ochraceous tan-coloured, naked.—Fr. Epicr. p . 362. Vitt. t. 34.
Roq. 1.10, f. 4. Krombh. t. l , f . 21, 22, t. 64,/. 1-3. Berk. Outl. t.
1 3 ,/8 . Hogg 4 Johnst. t. 15. Eng. F l. v. p . 21. Price, f. 36.
Barla. 1.14,/. 1-3. Smith. E .M .f. 6.
In woods. Common. Esculent. [United States.]
Pileus 3 in. broad, flesby, smooth, viscid when moist, depressed ; margin
at hrst even, more or less furrowed and tubercled when old, pink, livid, olive,
&o.; gills broad, equal, sometimes slightly forked, ventricose, free, connected
by veins ; spores yellow; stem in. long, 1 in. thick, blunt, surface long!-
tndinally wrinkled or grooved, solid, spongy within, smooth, wbite, sometiUes
yellow. Taste mild, pleasant j acrid when oldt.—M .J .B .
6 3 8 . R u s su la lu t e a . Fr. “ Yellow Russula.”
_ Mild. Pileus rather firm, piano-depressed, with a viscid cuticle,
becoming p ale; flesb wbite ; margin even ; stem stuffed,
then hollow, soft, wbite; gills free, crowded, connected by veins,
egg-yellow.—Dr. Epicr. p. 366. Eng. Fl. v. p. 21.
In woods. Scotland. [United States.]
Pileus 1-2 in. broad, plauo-depressed, rather viscid, yellow, becoming pale,
rarely white ; gills connected by veins ; stem more or less hollow, slender
taste mild; brittle.—Fncs. Spores yellow, eohinulate, diameter'00032 iu.
6 3 9 . R u s su la v i t e l l in a . Dr. “ Egg-yellow Russula.”
Strong-scented, mild. Pileus submembranaceous, at length
tuberculoso-striate, self-coloured; disc minute, ratber fleshy;
stem thin ; gills free, seceding, equal, saffron-yellow.—Er. E-nicr
p. 363. Batsch.f. 72.
In fir woods.
exceeding an inch long, 2 lin. thick. Pileus about an
by v e i n s b e c o m m g pale. Gills distant, ratherthiok, conneoted
6 4 0 . R u s su la cham a e leontina . Fr. “ Chameleon Russula.”
Mild, fragile. _ Pileus flesby, plane or depressed, pellicle tbin,
discoloured viscid; margin smootb, tben striate ; stem bollow
white ; gills much crowded, even, furcate, yellow.—Dr. Obs i
no. 89. B . 4 B r. Ann. N .H . (1865), no. 1014. ’ ’’
In woods. King’s Cliffe. Sept. 30,1863.
Gen. 1 1 .
Fig. 53.
C A N TH A R E L LU S , Adams. Fung. Ord. V.
Spores wbite ; veil entirely absent;
pileusfleshy or membranaceous; stem
confluent witb tbe bymenopbore, or
absent; gills decurrent, folded, more
or less thick and swollen, branched ;
trama floccose. {Fig 63.)
Hab. Growing on the ground, or
on rotten wood, moss, etc.
This genua holds an intermediate place
between Agaricus and Craterellus, some species
being close to one, some to the other
genns. Some are said to be poisonous,
others edible.— W. 0 . S.
Sect. 1. Mesopodes.
6 4 1 . C a n th a r e llu s c ib a r iu s . Dr. “ Edible Chantarelle.”
Egg-yellow. Pileus fleshy, at first repand, smootb, at length
turbinate ; stem solid, attenuated downwards ; gills tbick, distant,
of the same colour.—Dr. Epicr. p. 365. Grev. t. 258. Hogg 4
Johnst. 1.16. L en z.f. 27. Krombh. t. 46, f . 1-11. Fzif. t. 26, f . 1.
Sow.t. 46. B a ts c h .f 120. P aul.t. 36. Coohe B .F . t. 13, f . 1.
Smith E .M . f 8. Gard. Chron. (1860),p. 312. Badh. i. t. 9 , / 2,
ii./. 8 , / . l . Price f . 94. Barla. t. 2 8 ,/. 7-15. Eng. F I . y . p . 125.
Vent. t. 39, f . 8, 4.
In woods. Common. Esculent. [United States.]
Snbgregarions. Pileus 1-4 in. broad, fleshy, firm, variously lobed, depressed,
the margin vaulted, smooth, shining, of a rich yolk of egg yellow,
paler when dry, flesh white or yellowish. Folds much sinuated, but evidently
f O r k o f i t k i c " * ^ ______A Y Y . « i . . - . i . . » . . 1 o ¿YY V. : .-yI-. l . 1 :>*. •l-U'Ti-.lw rx+l-v-k'nnfxl'/x/l
able like th
•0003 X -0002 in.
6 4 2 . C a n th a r e llu s a u z a n tia cu s . Dr. “ False Chantarelle.”
Nearly orange-colour. Pileus fleshy, soft, depressed, tomentose
; stem stuffed, unequal; gills crowded, straight, darker
than tbe pilens.—Dr. Epicr. p. 365. Jacq. Coll. ii. /. 1 4 ,/. 3.
Batsch.f. 37. Sow.t. 413. Schoeff. t.206. Berh. Outl.p. 14, f 1.
Krombh. t. 46, f 3-6. Smith P .M . f 19.
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i '
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