if 'I il
- .s,
2 5 2
7 0 5 .
P O L T P O E E I .
B o le tu s b o v in u s . i . “ Shallow-pored Boletus.”
Pileus nearly plane, smootli, viscid, reddisb-grey ; stemeqnal,
even, self-coloured; tubes subdecurrent, angular, compound,
greyisb-yellow, tben ferruginous.-—Dr. Epicr.p. 411. L en z.f. 38.
X rom b h .t.7 5 ,f. 1-6. Fl. Dan. t.1018. H u s s .i.t.34. E n g .F l.
v.yi. 149. Fl. Boruss. i. 378.
Heatby fir woods. Sept. [United States.]
Gregarious, fasciculate. Pileus 1 / 4 in . hroad ; when young hemispherical,
margin white and tomentose, disc and top of the stem purplish, base
rhubarb-coloured ; when full-grown convex, expanded ; margin still turned
in, very glutinous, dull orange-yellow, or deep huff; flesh tinged with the
colour of the pileus, not changeable. Tubes resembling the pores of Alemlius
lachnjmans, very shallow _(J of an inch), compound, dirty yellow, not
easily separating from the pileus. Stem 2-3 in. high, 4-f iu. thick, suhto-
mentose, not diffused gradually but rather abruptly into the pileus, of the
same colour, but streaked with watery lines, attenuated below, or subequal;
bulbous when very young. Spores elliptic. Smell strong, like Marasmius
oreades.—M. J. B. Spores spindle-shaped, dingy green oohre, '0003 X '00015
7 0 6 . B o le tu s b a d iu s. Fr. “ Bay Boletus.”
Pileus pulvinate, soft, viscid, bay-tawny; stem solid, nearly
equal, even, paler, brownisb pruinose; tubes adnate, sinuate or
depressed, ratber large, angular, dingy, yellowisb-wbite, tben
greenish.—Fr. Epicr.p. 411. Lenz.f. 35. Krombh. t. 36,f .12-18.
Ann. N .H . no. 804. F l. Boruss. t. 37 9.
In pine woods. Rare.
Pileus viscid iu wet, shining in dry weather, flesh turning partially blue.
7 0 7 . B o le tu s sa n g u in e u s . With. “ Blood-red Boletus.”
Pileus convexo-plane, even, smootb, viscid, blood-red; stem
equal, even, variegated witb yellow and r e d ; tubes adnate, broad,
unequal, orange-yellow.—F r. Epicr.p. 412. Sow.t. 225. B.sub-
tomentosus, var. Eng. Fl. Y.p . 150.
In woods. Rare.
Pileus crimson, semiglobular, f - l j over ; when old rich brown, nearly 3 in.
over, and the edge turning np. Flesh wliite, a little tinged with crimson
next to the skin, chanpng slowly to a bluish oast when wounded. Stem
blotches or streaks of dilute crimson on a yellow ground, apparently twisted,
1-24 in. high, near f in. diameter. In the larger specimens the base is bulbous.—
7 0 8 . B o le tu s p ip e r a tu s. Bu ll. “ Peppery Boletus.”
Pileus convexo-plane, smootb, sligbtly viscid, yellow, inclining
to reddisb-grey ; stem slender, even, fragile, yellow witbin, and
P O L T P O E E I . 2 5 3
at tbe base ; tubes subdecurrent, large, angular, ferruginous.—
F r .E p ic r .p . 412. B u ll.t. 451, f.2 . B a ts c h .f.28. Sow.t. 34. F l.
Dan. 1.1850. Krombh. t.3 7 ,f. 16-20. Eng. F I .y .p . 150. Corda.
Sturm.t. 60. Barla. t.3 2 ,f. 5-10. Smith, P .M . f 26.
In woods. Autumn. [Carolina, U. S.]
Pileus 1-3 in. hroad, at length plane, moist, or even glutinous, reddish-
yellow or brownish. Flesh yellow, not changing colour. Tubes large, snb-
decurrent, angular, reddish-yellow or ferruginous. Stem 1-2 in. high, 3-4
lines thick, more or less deep yellow. Taste remarkably acrid and pungent,
—Qrev. Spores oval, brown, "0003 X '00015 in.
Sect. 2. Subtomentosi.
7 0 9 . B o l e t u s l u h i n u s . Smith. “ Bed-tuhed Boletus.”
Pileus yellow-brown, gibbous, pulvinate, tben plane, dry, sub-
tomentose, sligbtly cracked; tubes wholly carmine, subdecurrent,
compound, of a medium size; stem yellow, smeared witb crimson,
irregular ; flesb vivid-yellow, perfectly unchangeable; spores
pale-umber, ovate.—Seem. Journ. 1868, ji. 33, t. 75, f . 1-4.
Under trees by tbe roadside. Sept. Near Dunstable.
I t differs from all other British species in the wholly carmine tubes, together
with the vivid-yellow, wholly unchangeable flesh. Pileus 2-3 in. broad,
stem2-3iu. high. Spores oval, almost round, pale warm brown, '00025 X
'0002 in.
7 1 0 . B o l e t u s p a i a s i t i c u s . Bull. “ Parasitic Boletus.”
Pilens hemispherical, smooth, viscid, soon cracked and tesselated
; stem thin, incurved, rigid, diffracto-rimose, yellow without
and w ithin; tubes decurrent, middle-sized, rounded, simple,
golden-yellow.—F r .E p ic r .p . 412. B u ll.t. 431, f . l . Berh. Outl.
1.15, f . 4. Ann. N .H . no. 338.
On species of Scleroderma. Rare. Clifton. Kew. Coombe
Pileus silky, dirty-yellow as well as the incurved, rigid, slightly silky
stem; flesh of a pale-reddish hue ; tubes deeurrent, lahyrinthiform, reddish.
It is certainly not viscid in any stage of growth.—B. A Br.
We have met with it several times, but there has not been any reddish
tin t in the tubes of our specimens. Hence they may vary in colour. Tubes
at first sulphur colour, yellow, tlieu reddish-orange. Spores spindle-shaped,
elongated, pale brown, very different from the last, '0005 X '00015 in.
711. B o l e t u s v a r i e g a t u s . Fr. “ Variegated Boletus.”
Pileus convexo-plane, obtuse, moist, tawny-yellow, witb scattered
superficial, fasciculato-pilose scales; margin acute, at flrst
flocculose; stem without ring, firm, equal, even ; tubes adnate,