2 0 8 . A g a z icu s (M y c en a ) p te z ig en u s . Fr. “ Fern-stern
Very delicate, rose-coloured ; pileus campanulate, obtuse,
nearly even ; stem flexuose, tbread-like, smooth ; base swollen
into a little bulb, which is radiato-strigose ; gills adnate, broad,
distant, entire.—Dr. Epicr. p. 118. Pers. M .E . t. 28, / . 6. Berk.
Outl. t. 6, f . l . Eng. F I. Y . p . 68. M a g . Zool. 4 Bot. no. 41. Berh.
exs. no. 134.
On dead fern stems. Rare.
This species varies in different individuals from bright orange-red to rose-
colour, occasionally the upper part of the stem is brown ; the gills are ornamented
with a bright orange margin ; the pileus in the young state is oblong,
oval obtuse, minutely furfuraeeous at the apex, marked with darker, sligbtly
anastomosing veins, which at length, in consequence of the quicker growth
of the subjacent stratum, and the collection of the veins themselves into
bundles radiating from the centre, form striæ on the pileus. The stem under
a high magnifier is often streaked with veins like the pileus.—M .J .B . A
variety on oak leaves is described in “ Eng. FI.”
S e c t.l. InsititicB—stem slender, dry, growing on other plants,
without root; gills adnate, with decurrent tooth.
2 0 9 . A g a z i c u s (M y c e n a ) c o z t i c o l a . Solmm. “ Bark Mycena.”
Pileus thin, hemispherical, at length obsoletely nmbilica,te,
snlcato-striate ; stem slender, short, incurved, furfuraeeous; gills
broadly adnate, uncinate, broad, rather ovate, pallid.—Dr. Epicr.
p. 118. Mich. t.l4 , f . 8. Bull. t.5 \9 , f . l . Eng. F I.y .p . 62. Schn.
S tü rm t.2. Sow.t.248.
Amongst moss on bark. [S. Carolina.]
Gregarious. Pileus 1-3 lines broad, hemispherical, in general obtiise, hut
sometimes slightly papillose, rarely umbilicate, umber, white, cinereous,
lilac, flesh-coloured, rufous, bluish, &c., flesh rather thiek m proportion ;
gills variously adnato-uncinate or snb-decurrent, partaking more or less ot
the colour of the pileus ; stem J -1 in. high, incurved, minutely pulverulent,
stuffed, and not truly fistulose, minutely strigose, or tomentose at tlie base.
The whole plant dries up in dry weather, hut revives with the first shower.
—M. J. B. Spores '0003 X '00015 in.— IF. G. S.
2 1 0 . A g a z i c u s (M y c e n a ) h i e m a l i s . Osieck. “ Winter Mycena.”
Pileus thin, campanulate, obsoletely nmbonate, margin striate ;
stem slender, ascending, downy below ; gills adnate, linear, whitish.
Fr. Epicr. p . 119. B. 4 Br. Ann. N.H., 1865, no. 993.
Bull. t. 519,f . l a.
On trunks of trees. Nov. Apethorpe. North Badminston,
A more delicate species than A. corticola ; stem longer, colour constantly
paler, whitish, pinkish-red, &o.
211. A g a z icu s (M y cen a ) s e to su s . Sow. “ Setose Mycena.”
Pileus very delicate, hemispherical, ohtuse, smooth; stem
thread-like, covered with spreading hairs ; gills distant, white.
—Fr. Epicr. p. 419. Now. i. 302. E n g .F I . y . p .6 4 .
On dead leaves in woods.
Pileus noti'Bin. broad; stem -J in. long, finer than a hair, closely allied to
A(J. capillaris, from which it is distinguishable by the spreading hairs of the
2 1 2 . A g a z icu s (M y c en a ) c a p illa z is . Schum. “ Capillary
Very delicate, white ; pileus campanulate, at length umhili-
cate, smooth; stem thread-like,smooth ; gills adnate, ascending,
rather distant.—Fr. Epicr.p. 119. Fl. Dan. i. 1670, Z. 2142, / . 1.
Bull. t. 601,/. 2 G. Hoffm. t. 5 ,f. 2. Eng. F l. Y.p. 64. Mich. t. 80,
/ . 10- 11.
On dead leaves, in woods.
Pileus i- I line broad, at first conic, like the head of a very small pm, grey,
the margin rounded, the stem dark above, and minutely pulverulent, graUu-
allv the stem elongates extremely, becoming much finer the pileus fiemis-
nherical, delicate, white, with a dimple in the centre; gills very lew, two or
three only, in general reaching the stem, in specimens 1 line broad, regularly
ascending about 9, adnate, with two or three intermediate ones ; stem
flaccid, extremely slender, yeryminutely dilated at the base.—-M.J.B- bpores
very m inute, oval, '000018 in. long.
2 1 3 . A g a z i c u s (M y c e n a ) j u n c i c o l a . Fr. “ Eush Mycena.”
Very delicate ; pileus convex, striate, smooth, rufescent stem
thread-like, smooth, brownish; gills adnate, distant, white.—
Fr. Epicr. p . 49. M ic h .t.8 0 ,f.9 . Paul. t. 105, f . 44. Bull. t.
148,/. D. E n g .F I .y .p .68.
On dead rushes, in bogs. June. July. Rare.
Pileus 1 line broad, of a deep blood red, inclining to tawny, sometime
minutely umbonate, at length depressed, distinctly and broadly striate ; stem
I in. high, brown, paler above, smooth ; gills few, yellowish white, at lengtli
detached, so as to form a collar round the stem.
Sub-Gen. 9. O m p h a l ia . F r. Epicr. p. 119.
Pileus generally from the first umbilicate, afterwards funnel-
shaped, almost always membranaceous or sub-membranaceous