Pileus /_7 m. or more broad, pulvinate, viscid when moist, very variable in
colour, white, cinereous, brown olive, deep orange, or vermilion, smootb or
minutely downy, the down sometimes collected into minute fasciculate scales ;
aesn very thick, soft, not changeable iu young specimens, in older ones reddisb
grey when bruised, and sometimes black ; tubes white, pulvinate,
stained with the yellow-brown spores, their orifices often ferruginous before
the expansion of the pileus, minute, round ; stem 6 in. or more high, attenuated
upwards, squarrose with black or orange scales, sometimes marked
with coarse-raised lines. At first the stem is ovate and the pileus very narrow.
there are frequent traces of a floccose veil.—A/. J. B . Spores spindle-
shaped, pale brown, -00055 X '00022 in. I have found a variety at Staplehurst,
with the pileus snow-white.— W. G.S.
C. H ypohrhodii— spores ro se ate .
7 3 0 . Boletus alutaiius. Fr. “ Tan-ooloured Boletus.”
Pileus p u lv in a t/ expanded, soft, velvety, then smooth, brownish
tan ; flesh w h ite ; stem solid, bulbous, nearly even, white ;
apex pitted ; tubes depressed about the stem, short, plane, ronnd|
white, brown wben bruised.—Fr. Epicr. p. 425. Kromhh f 74 f
8, 9. Ann. N .II. no. 342. ' ' >/•
In woodland pastures. Rare.
7 3 1 . Boletus felleus. B u ll. “ Bitter Boletus.”
Pileus pulvinate, soft, smootb, even, brownish or reddisb-grey ;
stem solid, attenuated upwards, reticulated ; tubes adnate, convex,
elongated, angular, white tben flesh-coloured, as well as the substance
of the pilens wben broken.— Fr. Epicr. p. 425. Bull, t
379. Krombh. t . l 4, f 1-7. Ann. N.H. n o .19. Smith, P .M. f . 2 9 .
In woods, &o. Rare. King’s Cliffe.
[Low. and Mid. Carolina.]
Spores spindle-shaped, salmon colour, '00064 X '0002in.
D . L e u c o s p o r i
7 3 2 . B o le tu s c y a n e s c en s .
■spores white.
“B u ll. Sibthorp’s Boletus.”
Pileus convexo-expanded, closely tomentose or floccoso-sqnam-
ose, opaque, tan-coloured, becoming brownish ; flesh compact
white, dark-blue when broken ; stem stuffed, tben hollow, ventricose,
villoso-pruinose, of tbe same colour, constricted above
even, white; tubes free, minute round, wbite, then yellow— Dr’
E p ic r.p . 426. B u ll.t.3 6 9 . Letell. t. 654. Kromhh. /. 3 5 ,/. 7-9
Seem. Journ. t. 3 0 ,/. 7, 8. Roq. t. 8 , / 1 . Eng. F l. Y.p . 154. Barla.
t. 67, f . 1-7.
In woods. Oxford, Neatisbead, &c.
“ Pileus 2-5 in. broad, rigid, pale, straw-coloured, subfuliginous, the
margin acute ; flesh white, when broken changing instantly to the most
beautiful azure blue, and when squeezed distilling a blue juice; tubes short,
when young scarcely a line long, white or lemon-ooloured ; stem distinot
from the pileus, the apex contracted, brittle, never reticulated, but villoso-
Tubes very pale lemon colour. Spores white, or with a suggestion of
sulphur, spindle-shaped, '0006 in. long. It has now been recorded in
Oxfordshire, Norfolk, Herts, Surrey, Devon, and Beds (Abbot).
7 3 3 . B o le tu s c a s ta n e u s . Bull. “ Chestnut Boletus.”
Pileus convex, expanded or depressed, firm, opaque, velvety,
cinnamon ; stem stuffed, tben bollow, attenuated from the somewbat
bulbous base, cinnamon ; flesh white, unchangeable ; tubes
free, short, round, white, tben dirty-yellow.—Fr. Epicr. p. 426.
B u ll.t.3 2 8 . H u s s .ii.t.1 7 . E n g .F I .y .p . 152. Barla. t. 32, f . 11-
In woods. Eare. Highgate. [Mid. Carolina.]
Pileua 3 in. broad, depressed when old, but broadly pulvinate in the centre,
subtomentose, the down raised up into little flat scales, beautiful dark-
rufous tan ; flesh thick, mottled, stained beneath the cuticle with the colour
of the pileus, not changing colour, viscid, insipid or subacid ; tubes vivid
yellow, half-free, not reaching to the extreme margin ; spores yellow; stem
sometimes short, swelling in the centre, attenuated below, hollow, sometimes
long and equal, beautifully tinged with yellow and rufous.—M .J .B .
Hymenophore quite distinot
from tbe hymenium. Pileus
fleshy, at length tough. Spores
globose, or broadly elliptic, minutely
rough.—M. J. B .
{Fig. 63.)
Pig. 63.
7 3 4 . S tz o b ilom y c e s stroM la c eu s. Berli. “ Cone-like Boletus.”
Blackish umber. Pileus pulvinate, rougb with tbick floccose
scales; stem equal, veiled, sulcate above ; tubes adnate, wbite,