If I i :
100. A g a r icu s (Clito cyb e) fla c c id u s.
Som. " Flaccid
Pileus rather fleshy, thin, flaccid, umbilicate, then funnel-
shaped, even, margin broadly reflexed ; stem stuffed, unequal,
sub-flexuose, villous at the base ; gills decurrent, crowded, arcuate’
yellowish.—Now. i. 185. F r. E pic r.p. 71. Eng. FI. y .p . 32. ’
In fir woods.
Often densely cæspitose ; pilens bright in colour, sometimes streaked
flaccid when young, 2-3 in. broad, always of a peculiar form and substance
orbicular, depressed, rather plane than infundibuliform, by reason o fthe de
flexed margin very even and smooth, generally reddish, sometimes white -
gills very much attenuated behind, very close, tender, and narrow, not running
far down; stem 1-2 in. long, 2 lines thick, slender, generally equal, smooth,
with a sub-oartilaginous bark, stuifed, soon hollow, not rooting, nor incrassated
and villous, except from peculiarity of sitnatiou.—Dries. S pores slightly
spinulose, nearly spherical '00019 in.— W. O.S.
B. Cyathiformes—pileus cup-shaped.
101. A g a r icu s (Clito cyb e) c y a th ifo im is . Fr. “ Cup-shaped
Pileus between fleshy and membranaceous, at first depressed,
then infundibuliform, even, nearly smooth, moist, hygrophanous ;
margin for a long time involute, even ; stem stuffed, elastic, attenuated
upwards, fibrilloso-reticulate ; gills adnate, then decurrent,
united behind, dingy.—Dr. Epicr.p. 73. Sow. t. 363. Huss
11. 1. 1. Bull. t. 575, f . M . Vaill. 1. 14,/. 1-3. Bolt. 1. 145.
In meadows, &o. Common. [Cincinnati.]
1 0 2 . A g a r icu s (Clito cyb e) b zum a lis. Fr. “ Wintry Clitocybe.”
Inodorous ; pileus between fleshy and membranaceous, at first
umbilicate, then funnel-shaped, smooth, flaccid, hygrophanous ;
margin reflexed, even ; stem at length hollow, equal, somewhat
incurved, smooth, whitish ; gills decurrent, distinct, pallid.—Dr
Epicr.p.76. Bull. t.248,f. A .B . A.metachrous. E n g .F l.y .p .6 7 .
In woods. Oct.
Livid grey when moist, nearly white when dry ; pileus 1-2 in. broad, in its
earliest stage coma, gradually depressed, but not deeply infundibuliform
almost membranaceous, margin pellucid ; gills of the same colour as the
pileus, adnate, scarcely deourrent, not turning pale so fast as the pileus, often
separating from the stem at the base ; stem 3 in. or more high, at length hollow,
outer flesh livid, inner white, downy at the base, minutely flbrillose above,
apex pulverulent.—Eng. FI. Spores nearly spherical '00013 in.— W. O. S
E. Orliformes—pileus rounded.
1 0 3 . A g a r icu s (Clito cyb e) m e ta ch rou s. Dr. “ Ob-oonio
Inodorous ; pileus somewhat fleshy, convex, then ’plane, depressed,
rather smooth, hygrophanous ; stem stuffed, then hollow,
equal, tough, pruinose above ; gills adnate, crowded, pale
cinereous.—Fr. Epicr. p. 77.
In woods amongst leaves.
P ileuslJ-3iu. across, when young cinereous brown, th en livid, whitish when
dry ; stem about IJ in. long, 2 lin. thick, broader when compressed grey frosted
with white above ; gills adnate, not truly decurrent.
1 0 4 . A g a r icu s (Clito cyb e) fragrans. Sow. “ Fragrant
Fragrant; pileus rather fleshy, convex, then plane, or depressed,
even, smooth, hygrophanous ; stem stuffed, thenhollow,
elastic, smooth; gills sub-decurrent, rather crowded, distinot’
whitish.--Now. t. 10. Dr. Epicr.p. 78. Pers. M y. Eur. t. 27, f. 5.
Letell.t. 658. Krombh. t. i.f. 34-35. E n g .F l.y . p . 67.
In woods. Common. Esculent,
Pileus IJ in . across, oohraoeous, with a sweet anise odour: convex then
plano-convex, minutely dimpled, dirty white, very rarely slightly zoned
when dry nearly white, margin thin and transparent, turned iu whe'n young
and minutely tomentose ; gills very broad, decurrent, distinct, not pure white’;
stem 2-3 in. high, 2-3 lines thick, attenuated upwards, minutely fibrillose villous
at the base, sometimes pruinose above.—A7. J. B. Spores '00026 X '00016
in.— W> G. o.
r. Versiformes—piieus variabie.
1 05. A g a r icu s (Clito cyb e) d iffo zmis. P. “ Deformed Clitocybe.”
Piieus somewhat membranaceous, convex, then piane, and sub-
umbiiicate, smooth, hygrophanous, striate when moist, even when
dry, at iength between squamuiose and rimóse; stem hoiiow
equai, smooth, shining ; gilis adnate, distant, whitish.—D r.Dnicr’
V-79. B olt.t.17. ■
In fir piantations. Near Haiifax.
usuidv lin. thick, smooth, and shining whitish,
L T dU h ™” ^ble in form, I in. lu d mor¿
broad, when moist striate and livid, silky and shining, whitish when dry.