greyish, flesh coloured, edge black, serrulated.—F r Epicr. p . 153.
Holms, ii. t. 38. Bull. t. 4 1 3 ,/. 1. Ann. N .H . no. 146.
In woods. Rare. Wothorpe.
Remarkable for its black margined, serrated gills j stem black, steel blue,
glaucous, or grey. Pileus at first blackish blue.
2 7 7 . A g a r icu s (L ep ton ia ) eu ch r o u s, P . “ Violet Leptonia.”
Pileus rather fleshy, campanulate, then convex, ohtuse, squamulose,
or flbrillose; stem stuffed, smooth, violet; gills adnexed, ventricose,
violet ; edge darker, entire.—F r.E p ic r.p . 153. Pers. Syn.
7). 343. Ann. T èi.
On alder trunks.
Pilens violet, scarcely an inch broad ; stem about IJ in. long, 1 line thick,
tough. The habitat as well as structure of this species is analogous with
certain species of Collybia.
2 7 8 . A g a r icu s (L eptonia ) ch a ly boe u s. P. “ Steel-blue
Pileus rather fleshy, convex, sub-nmbonate, without striæ, at
first flocculose, then squamulose ; stem stuffed, smooth, blue ;
gills emarginate, adnexed, broad, ventricose, glaucous, dirty white,
edge darker.—Fr. E picr. p. 153. Sow. 1. 161. Krombh. t. 2 .f. 11,
16. Eng. F I.y .p . 80.
In pastures. July—Sept.
Pilens J-1 in. broad, convex, minutely umbonate, scaly, dark bine, or almost
black, sub-carnose, slightly striate on the margin, flesh dark blue ; gills
at.first pale, then clouded lightly, of the colour of the pileus. Stem I J in.
high, 1 line thick, stuffed, at length hollow, indigo without, dark within,
nearly smooth above, downy at the base. Spores rose-coloured, elliptic, with
a globular nucleus.—M .J .B . ( PI. I I I ., f.lQf, smallfig.)
2 7 9 . A g a r icu s (Leptonia ) in c a n u s . Fr. “ Hoary Leptonia.”
Pileus submembranaceous, convexo-plane, umbilicate, smooth,
with a silky lustre, or virgate, margin striate ; stem fistulose,
shining, smooth, brownish-green ; gills adnate, seceding, broad,
somewhat distant, white, then greenish.—Fr. Epicr. p . 154. Sow.
t. 162. A. Sowerhei. Eng. F I .y .p. 82.
In pastures.
Smell like that of mice ; gregarious ; pileus ahont 1 in. broad, variegated
brown and greenish; stem 1-2 in. long, greenish or greenish brown. Spores
very irregular, dull-yeUowish, pink, average diameter '00034 in.
(PI. I I I ., f. 16, rediwed.)
2 8 0 . A g a r i c u s ( L e p to n i a ) a s p i e l l u s . Fr. “ Rough Leptonia.”
Pileus somewhat memhranaoeous, convex, then expanded,
striate, hygrophanous, with a darker umbilicus, sqnamuloso-
fibrillose; stem fistulose, slender, smooth; gills adnate, seceding,
rather distant, equally attenuated, whitish grey. Fr. Epicr. p.
1 5 4 . Berh. Outl.p. 1 4 7 .
In open pastures. Bristol. Wansford.
Pileus at first dingy or mouse colour, soon plane and livid grey, usually
smooth, except in the centre, 1-lJ in. broad ; stem 1-2 in. long, scarcely
liri, thick, even, smooth, livid, greenish, or light blue.
Sub-Gen. 1 7 . N o l a n e a . Pr. S. M . i. p . 2 0 4 .
Spores salmon colour ; pilens submembranaceous (as in Leptonia
and Eccilia), sub-campanulate, and papillose, not umbili-
cate, at first straight and pressed to the stem, not incurved as in
Leptonia; stem cartilaginous, fistulose, sometimes stuffed, confluent
with but heterogeneous from the hymenophore; gills
not decnrrent.
Hab. Generally terrestrial, growing on grassy hills, and in
wet places in woods.—PI. I II .,fig . 1 7 .
The species are thin, slender, inodorous, and brittle (hut some very tenacious),
growing iu summer and autumn. Nolanea corresponds with Mycena,
Galera, Psathyra, arLiPsathyrella.~W. Q. S.
2 8 1 . A g a r icu s (N o lan ea ) p a s cu u s . P . “ Pasture Nolanea.”
Pileus membranaceous, conical, then expanded, snb-umhonate,
smooth, striate, hygrophanous, when dry shining like silk; stem
fistulose, fragile, silky fibrous, striate ; gills attenuated behind,
nearly free, ventricose, crowded, dirty greyish.—Dr. Epicr p.
1 5 5 . S choe ff.t.229. Buxb.'w.t. 21, f . 1. Batt. t . 25, E . B o lt.t.
35. E n g .F I .y . p . 8 1 ,partly.
In pastures. Inodorous. [United States.]
Stem soft, 2-3 in. long, 1-2 lin. thick, striate ; pilens 2-3 in. broad, sometimes
scarcely exceeding 1 in dingy when moist,
fawn-colour. Spores irregular, rounded, P®“ ‘^S™?'Vrr
L p .AAHQ+/'Y «nnn/i^-ivi ((PPII.. II IlI .l, ff.. 17-,, reduced.)
Peril. “ Red-brown
meter from '0003 to '00042 in.
2 8 2 . A g a r icu s (N o lan ea ) lu fo -c a r n e u s .
Pileus submembranaceous, hemispherical, umbilicate, indistinctly
fibrilloso-squamulose, red brown; margin striate; stem
elongated, pale rufous, rather incrassated at tlie base ; gills ad