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ofthe pileus, and fixed to the stem, forming a ring; pileus
fleshy; stem distinct from the hymenophore, furnished with a
ring ; gills free, and rounded behind, at first wbite, tben pink,
afterwards intense purple-brown. {PI. V .,f.2 6 .)
Hab. All the species are terrestrial, mostly growing in rich
pastures and on manured ground.
Most of the species appear in the autumn, and several are valued for their
esculent properties. Psalliota corresponds with Lepiota.
3 8 9 . A g a z icu s (P sa llio ta ) a z v en s is .
Schceff. “ Horse
Pileus fleshy, conico-campannlate, tben expanded, at first floc-
coso-farinose, then nearly smooth, even, or cracked ; stem hollow,
witb a floccose p ith ; ring pendulous, broad, double, tbe outer
split in rays ; gills free, broader in front, dirty white, then red-
disb-brown.—Fr. Epicr. p . 218. Schceff. t. 810,811. P a u l.t.l8 1 ,
f .1 - 2 . Smith, E .M .9 . Hogg 4 Johnst, 1. 11. Vent. 1.15, f .1 - 2 .
Berh. Outl. 1. 10,f . 4. Huss. i, t. 76, 77. Badh.i. t. 6 ,/. 1. A.
Georgii, Sow. t. 304. Eng. F l. Y. p . 105. A.edulis, Krombh. t. 28,
f . 11-14, i. 2 6 ,/. 9-13. Tratt. essb. t.J . A.exquisitus, Vitt. Mang.
t. 20.
var. v illa t i c u s . Brond. Acquires a large size, and is very
In meadows, often in rings. Esculent. Suffolk.
Pileus 4-18 in. broad, white, stained with yellow, convex, very thick, firm
trio, adpressed scales, flesh yellowish when cut, juice yellow; gills adnate,
broad, numerous, white or very pale flesh colour, at length dark purplish
brown. Stem 2-5 in. high, 1-2 in. thick, firm, the centre loose and web-like,
when bruised yellow, especially below. Distinguished from A. campestris by
the almost white gills (when young) and the yellow stains when bruised.—
M. J. B. Spores variable in size, average ’0004 X '00025 in.— IP. G. S.
3 9 0 . A g a z icu s (P sa llio ta ) c am p e stz is.
L. “ Common
Pileus fleshy, convexo-plane, dry, silky, floccose or squamulose
; stem stuffed, even, wbite, ring medial, somewhat torn ;
gills free, approximate, ventricose, sub-deliquescent, flesb-
colonred, then brown.—Fr. Epicr.p. 213. Berh. Outl. 1. 1 0,/. 2.
H u s s .l,t.9 0 . Hogg4 Johnst. 1.19. Coohe,B.F. t. 10. Smith,E.M.
f . 5. Sohceff. t. 83. Vent. t. 1 4 ,/. 4-7. Paul. 1.130. Sow. t. 305.
Grev. i. 161. Vitt. Mang. t. 6-8. Krombh. t. 28, f 1-8. Tratt. essb.
t. K. Eng. Fl. Y. p . 106. Gonn. 4 Babh. iv. t. 1-2. Barla, t. 21.
Price,f. 63. Badh. i. t. 4, 5, ii. t. I . f . 3-5.
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