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u i
then ochraceous, sprinkled with gold-coloured, micaceous atoms,
at length naked^ tuberculose or papillose.—Fr. Epic r.p. 563.
Berk. Outl. p . 275. Thelephora ochracea, Eng. F I.y . p. 170.
On pine wood. [Mid. Carolina.]
mostly resupinate,
but sometimes slightly reflexed or rather detached at the marg-in
adhering dose to the wood; margin entire iu old plants, villous when yonng’-
hymenium smooth oohraoeous, sometimes with a faint purplish tinge, papillæ
w o o d - ( ? S spurious, being produced by the asperities ofthe
9 3 6 . C o r ticium q u e r c in um . P. “ Oak Cortioium.”
Membranaceous, waxy, at first agglutinate, indeterminate,
tben fixed at the centre; border free and involute, blackish and
smootb beneath ; bymenium continuous, flesh-coloured. F r
Epicr. p. 563. Nees.f. 253. Qard. Ghron. (I860'),p. ¿%\,fq.
Grev. 1.142. Bull. t. 436, / . 1 . Cooke, exs. no. 222. Thelephora
quercina, Eng. Fl. Y.p. 167. Rabh. F .E . no. 1211.
On oak branches. Common. [Mid. & Up. Carolina.]
margin reflexed all round and involute; pileus
smooth black; hymenium flesh coloured, generally cracked, more or less
tuberculated and wrinkled.—i)/. J,B.
9 3 7 . Co r ticium c ia e r e um . Fr. “ Cinereous Cortioium.”
_ Waxy, atlength rigid, confluent, agglutinate, lurid ; bymenium
cinereous, with a very delicate bloom.—Dr. Epicr. p . 563. Desm.
exs.no. 119, 666. Moug. exs. no. 681. Berh. exs. no. 63, 64. Rahh.
F .E. no. 20. Thelephora cinerea, E n g .F l. Y. p . 172.
On dead wood, sticks, &c. Common. [United States.]
The principal distinctive mark of this species is its dingy colour, which
varies from brown to cinereous, or almost black.—Af. J. B.
9 3 8 . C o r tic ium in c a r n a tu m . Fr. “ Bright-coloured
Waxy, becoming rigid, confluent, agglutinate, circumference
radiating; bymenmm persistently bright coloured (red or orange)
covered with a delicate flesh-coloured bloom.— F r Epicr p 564’
m . Dan t. 2035 / . 2. Berk. Outl.p. 275. Thelephora incarnata,
J b n g ,F L Y ,p .lll , ^
On timber, rails, &c. Common. [United States.]
str^atum“ ®'^ "n t brightly coloured
9 3 9 . C o r ticium n u d um . Pr. “ Naked Cortioium.”
Waxy, becoming rigid, agglutinate, flesb-coloured, growing
pallid ; circumference determinate, smootb ; bymenium covered
witb a fugacious, wbitisb bloom.—Fr. Epicr.p. 564. A n n .N .H .
no. 715. Thelephora nuda, Eng. Fl. Y. p . 172.
On twigs in woods.
Distinguished from the last by its dull colour when dry. Cn the same
branch individuals occur very thin, quite smooth, and effused, while others
are thicker, more cinereous, and tuberoulate. Spores oblong, slightly curved,
'0005in. long, '00015 in. broad.—A. <6 Ar.
9 4 0 . Co r ticium co n flu en s. Fr. “ Confluent Cortioium.”
Membranaceous, waxy, agglutinate ; circumference radiating ;
bymenium naked, byaline, tben brightly coloured, somewbat
shining.—Dr. Epicr.p. 564. Ann. N .H . no. 716.
On asb twigs, &c.
Distinguished from C. nudum more especially by its white, tomentose
margin. Spores oblong, '0008 in. lo n g ,'0004 in. broad. The more perfect
specimens have a few scattered papillæ.—A. tfcAr.
9 4 1 . Co r ticium p o ly g o n ium . P. “ Patchy Cortioium.”
Determinate, adnate, soon grumoso-cartilaginous, bard, flesh-
coloured ; circumference similar ; hymenium continuous, red,
pruinose.— F r .E p ic r .p . 564. Berk. Outl.p. 276.
On poplar branches. [Mid. Carolina.]
Growing in little ronnd detached patches from the ostiola of Sjgliæriæ.
9 4 2 . Co r ticium com ed en s. Fr. “ Erumpent Cortioium.”
Effused, exposed by the splitting of tbe epidermis of the
matrix, tbin, innate, flesh-coloured, then pallid ; bymenium
even,smooth.-—F r .E p ic r .p . 565. Nees,f.255. Berk. Outl.p. 276.
Berk. exs. no. 22. Thelephora comedens, Eng. Fl. Y.p . 171.
On branches. Common.
Distinguished at once by its peculiar mode of growth. I t originates
beneath the hark, which peels off and leaves it naked, forming a margin
round it. — Ai. J. A.
9 4 3 . Co z ticium S am b u c i. P. “ Elder Cortioium.”
Effused, sublimate, variously incrustmg, wbite, continuous
Yrhen gromngj when dry cracked or flocculose and collapsing.—
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