(1853). Besm. exs. E d . i. no. 2186, E d . ii. no. 1836. Cooke
Seem. Journ.iY. p. 97. Cooke exs. no. 132. CookeL.F.no.66.
On leaves of Clematis vitalha. Summer and Autumn.
1 3 2 7 . S ep to r ia e p ilo b ii. West. “ Willow-herb Septoria.”
Amphigenous ; spots olivaceous, irregular or angular, limited
by the veins of the leaves, or confluent; peritbeoia on both surfaces,
very small, brown, pierced with a terminal pore ; tendrils
white, very delicate ; sporidia elongated, slender, straight, curved,
or flexuose, witb numerous nucleoli.—Bull, de Brux. 1852, xix.
yiariiii.)». 120. Bell. Cat. Crypt. Namur, no. 324. Cooke Seem.
Journ.iY. p . 97. Besm. Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. 3, xx. (1853), p. 94.
Desm. exs. E d . i. no. 2188, E d . ii. no. 1888.
On living leaves of Epilohium.
1 3 2 8 . S e p to iia lo s a ium . West. “ Eose-leaf Septoria.”
Epipbyllous ; spots small, round, scattered, pallid, surrounded
by a purplisb border; perithecia rare, semi-emergent, blackish ;
tendrils wbitisb ; sporidia flexuose, cylindrical, obtuse at tbe extremities,
with from 3 to 6 nucleoli.—Bull.de Brux. 1351, p.
396. Cooke Seem. J o u rn .iY .p .97. Septoriarosce, (¡^minor. West,
and Wall. exs. no. 426.
On living leaves of roses in gardens.
1 3 2 9 . S e p to iia s e d i. West. “ Orpine Septoria.”
Epipbyllous ; spots circular, greyish ; peritbeoia numerous,
minute, nearly black, scattered over the spots pierced with a
terminal pore ; tendrils wbite ; sporidia linear, usually straight
or slightly curved, with about five nucleoli.—Bull, de Brux. ser.
2, ii. no. 107. West. / Wall. exs. no. 943. Cooke Seem. Journ. iv.
p . 9 7 ./. 29. Cooke exs. n o.l33. Ascochyta sedi. Lib. exs. no.249.
On leaves of Sedum telephium. Sept.
1 3 3 0 . S e p to iia s o ib i. LascTi. “ Mountain Ash Septoria.”
Epipbyllous ; peritbeoia minute, aggregate, semi-innate,
nearly black. Sporidia elliptic, slightly pointed at the extremities,
so as to be almost almond-shaped.—Lasch. Klotsch. Herb.
Myc.no. 459. Cooke Seem. J o u r n .iY .p . 97, f ig .25. Cookeexs.no.
128. Cooke L .F . no. 67. Fckl. exs. no. 509. Depazea sorbicola.
Babh. exs. no. 548.
On leaves of Sorbus aucuparia. Autumn. Common.
1 3 3 1 . S e p to iia f i a x in i . Besm. “ Ash-leaf Septoria.”
Epipbyllous ; perithecia minute, black, semi-innate, clustered
together in irregular spots. Sporidia cylindrical, truncate at
the extremities, containing numerous nucleoli.—Desm. exs. no.
1086. West. Bull. deBrux. xviii. no. 76. Fr. El. ii. p . 119. no. 3.
Bisch. f . 3517. Cooke Seem. Journ. iy. p. 97. Coohe exs. no. 202.
Fckl. exs. no. 507. Septoria Badhami, var. /3. Fraxini. Awd.
Bahh. exs, no. 852.
On leaves of ash. Common.
In habit it differs from S. Sorbiy in which the perithecia are aggregrated
about the margin of the leaves, and also from that of S. Badhami, with which
some authorities have associated it. This is probably only a conclition of
Sghoerella inoequalis.
1 3 3 2 . S epto r ia c h e lid o n ii. Desm. “ Celandine Septoria.”
Amphigenous ; spots grey, whitish, or of a brownish tint ;
perithecia innate, minute, nearly black, pierced witb a large
apical pore ; tendrils yellowish ; sporidia elongated, linear,
straight, or curved, witb several nucleoli.—Desm. exs. no. 1176.
Cooke Seem. Journ. iv. p. 97. Ascochyta chelidonii. Lib. exs.
no. 57. Spilosphwria chelidonii. Rabh. exs. 552. Cooke exs. no.
On leaves of Chelidonium magus.
1 3 3 3 . S e p to iia sc a b io sæ co la . Besm. “ Scabious Septoria.”
Amphigenous ; spots orbicular, of a violet-brown, marked in
the centre with a wbite point, which bears the solitary perithecium
containing the elongated sporidia.—Ann. Sc. Nat. 1853.
X X . p . 96. Cooke Seem. Journ. iv. p. 97. Depazea scabiosæcola.
Desm. exs. ed. i. no. 722, ed. ii. no. 179. Sphoeria lichenoides, var.
scabiosæcola ? De Cand. Fl. Fr. Ascochyta scabiosoe. Rabh. exs.
wo. 1253. Spilosphoeria scabiosoe. Rabh. exs. no. 557.
On leaves of Scabious. Autumn. Common.
1 3 3 4 . S e p to iia s c le ia n th i. Besm. “ Knawel Septoria.”
Spots obliterated ; perithecia densely scattered, rather prominent,
convex, black. Ostiole minute, conical. Sporidia linear,
slightly curved, nucleoli scarcely distinct.—Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr.
1857, p. 861. Desm. exs. ed.ii.no. 639. Cooke Seem. Journ. ì y . p.
97,fig. 30.
On all parts of Scleranthus annuus. Summer and Autumn.