menium porous, then narrowly labyrintbiform and torn, pruinose,
cinereous, tben reddisb brown.—F r .E p ic r .p . 493. Bolt. i. 160.
B u n A. 491. S ow .t. 193. Eng. F I.y . p .l3 2 . A n n .N .H . no.219.
On willows, service, &c. Eare.
827. Daedalea unicoloz. Fr. “ One-coloured Dmdalea.”
Pileus corky, coriaceous, villoso-strigose, cinereous, witb
zones of tbe same colour ; sinuses labyrintbiform, flexuose, intricate,
acute, at length tom and toothed.—Fr. Epicr. p . 494.
Sow. t. 325. Eng. F I .y .p . 133. Fckl. 1363. El. exs. no 28
n. wo. 614. E l. Han. t. 2271./.1.
On stumps, &c. Common. [United States.?]
Imbricate/ Pilens 2-4 in. broad, coriaoeons, zoned, densely villons,
fleraouJJa/ pores narrow, small, irregular, unequal, sub-
828. Daedalea latissima. Fr. “ Effused Daedalea.”
Effused, between corky and woody, tbick, undulated, mfescent
or pallid wood colour; pores tbin, distant, very obtuse, somewhat
rounded and elongated, flexuose.—F r .E p ic r .p . 495. Sow
t. 424. Eng. F l. y.p. 133.
On dead branches on tbe ground. Rare.
Gen. 2 2 . MEB.U1.IUS. Fr. Syst. Myc.
Hymenium soft, waxy, forming
porous, reticulate, or sinuous,
toothed folds. {Fig. 68.J
Hymenopbore'covered with the soft, waxy
hymenium, which is incompletely porous,
or arranged in reticulate, sinuous, dentate
folds. Bpixylous fungi, at first resupinate,
expanded; the hymenophore springing
from a mucous mycelium.
Fig. 68.
A. Leptospori—spores white.
8 2 9 . M e r u liu s t iem e llo su s . Schrad. “ Tremellose Meruliua.”
Eesupinate, then free or reflexed, flesby, tremelloid, tomentose,
wbite ; margin dentato-radiate ; folds porous, variable
pinkish.-—Dr. Epicr. p. 500. F l. Dan. t. ] 553, 776. / . 1. Ann.
N.H. no. 77. Huss.i. t.lO. Fckl. exs. no. 1358. Ann. Sc. Nat.
1837. viii. Í. 10 ./. 22. B ail.t.30. Kl. exs.ii. n o .7. Boletus arbo-
reus, Sow. t. 346. Bisch.f. 3447.
At the base of decayed trees. Rare. Oct. [United States.]
“ Sometimes the edge is beautifully tinged with pink.”
8 3 0 . M e r u liu s c e r ium . Fr. “ Leathery Merulius.”
Resupinate, effused, soft, somewhat papyraceous, circumference
at length free, reflexed, white, and villous below; hymenium
reticulato-porose, flesh-colotu-ed, or pallid tan-colour.__
F r .E p ic r .p . 500. Grev.t. 147. Bull.t. 402. Sew. t. 349. E ng.Fl.
y.p. 128. Fckl. exs. no. 1359. Berk. exs. no. 19. Kl. exs. no. 1916.
On dead trunks. Common. [United States.]
Plant 2-3 in. broad, sometimes completely effused with a white byssoid
margin, but not unfrequently the margin, or even the whole pileus is regu-
larly reflexe/ often imbricated, white, pubescent, and zoned above, below
pale bufi or lilac, variously sinuato-rugose or retioulato-porous, very various
in thickness, being sometimes a mere pellicle, while on the contrary individuals
occur as thick as Stermm hirsutum.—M .J .B . Spores oval, vivid
orange, -00018x-00023 in. ’
8 31. M e r u liu s h im a n to id e s . Fr. “ Fibrous Merulius.”
Effused, siiky, very soft, fibrous, siiky beneath, lilac ; circumference
byssoid ; folds porous, then gyrose, dirty yellow, at
length inclining to olive.—Fr. Epicr.p. 501. Pers. M .E . t. 13.
f . 3 , 4. Sow.t. 346. Br. Bath. Tra n s.1870.p . 84.
On fir wood, and on club mosses in a conservatory.
Similar to M. lacrymans^ but thinner.
8 3 2 . M e r u liu s a u r a n tia cu s . Klotsch. “ Orange Merulius.”
Pileus tough, carnoso-coriaceous, effuso-reflexed, zoned, tomentose,
between yellow and dirty white, here and there cinereous;
folds minute, subporiform, dull orange.—Berh. Outl.p.
256. Eng. F I .y . p . 128.
On dead beech. May. Rare. Scotland.
Pileus liu . broad ; zones obsolete, hirsuto-tomeutose. Nearly allied toM.
eoriv,m.~M. J.B.