Amongst fern leaves in woods. Aug.—Nov. Common.
[United States.]
Pileus lin . or more broad and high, obtuse, sometimes umbilicate, cinereous
yellow, occasionally white, bluish or rufous, suh-membranaceous, mM-
gin striate and toothed, cuticle viscid, when moist easily tearing ott; gills
arcuato-adnate, suh-decurrent, partaking of the colour of the pileus. Btem
3-4 in. high, about 1 line thick, full yellow, viscid, smooth, tomentose at the
' ic.—M .J .B .
202. A g a z icu s (M y cen a ) p e llic u lo su s .
Fr. “ Pellioulose
Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, then convex, obtuse,
lineato-striate, cuticle viscid, separable; stem short, smooth,
viscid, livid ; gillsdistant, glaucescent, joined behind and slightly
decurrent.—Dr. Epicr. p. 116. B. 4 B r. Ann. N .H . no. 788, no.
in o * .
On heaths, on the ground. Hanham.
Pilens J-1 in., grey. Stem rather thickened above, short, viscid, livid, or
brownish; remarkable amongst its allies for the viscid separable cuticle.
2 0 3 . A g a z icu s (M y c en a ) v u lg a z is . P. “ Common Mycena.”
Pileus somewhat membranaceous, convex, then depressed, papillate,
viscid ; stem tough, fibrillose at the base, rooting, cinereous
; gills sub-dccurrent, thin, white.—Fr. E picr.p. 116. FI.
Dan. 1 6 7 8 ,/. 2. Berh. Outl. t. 6, / . 4. Mag. Zool. 4 Bot. no. 46.
Pers. Ic. Piet. 1.1 9 , / 3. Berh. exs. no. 133.
On plantations, especially of larch. Oct. [United States.]
Gregarious. Stem 1-2 in. long, about 1 lin. thick, greyish, rooting at the
base, and whitish strigose. Pileus 3 Un. and more broad, slightly viscid, grey
or tawny,
2 0 4 . A g a z icu s (M y c en a ) c it z in e llu s . P. “ Lemon-coloured
Pileus membranaceous, hemispherical, then plane, umbonate,
striate, viscid, as well as the stem, which is villous at the base
and lemon-coloured; gills uncinate, white.—F r .E p .p . 116. Pers.
7c. Desc. i. 11,/. 3. DZ. Dare. i. 1614,/. 1. Batsch. f . 88.
In fir woods, &c.
Small, delicate, becoming pale. Pileus 2-3 lin broad, scarcely viscid,
lemoB-coloured, with the disc darker. Gills distant. Spores OOCdd X
■00028 in.
2 0 5 . A g a z icu s (M y c en a ) zozidus. Fr. “ Dripping Mycena.”
Very delicate; pileus very thin, convex, sub-umbilicate, sulcate,
dry ; stem thread-like, very glutinous ; gills decurrent, distant,
white.—Fr. Epicr.p. 117. Eng. FI. Y .p. 30*.
On dead bramble-twigs, &c.
Pilens i in. broad, or more, dirty ochraceous, at length umbilicate, and
epressed, striate or plicate, often rugose, very minutely scabrous
under a hiigghh imagnifier. Gills white, strongly deourrent, broad, their edge
powdery ; stem 1J in. or more high, very slender, fistulöse, at first tinged with
violet above, at length dirty ochre, pulverulent within the pileus, below
clothed with abundant white pellucid gluten, which almost drips from it ;
sometimes the whole plant is nearly white.—M. J. B.
Sect. 6. Basipedes- -stem dry, dilated at the base into a
little disc.
2 0 6 . A g a z icu s (M y c en a ) s ty lo b a te s . P. “ Discoid Mycena.” »
Pilens membranaceous, campanulate, ohtuse, striate, suh-pi-
lose ; stem filiform, smooth ; base orbicular, plane, villous, striate ;
gills free, distinct, ventricose.—Fr. Epicr. p. 117. Berle. Outl. t,
6, / 5. Pers. Syn. t. 5 , / 4. Sturm, t. 29. FI. Dan. t. 2025, / . 3.
Eng. F I .y .p . 61.
On fern, twigs, &c. Aug. [S. Carolina.]
Pure white. Pileus 2 lines or more broad, campanulate or hemispherical,
sometimes broadly and obtusely umbonate, striate, with a round mark in
the centre caused by the insertion of the stem, minutely pilose, not granulose;
gills unequal, rounded, free. Stem 1-2 in. high, Jlin e thick, rather
thicker at the base, fiexuous, fistulose, downy or minutely pilose, though
sometimes, as the pileus becomes quite smooth, fragile, adhering by abroad
membranous, tomentose, radiato-striate disc.—Af. J. B. Spores ’0001 X
'00005 in.
207. A g a z icu s (M y c en a ) ten e z z im u s.
Berk. “ Delicate
White, very delicate ; pileus convex, pruinose ; stem pilose,
adhering by a minute pubescent disc ; gills free, ventricose.—
Berh. Outl. t. 6, / 6. Eng. FI. Y . p . 61.
On fir-cones, sticks, &c.
Gregarious, pure white. Pileus 1 -lJ lines broad, very delicate, tender, and
easily injured, not pilose, but frosted with minute granules; gills distant,
unequal. Stem l in . high, scarce J line thick, fiexuous, fistulose, adhering by
a minute pubescent disc, which is not the least striate ; spores white, round.
—M .J .B .
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