On rotten wood. Common. [United States.]
Threads of a definite length, smooth, occasionally echinnlate, terminating
somewhat acutely.
Threads occasionally echinnlate.—Cmr. (Fig. 138.)
1 1 8 8 . T z ich ia v a x ia . P. “ Variahle Trichia.”
Scattered ; peridia sessile, subrotund, or reniform, at length
yellowish, capillitium and spores ochraceous.—F r. S .M . iii. p.
183. E n g .F I .y .p . 320. Mich.t. 95, f . 2 . Schoeff. t. 296. Batsch.
f.1 7 1 . Kl.exs. no. 422. Wig. Ann. Sc. N at. (1862) xvi. i. 1 5 ,/.
7-10. S c h n z l.t.l4 ,f.2 7 -3 3 . F cM .e x s.n o .l4 3 l.
On decayed wood. Appin. [United States.]
‘ ‘ Threads not distinguishable from those of T. nigripes, but I have sometimes
found T. varia with echinnlate threads.”—Gwrr.
11 8 9 . T z ich ia se zp u la . P. “ Eetioulated Trichia.”
Peridia creeping, vein-liire, flexuous, and reticulated, yellow ;
capillitium and spores of tbe same colour.—Fr. S .M. iii. p . 188.
Eng. F I .y .p . 320. B a tsc h .f. 174. Pers. Ic. 4 Des. t. 12, f . 1.
Nees.f. 111. Curr. Micr. Jour.iii. t.2, f . 7-8. Wig. Ann. Sc. Nat.
(1862) xvi. 1.1 6 , / 5.» Fl. Dan. t. 2089, / 3. Bisch. / 3622.
Trichia reticulata. Grev. t. 266.
On rotten branches, leaves, &c. [United States.]
Peridium more or less bright yellow, sometimes hay, spores and flooci of a
golden yellow, even more bright than in T. chryaosperma.—Eng. Fl.
Threads very long, sometimes branched, sparsely eohinulate, obtusely
1 1 9 0 . T z ic h ia (?) fla g e llife z .
P . & B r . “ Anomalous
Globose, sessile, metallic; flocci flagelliferous at their tips
spores flesb-coloured.—B. 4 Br. Ann. N .H . (1866) no. 1143, t.
3 , / 4 .
On spruce fir. Dec. Badminton.
Perfectly globose, but fixed only by a small portion of the surface, which
slightly proj eots, smooth, bay, reflecting metallic tints like a Phyaarwm ; flocci
divided above two or three times. Spores ('0003—'0004 in.) 'OOyS—'01 m.m.
diameter. Perfectly distinct from every other Trichia by the colour of the
spores and metallic coat, in addition to the flagelliform threads.—E. A Br.
This is certainly not a good Trichia, as the threads are attached to, and
spring from, the inner surface of the peridium. It will more properly constitute
the type of a distinct genus.
Gen. 9 3 .
F E R IC HÆ N A , Fr.
Mg. 139.
F e z ichæ n a a b ie tin a .
Peridium simple, submembranaceous,
persistent, naked,
often splitting horizontally in
tbe middle. Flocci few, not
spiral.—Berh. Outl. p. 311.
Eng. F l. Y . p . 321.
(Fig. 139.;
Fr. “ F ir wood Perichiena.”
Peridia obovato-globose, bay black, more or less regularly
splitting all round; flocci and spores yellow.—Pr. S.M. iii.p.
191. Eng. F I . y . p . 321. Sphcerocarpus sessilis. Sow.t. 258.
On flr wood.
There is an evident hypothallus, which is one of the peculiar characters of
the species.—M. J. B.
U 9 2 . F ez ichsen a p o p u lin a . Fr. “ Poplar Periohiena.”
Peridia globose, depressed, yellow-brown, splitting all round,
flocci and spores yellow.—Fr. S.M. 191. Eng. F l. Y . p 321.
Grev.t.252. Desm. exs. no. 671. Bull. t. 417, f . 5. Pers. Obs. i.
t. 6 ,f. 1-2. Berk. exs. no. 47.
On fallen poplars. [United States.]
Sometimes almost covering the tree. [Fig. 139.)
Gen. 9 4 . LICE A, Schrad.
Peridium thin, membranaceous,
even, bursting irregularly.
Spores not mixed with
tbe flocci.—Berk. Outl.p. 311.
Eng. F l. Y . p . 321.
{Fig. 140.)
Fig. 140.
I iic e a c y lin d z ic a . Fr. “ Tubular Licea.”
Fqually effused, peridia linear, connate; spores earthy-fer-
rnginous.-r-Dr. S.M. iii.jo. 195. Eng. F l. v. p . 391. Batsch. f.
175. Bull. t. 470, f . 3 . Kl. exs.no.349. Nees.f. 163. Beticularia
multicapsula. S o w .t.179. Trichia meteorica. Sow.t. 435.
On rotten wood. [Mid. & Up. Carolina.]
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