholoma, etc.,
almost free, or more or less adnate, sometimes parting from the
stem.—(PI. I I I ., Jig. 13.)
H ab. All are terrestrial.
Allied to Tricholoma, but, with few exceptions, the species of Entoloma I b
mnch thinner and often brittle. Many „ possess , the . odour of new flour,, but
TTY t-Y-rY rv /Y/l.l-Ylrv rY »Y Jl r, ^ YYY Ty Y yy.y,y,.yyy.y.y-. T I 1 *_ .________ tSi
none are edible, and some highly poisonous. They appear in summer after
heavy rains. Besides corresponding with Tricholoma, Entoloma agrees in
structure with Hebeloma and Hypholoma.—W. O. S.
Sect. 1. Genuini—pileus smooth, moist, or sub-yiscid.
2 4 7 . A g a z icu s (Ento lom a ) s in u a tu s .
Fr. “ Large-waved
Pileus fleshy, convex, then expanded, sub-repand, even,
smooth ; stem solid, compact, fibrillose, whitish ; gills adnexed,
very broad, crowded, pale, rufescent.—F r. Epicr. p. 143. Saund.
4 S m . t . l l . A. fertilis. Pers. M.E . 281. B u ll.t. 5 4 7 ,/. 1 , 590.
Smith P .M .f. 14. Eng. F l. y .p . 77.
In woods. Poisonous. [S. Carolina.]
Pileus 4 in. and upwards, expanded, obtuse, somewhat lobed, pulverulento-
sqnamnlose, fleshy, dry, pinkish-buff, with sometimes a tinge of yellow ; gills
rose-coloured, adnexed, nearly free ; stem 3-6in. high, f-1 iu. thick, stuffed,
firm, fibrillose, suh-squamulose, sub-compressed, somewhat bulbous at the
base, paler than the pileus. Spores brownish salmon, very irregular, '00035 in.
diameter. Smell like that of fresh meal. ( PI. I II., fig. 13, reduced.)
2 4 8 . A g a z icu s (E n to lom a ) p z u n u lo id e s.
Entoloma. ”
Fr. “ Plum-like
Pilens fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, umbonate, even,
smooth, sub-viscid ; stem solid, unequal, smooth, sub-striate,
white ; gills free, ventricose, white, then flesh-coloured.—Fr.
Epicr.p. 144. Berle. Outl.p. 142.
On the ground. Rare. Mossburnford.
Pileus white, yeUowish, greyish, &c., at length longitudiuaUy cracked j gills
emarginate, rarely rounded, at first slightly adnexed.
2 4 9 . A g a z icu s (Entoloma) p la c en ta .
Batsoh. “ Brown
Pileus fleshy, convex, then plane, nmbonate, regular, smooth,
brown ; stem solid, equal, fibroso-striate, brown ; gills emarginate,
adnexed, crowded, rathe r thick, pallid flesh colour.—Fr.
Epicr. p. 144. Batsch.f. 18. Ann. N .H . no. 789.
On the ground. Oct. Swanage, Dorset.
Solitary ; stem 2-3 in. long, 2-3 lin. thick, brown; pileus IJin. broad, orbicular,
smooth, brown ; giUs separating from the hymenophore.
2 5 0 . A g a z icu s (E nto lom a ) h e lo d e s. Fr. “ Moor Entoloma.”
Pileus slightly fleshy, convexo-plane, sub-umbonate, moist,
becoming smooth ; stem hollow, pallid, fibrillose ; base rather
thickened ; gills emarginate, adnexed, somewhat distant, white,
then flesh-coloured.—Fr. Epicr.p. 144. Ann. N .H . no. 790.
On moors. Coed Coch.
Pileus purple, dingy, brown, &c., when old becoming pale, spotted, not
hygrophanous, 2 in. or more broad; stem 2-3 in. long, 3 lin. thick, pale,
cinereous ; smell like that of fresh meal.
2 5 1 . A g a r icu s (E nto lom a ) r ép andu s. Bull, “ Eepand
Pilens fleshy, conical, umbonate, indistinctly silky ; margin
lobed ; stem short, solid, minutely silky, white ; gills dull rose-
coloured, broad in îvont.— Bull. t. 423, f . 2. Berk. Outl. p . 143.
E n g .F I .y .p .78. Ann. N .H . no. 676*.
Amongst grass. Rare.
Pileus 1-2 in. across, conic, ohtuse, at length expanded, very fleshy, the
margin incurved and lobed, pale whitish, oohraoeous, with a few streaky
shades, clothed with a very close, adpressed, indistinct silkmess ; gills pale
dull rose, broad in front ; stem I J in. high, 3 lines thick, white, beautitully
adpresso-serioeous ; spores rose-ooloured, irregular, stellate ; odour like that
of fresh meal.—M. J . B.
2 5 2 . A g a z icu s (E ntoloma) B lo x am i.
B . 4 B r. “ Blue
Pileus compact, campanulate, obtuse, somewhat lobed, moist,
hlaokish-blue, somewhat silky ; flesh white ; stem slightly attenuated
upwards, ohtuse at the base ; gills rather broad, attenuated,
adnexed.—Berh. O u tl.p . 143. Ann. N.H . no. 677.
Price,/. 89.
In open exposed pastures.
Pilens l in . or more across, campanulate, very ohtuse, moist, of a dark
dingy blue or purple, or sometimes slate-coloured, tinged with lilac,
slightly silky, inclined to be lobed below, flesh very thick in the centre, white,
except near the edge, wbere it partakes of the hue of the pileus ; stem I 2 m.
i_i_A_ 1 ii'KiTTTo-»»/ic! n-P PTia sQ.Tnfi p.nionp fl.s the oileus.
orange, '0003 in. diameter.— W, 0. S.