1 2 9 9 . S ep to r ia o x y a c a n thæ . Kze. “ Hawthorn Septoria.”
Spots purple; tendrils yellow; spores very long, 8-12 septate,
curved.— M.H. ii. )». 109. Eng. Fl. v. p. 356. Cooke exs.
no. 201. Fckl. exs. no. 500. Kl. exs. no. 456.
On living hawthorn leaves. [United States.]
1 3 0 0 . S ep to r ia a c e r is . B .A B r . “ Sycamore Septoria.”
Hypopbyllous ; spots small ; peritbeoia innate, minute, brown;
tendrils small, pallid ; spores long, straight,very distinctly septate.
— B .4B r . Ann. N .H . no. 432. Fckl. exs. no. 499. Ascoxyta aceris.
Lih. exs. no. 54.
On living sycamore leaves. Autumn.
1 3 0 1 . S ep to r ia s a lic e lla . B . ^ B r . “ Willow Septoria.”
Beneatb tbe cuticle ; epidermis above tbe subglobose perithecia
elevated ; spores fusiform, triseptate, tendrils reddisb, irregular.—
B. / Br. Ann. N.H . no. 7 4 6 ,1.15, /. 7.
On brancbes of willows.
Conceaied by the cutioie, which is ohscureiy pustuiate, in consequence of
the presence of the subgiobose peritbeoia ; spores ejected in tbe form of
paie pink tendriis, fusiform, -00133in. ('03 m.m.) iong, triseptate.—df. / . B.
1 3 0 2 . S ep to r ia æ g op odii. Besm. “ Gout-weed Septoria.”
Epipbyllous ; spots pale, perithecia globular, black, very visible
on tbe under surface, spores long, curved.—Desm. exs. no. 616.
Eng. F I . y . p . 356. Cooke ex s.no.146.
On living leaves of Ægopodium podagraria.
1 3 0 3 . S ep to r ia le p id ii. Besm. “ Crucifer Septoria.”
Spots none; perithecia scattered or approximate, black, innate,
slightly prominent, convex, a t length pierced; tendrils
white ; spores elongated, linear, flexuous.—Desm. Ann. So. Nat.
|8 4 2 , xvü.)». 110. Desm. exs. no. 1177. B . / Br. Ann. N .H . no.
On Lepidium Smithii. Autumn.
After the spores are discharged, the mouths of the perithecia enlarge,
and they collapse so as to have the appearance of a small black Poefea.
1 3 0 4 . S ep to r ia nod o rum. B e r k “ Wheat-stalk Septoria.”
Spots pale fawn-coloured, witb a dark border, depressed, at
length confluent; perithecia somewbat prominent; spores oblong.
elongated, sligbtly curved, or irregular.—Berk. Gard. Chron.
1345,p. 601. B. 4 B r. Ann. N .H . no. 433.
On tbe joints of wheat stalks, ju s t before tbe wheat is ripe.
^ Forming little discoloured, depressed spots on the knots of the stem, especially
the upper one, soon spreading till they invest the whole knot, pale
fawn-coloured, studded with a number of minute, somewhat raised perithecia,
which are at first reddish, eventually black.—M.J.B*
1 3 0 5 . S epto z ia h ip p o c a s ta n l. H.ésHr» “ Horse chestnut
Spots rufous; tendrils delicate ; spores curved, flexuous, linear,
simple.—B. Br. Ann. N .H . no. 434. Cooke exs. no. 205.
On leaves of horse chestnut. Common.
Spots at first minute and scattered, then becoming confluent, and forming
broad rufous patches; cirrbi delicate, pale; spores long, linear, simple,
curved, flexuous.—B. A Br.
1 3 0 6 . S ep to z ia l itu u s . B . A B r . “ Twig Septoria.”
Concealed by the cuticle, which is raised into minute pustules;
perithecia depressed; spores filiform, curved at tbe apex, a
little longer than tbe sporophores.—B. Br. Ann. N .H . no. 744,
1.15, f . 5.
On smootb twigs.
Spores '0015 iu. ('037 m.m.) long.
1 3 0 7 . S e p to iia R a lf s ii. B . A B r . “ Apple Septoria.”
Sub-cutaneous; epidermis above the perithecia elevated, centre
of the pustules wbite ; spores straight, multi-nucleate.—B. ^ B r.
Ann. N .H . no. 745, Í. 1 5 ,/. 6.
On decayed apples.
Forming black irregular patches, dotted with minute pustules, the centre
of which is white. Spores '00133 in. ('03 m.m.) long, with about six nuclei.
1 3 0 8 . S e p to iia in s u la ii s . B . A B r. “ Ivy leaf Septoria.”
Spots brown, distinot; epidermis above tbe perithecia elevated,
centre of tbe pustules wbite; spores filiform, sligbtly
curved.—B . 8^ Br. Ann. N .H . no. 7 4 7 ,1.15, f . 8.
On balf dead ivy leaves.
Forming large definite umber-brown spots, which are rough from the presence
of the concealed perithecia, with a white spot in the centre of each
pustule; spores filiform, slightly carved '0015 in. ('038 m.m.) long.—B. A Br.