I ■ 1 1 4 3 . Badh amia h y a lin a . Berh. “ Hyaline Badhamia.”
Peridia globose, inflated, very delicate, wbitisb, stems fasciculate,
flaccid, ascending, rufous ; flocci wbite ; spores black.—■
Berh. Linn. Trans, xxi. t. 1 9 , / 3. Physarum hyalinum. Fr. S.M.
iii. p. 139. Eng. F l.r . p . 315. Pers. Disp. t. 2 ,/. 4. Berh. Ann.
N.H . no. 213. F l. Dan. t. 2 0 9 3 ,/ 1.
On rotten wood. Appin. Lambley, Notts. [Mid. Carolina.]
1 1 4 4 . Badh am ia fu lv e lla . Berh. “ Tawny Badhamia.”
Peridia gregarious, sessile, globose, black, invested witb a
delicate tawny down ; floooi wbitisb.—Linn. 2Varas. xxi. ))• 154.
Ann. N.H . no. 733.
On dead wood. East Bergbolt, Suffolk.
Peridium very thin, blaot apparently, but yellow when divested of the
spores. Gregarious, hut not forming distinct patches, sessile, globose,
clothed with very delicate, tawny down ; mother-cells (‘001 in .) ’025 m.m.
diameter ; spores ('0005-'(l0075 in.) '0125-'018 m.m., black, forming a oompaot
mass. Flooci often swollen in the middle, whitish. The habit is that of
a Aicii/mwm rather than of a Physarum.
1 1 4 5 . B ad h am ia p a llid a . Berh. “ P allid Badhamia.”
Peridia sessile, depressed, sub-lentiform, crowded bere and
tbere, or scattered, pallid-yellow; flocci yellow; spores la rge;
granulate ; central vesicle large.-—Berh. Trans. Linn. Soc. xxi.
jp. 153, ¿ . 1 9 , / 2. A n n .N .H .n o .7 3 2 .
On decayed oak brancbes. Marob. East Bergbolt.
At first exhibiting more or less effused cream-coloured patches, which
gradually assume a yellow tinge, and from which arise a few irregular groups
of yellow depressed peridia, some of which are confluent, somewhat wrinkled.
Flocci evidently continued from the peridium, and of the same colour,
branched, forming triangular spaces at the origin of the branches. Mother
cells '05 m.m. C00175-'002 in.) diameter, spores slightly granulated, (.0005-
•0008 in.) '0127-'02 m.m. long, attached to a large central vesicle. The peridinm
consists of a membrane, rough with very minute granules, which become
more dense where the flocci are produced. Tn old specimens the
patches assume an olive tinge.
1 1 4 6 . B adh amia n it e n s . Berh. “ Shining Badhamia.”
Peridia subsessile, depressed, crowded, sbining yellow, flocci
yellow ; spores externally strongly ecbinulate.—Trans. Linn. Soc.
xxi. p. 153.1.1 9 , / 1. Ann. N .H . no. 731.
On decayed oak branches. Feb. East Bergbolt, Suffolk.
Forming little crowded orbicular patches, consisting of depressed s ub-lenti-
form pendía of a bright persistent yellow, perfectly sessile, at length burst-
ing above and dispersing their dark spores, so as to forma border resembling
the stains produced by the sporidia o f F l o c c i y e l l o w , b r o a d .
Spores at first contained in a common vesicle, which bursts or is absorbed
and exposes them in the form of little globose branches, often supported
by an articulated thread, strongly echinnlate, externally smooth towards the
COr4-"ooT"in.)“ h 1
1147. Badha-mia u t z ic u la z is . Berh. “ Steel-blue Badhamia.”
Peridia oblong, inflated, very delicate, steel-blue, wben empty
whitish; stems sub-adnate, flaccid, yellowisb; ñocoi wbite; spores
black.—Berh. Linn. Trans.-^M.p. 153. Physarumutriculare. Fr.
S.M. iii.)3. 139. Bull. t. 411, f . 1. Berh. Ann. N.H . no. 214. F l
Dan. t. 2093, f . 2.
On wood. K in g ’s Cliffe.
1148. Badhamia inauzata. Cm-r. “ Bright-yellow Badhamia.”
Gregarious ; peridia sessile, globose, or nearly so, bright yel-
low, YY across, covered with floccose yellow scales, opening
by irregular fissures ; sporidia subglobose, very minutely punctate,
enclosed at first in hyaline sacs.— Gurr. Linn. Trans, xxiv
Í. 2 5 . / 8. B . 4 B r. Ann. N .H . no. 1034.
On Jungermannia. Oct. Paul’s Cray Common.
Spores (-0ü04--0006 in.) 'Ol-'OIS m.m.
Gen. 8 4 . CRATERIuni, Trent.
Peridium simple, papyraceous,
rigid, persistent, closed at
first with a decided operculum.
Flocci congested, erect.—Berh.
Outl.p. 308. Eng. Fl. y .p . 316.
{Fig. 130.)
Fig. 130.