“ Pileua 3 llnea aorosa, coaioal, atriate, pallid grey, darter in the centre,
minutely rivulose; margin sub-crenulate; atom short, slightly curved, shining,
quite smooth, minutely fistulöse; gills distant, slightly adnexed, white,
with a purple margin. Under a high magnifying power the pileus (especially
the edge) and stem appear clothed with minute glandular particles, similar
to those which colour the edge of the gills.”—B. A Br.
1 6 9 . A g a z icu s (M y c en a ) e le g a n s . P. “ Elegant Mycena.”
Pileus submembranaceous, campanulate, striate, almost umbonate
; stem even, equal, rigid, flocooso-fibrillose at the base ;
gills narrow, adnate, livid or whitish, edge yellow, entire.—Fr.
Epicr.p. 100, FI. Dan. t. 2024,/. 2. Eng. F I. v. p. 59.
In woods. , [S. Carolina.]
Pileus J in. or more across, greyish, or livid yellow, obtuse, striate, margin
paler, gills rather broad, adnate, with a minute tooth, scarcely ven-
tricose, the part nearest the pileus livid; margin beautiful yellow; stem 1-2
in. high, rather brittle, slender, minutely pilose, yellow above, brown below,
fistulöse, the base strigose, rather swollen, filled with watery juice.—M. J. B.
1 7 0 . A g a z icu s (M y cen a ) zu b zom a zg in a tu s. Fr.
bordered Mycena.”
‘ Eed-
Pileus somewhat membranaceous, campanulate, obtuse, striate,
hygrophanous ; stem rigid, even, w ithout juice ; gills adnate, distant,
whitish, edged with purple or purple-brown.—Fr. Epicr. p.
101. Berh. Out. p. 122.
On pine stumps. Nov.
Stem 1-2 in. long, scarcely exceeding 1 line thick, equal, livid, pallid. Pileus
, I n ..................
; distinguished i ) by juice ]
171. A g a z icu s (M y cena ) stz o b ilin u s . Pers. “ Fir-cone
Scarlet. Pileus rather fleshy, campanulate, with an acute umbo,
even ; margin striate ; stem rigid, without juice, even, clothed
with white strigose hairs at the base ; gills adnate, edge of a dark
blood-red colour.—Fr. Epicr. p. 101. FI. Dan. t. 2025, f . l . Ag.^
coccineus. Sow. 1. 197. Eng. F I. v. p. 59. A. coccinellus, Fr. Mon.
Hym.ii.p. 200.
On fir cones. Eare.
Subgregarious, suhfascioulate. Pileua 3-5 lines broad, campanulate, with
a rather short, fleshy umbo, smooth, bright red, or red-orange, striate a t the
margin; gills adnate, with a deourrent process, distant, whitish-red, edges
dull and darker red ; stem 1-2 in. high, hollow, firm, smooth, pale red, strigose
at the base and whitish, often with a long root.— Grev.
172. A g a z icu s (M y c en a ) z o s e llu s . Fr, “ Rosy Mycena.”
Eose-ooloured. Piieus membranaceous, hemispherical, obtuse,
umbonate, striate ; stem thin, soft, without juice, whitish fibrillose
at the base ; gills adnate, with the edge darker.—Fr. Epicr.
p. 101. FL Dan. t. 2025. f . 2. Pers. Syn. t. 5 ,f. 8.
Amongst fir leaves. Eare.
Smaller, thinner, softer, and paler, than A . strolilimis, which it otherwise
somewhat resembles, although perfectly distinct.
Sect. 2. Adonideæ—stem not dilated at base, gills of one colour.
173. A g a z icu s (M y c en a ) pu zu s. P. “ Amethyst Mycena.”
Strong scented. Pileus rather fleshy, campanulate, then expanded,
obtuse, umbonate, smooth,turning pallid ; margin striate;
stem rigid, even, nearly naked, villous at the base ; gills very
broad, widely sinuate, adnexed, conneoted by veins, paler than the
pileus.— Fr. Epicr.p . 102. Huss.ii.t.lO. Eng.F I . y .p . 60. Paul.
i. 119. D/.Dara.i. 1612,1673,/. 1. B a tsch .f.20. L a r h r .t .l8,f.
4. Bull. t. 507. Schæff. t. 303.
Amongst leaves in woods. Common. [S. Carolina.]
Gregarious. Pileus J-2 in. broad, sub-carnose, ohtuse, convex, at length
depressed, the margin thin, pellucid, sometimes marked with two or three
concentric groves, amethyst, or rose-coloured, soon changing to a pale brown
purple, at last nearly white ; gills broad, adnate, sometimes almost decurrent,
at first whitish, then amethyst or rose, then subrufescent, conneoted by veins,
—M. J. B. Spores ’0U023 X -00013 in .
1 7 4 . A g a z icu s (M y c en a ) I z is . Berk. “ Blue Mycena.”
Pileus hemispherical, obtuse, striate, sub-viscid, adorned with
blue fibrillEe ; stem fasciculate, pilose ; gills almost free.—Berh.
Outl. t. 6. f . 8. Eng. F I . y . p . 56.
On fir slumps. Oct. Eare.
Fasciculate or scattered, brittle, when young the pileus and stem are bright
sky-blue, and beautifully tomentose. Pileus f-J in. broad, membranaceous,
hemispherical, obtuse, striate, umber, clothed with blue fibrilla, which are
glued down to the epidermis, scattered in the centre, thicker and more free
on the margin, which is slightly denticulate; gills free or slightly adnexed,
linear, pale cinereous, the margin sometimes denticulate ; stem, 1J-3J in.
high, not 1 line broad, not rooting, blue below, above subrufescent,^ the to-
meutum below depressed and blue, above nearly white, minutely but distinctly
fasoiculato-pilose, in very elongated specimens obsolete.—M. J. B.