the preceding year; substance white, hard,and woody; pores middle-sized
white, or with a pale reddish-brown tin t, margined above as well as below’
BO that each layer appears resupinate.—M. J. B. ’
7 8 9 . P o lyp o ru s c o n n a tu s . Fr. “ Connate Polyporus.”
Pilens between corky and woody, effuso-reflexed, imbricated,
subzonate, confluent, velvety, wbite without and within ; pores
minute, roundish, white.—Fr. Epicr. p. 472. Batt. t. 37. G.
On old trunks of crab trees, &c., “ running up them for one or
two feet, often amongst moss.”
C. Inodermei.
7 9 0 . P o ly p o ru s r a d ia tu s . Fr. “ Hazel Polyporus.”
Pileus corky, coriaceous, rigid, radiato-rugose, at first velvety,
tawny, then smootb, ferruginous brown ; margin patent, repand;
pores minute, pallid, silvery-shining, at length ferruginous.—
Dr. Epicr.p. 474. Sow. t. 190. Batt. t. 39. C. Eng. F l. y .p . 143.
On hazel stems. [Up. Carolina.]
Tawny specimens of P. versicolor sometimes occur very much resembling
this species, which is, however, altogether distinct,
7 9 1 . P o lyp o ru s fib u la . Fr. “ Button Polyporus.”
White; pileus coriaceous, tough, soft, hairy, suhstrigose,
zoneless; margin entire, acute; pores ratber small, round, acute,
at length pallid.—Dr. Epicr.p. 475. Sow. t. 387.
On tbe door of a wine cellar.
Variable in form ; pilens adnate behind. The usually recorded habitat is
brancnes of oak,” &c.
7 9 2 . P o ly p o ru s h ir su tu s . Fr. “ Bristly Polyporus.”
Pileus corky, _ coriaceous, convexo-plane, hairy witb rigid
bristles, zoned with concentric furrows, of one colour, whitish;
pores round, obtuse, wbitisb, tben brownish.—Dr. Epicr. p . 477.
B . 4 B r.A n n . N.H . (1866) mo. 1139. 810. Fckl. exs.
no. 1378.
On dead trunks. Near Twycross. [United States.]
7 9 3 . P o ly p o ru s v e lu t in u s . Fr. “ Velvety Polyporus.”
Pileus corky, coriaceous, plane, velvety, sligbtly zoned, wbite,
a t length yellowisb; margin extenuated, acute; pores round,
minute, slender, white.-—Dr. S . M. i. p . 368. Eng. F l. y. p . 141.
Kl. exs. ii. no. 701. Babh. F .E . no. 15. Fckl. exs. no. 1377.
On branches. [Mid. Carolina.]
More or less imbricated. Pileus 2-3 in. broad, velvety, undulated, obscurely
zoned, between corky and leathery ; margin thinner than in P. versicolor,
shrinking, and curling inwards when dried, colour various, whitish,
with a cottony margin, yeUowish fuscous, or brownish grey, the lattermost
common ; pores whitish or yellowish, minute, round, very short, often disappearing
towards the margin.—&«».
7 9 4 . P o ly p o ru s v e is ic o lo r . Ph. “ Common Zoned Polyporus.”
Pileus coriaceous, tbin, rigid, plane, depressed behind, velvety,
nearly even and shining, variegated witb coloured zones ; pores
minute, round, acute, and torn, white, then pallid.—Fr. Epicr.
p. 478. Sterh. t. 27, K. Batt. t. 35. A. Schoeff. t. 268. Huss. i.
i. 24. Eng. F I .y . p . 141. Price, f . 127. Cooke exs. no. 303. Kl.
exs. no. 120. ii. no. 209. Corda Ani. H.f. 75. Fckl. exs. no. 1375.
On stumps, branches, &c. Common. [United States.]
Variable, sometimes quite resupinate, or with the margin reflexed, more
generally dimidiate and densely imbricated, occasionally spuriously stipi-
tate, more or less lobed, villous, marked with regular, concentric, smooth,
shining zones of various colours, sometimes entirely white, and not unfre-
quently the whole surface is villous, and the zones mere depressions.—iff ./.A.
7 9 5 . P o ly p o ru s a b ie t in u s . Fr. “ Whitish F ir Polyporus.”
Pileus coriaceous, thin, effuso-reflexed, villous, obsoletely
zoned, cinereous-wbite ; pores unequal, torn, violaceous, then
growing pallid.—Fr. Epicr. p. 479. Grev. t. 526. F l. Dan.t.
2079./. 1. /. 1298. E n g .F I .y .p .141.
On trunks of Coniferæ. [United States.]
Pileus 1-2 in. across, sometimes entirely resupinate, with the exception
of the extreme margin, and spreading over several inches, more generally
effuso-reflexed, thin, coriaceous, zoned, whitish, often stained with minute
green Algæ, more or less villous ; pores very regular, laciniated, sometimes
resembling hydnoid teeth, more or less of a violet hue, which fades when past
maturity .—iff. J. A.
7 9 6 . P o ly p o ru s W y u n e i. B . 4 B r. “ Wynne’s Polyporus.”
Confluent, various in form ; pileus adnate behind, effuso-reflexed,
tben tan-coloured, marked with silky-raised lines ; pores
small, angular, white.— Outl.p. 249. Ann. N.H . no. 807.
Running over twigs, grass, &c. Rare.
Thin inorusting various substances, with the margin more or less broadly
reflected, tan-coloured, sericeous, and marked m th raised lines ; pores
in, across, angular, white, acquiring a slight tin t like th at oi the pileus
in drying.—A. A Br.