On moss. Appin.
The columella reaemblea th at of D . umbilicatum,.
1113. Dide zm a n it e n s . Klotsch. “ Shining Diderma.”
Applanato-sessile, ronnd, hemispherical, cæspitose, outer peridium
crust-like, silvery white, brittle, inner very thin hyaline,
columella none, spores black-brown.—Klotsch. in Hook. Herh.
Eng. F l. Y. p . 312.
On bark. Appin.
1 1 1 4 . D id e zm a g lo b o sum . Fr. “ Globose Diderma.”
Sessile, globoso-hemispberical ; outer peridium white, inner
cinereous, columella globose, spores sooty-black.—Fr. S .M . iii.
)>. 106. Mich. t. 96, f . 6. B ull. t. 446,/. 2. Pers. Disp. t. 4, / . 4, 5.
Sturm, t. 6. Grev. t. 122. Chev. t. 9 ,f. 28. Eng. F l. Y. p . 312.
Bisch.f. 3629.
On dead leaves. Autumn. Common. [United States.]
Gregarious, sessile, minute, about a line in diameter, roundish, somewhat
depressed, white, or greyish, the outer peridium fragile and evanescent in
farinaoeons particles ; the inner one also fragile, grey, meinbranaceous.
Columella large, white, roundish. Spores globose dark coloured, intermixed
with filaments.—Grev,
1115. Diderma c y a n e s c e n s , Fr, “ Amorphous Diderma.”
Sessile-adnate, sub-rotund, irregular, outer peridium tbick,
wbite, inner ash-colour, columella none, flocci and spores black-
brown.—F r. S .M . iii.)>. 109. Nees.f. 105 ? Eng. F l. Y . p . 312.
On dead oak leaves.
Outer peridium crustaceous, white, like the shell of some small egg, inner
peridinm in the dry state brownish, except at the base, where it is adnate
and rufous.—Aay. Fl.
1116. Dide zm a d ep la n a tum . Fr. “ Depressed Diderma.”
Sessile, rounded, outer peridium tbick, white, inner very thin,
byaline, columella and flocci none, spores black-brown.—Fr.
N.M. ill.)?. 110. Hoff. E.G. t.9 , f . 2 . Eng. F I . y .p .3 l2 .
On dead oak leaves. Appin.
When the spores have fallen out, the base within is of a somewhat tawny
tinge. There are a few fiooei.—Aîiy. Fl.
1117. Dide zm a c o n t e x tum . Fr. “ Interwoven Diderma.”
Sessile, crowded; peridia elongated, flexuose, outer lemon-
coloured ; inner wbitisb-yellow, columella none, flocci wbite,
spores dingy.—Dr. N.M. iii.)?. 111. Sturm.t. 39. Berk. Ann.
N .H . no. 109. Bisch. f . 3624.
On dead grass, fern, &c. Wothorpe. [United States.]
Gen. 8 0 . DIDYMIUM, Sobrad.
Fig. 125.
Peridium scaly or floccose,
bursting irregularly.
—Berk. Outl.p. 307.
(Fig. 125.)
Inner peridium very delicate ;
membranaceous, bursting irregularly,
externally clothed with the
bark-Hke outer peridium, which
breaks np into little furfuraeeous
scales or mealy down.—Kng. Fl.
1113. D id ym ium m e la n o p u s . Fr.
Didymium. ’
“ Black-stemmed
Peridium hemispherical, depressed, erect, farinose, plano-um-
bilicate beneath, grey ; stem subulate, black, as well as the
columella; spores dingy brown.—F r. S.M. iii.)?. 114. Berk.
Ann. N .H . no. 382. Bisch.f. 3669.
On bramble. [United States.]
v a z . (3, c la v u s . Fr. Stem substriate, peridium farinoso-vil-
lous, concave beneatb, black.—Arare. N .H . no. 110, A. /N , <. 2,
/• 2 .
On various substances.
1119. D id ym ium hæm isp h e z icum .
Fr. “ Hemispherical
Peridium hemispherical, depressed, erect, witb a whitish veil,
plano-umbilicate beneath ; stem short, thick, whitish ; columella
obsolete ; spores sooty-black.—Fr. S.M. iii.p. 115. Bull. t. 446,
/ 1. Sow. t. 12. Fl. Dan. 1.1 9 7 2 ,/ 2.
On dead twigs, &o.
The curious flat subhemispherioal peridia, with a broad shallow umbilicus
beneath, and the short, dirty-white stem, are characteristic.—Eng. Fl.
1120. D id ym ium fu z fu z a c eum . Fr. “ Scurfy Didymium.”
Peridium lenticular, cernuous, flocculoso-farinaoeous, whitish-
cinereous, columella none; stem wbitisb, even ; spores blackish.
T 5