6 1 3 .
Sect. 1. Compactée.
R u s su la n ig r ic a n s . Fr. “ Blackish Eussula.”
Pileus equally fleshy, compact, umbilicate, depressed, dingy-
olive; margin inflexed, without striæ ; stem solid, blunt, at length
charry-black ; gills rounded tbick, distant, unequal.—Fr. Epicr.
p. 350. B u ll.t. 57 9, f . 2 . Kromhh. t . 7 0 , f 1 4 ,1 5 . Sow.t.3%.
Huss. t.73. Ann. N .H . no. 799*. A . adustus,Eng. F l .r .p .2 3 .
In woods. Common.
Pileus 24-3-4 in . hroad, white, smooth, or clothed with a very minute pubescence
or meal, which when touched turns black, piano-depressed, at length
infundibuliform, flesh thick, firm, crisp, turning red when cut, when old the
whole plant is black. Margin not involute ; gills narrow, pale yellowish,
thick, distant, forked, decurrent; stem 3 in. high, nearly 1 in. thick, sub-
incrassated below, very obtuse, substance and surface like that of the pileus.
—M .J .B . Known from its coarse habit, and becoming red when bruised.
Spores papillose, diameter '0003 in.
614,. R u s su la a d u sta . Fr. “ Scorched Russula.”
Pileus equally flesby, compact, depressed, nearly infundibuli-
form ; margin at first inflexed and smootb, tben erect and without
striæ ; stem solid, blunt, dingy-cinereous ; gills adnate, tben
deourrent, tbin, crowded, unequal.—Fr. E p ic r.p . 350. Krombh.
¿ .7 0 ,/. 7-11. B a t t . t .13, C. B a r la .t.l7 . Ann. N .H . no. 800.
In woods. Sept. Oct. [United States.]
Commonly smaller then R . nigricans, pileus at length infundibuliform;
gills decurrent, thin, crowded ; colour when young pallid or whitish, when
old as if scorched, sooty-grey.—.Frzes. Well distinguished by its comparatively
thin, crowded gills, and other points,— ¿sBr.
6 1 5 . R u s su la d e lic a . Fr, “ W hitish Russula.”
Pileus equally flesby, firm, umbilicate, even, sbining ; margin
involute, smootb, without striæ ; stem solid, compact, white ;
gills decurrent, thin, distant, white.—Dr. Epicr. p. 350. Batt.
¿.17, A. Paul, t.73, f . l . K r om b h .t.7 0 ,fl2 ,1 3 . Vent. t. 48, f
3, 4.
In woods.
Stem solid, short, 1-2 in., 4 in. and more thick, even, smooth, white. Pilens
everywhere fleshy, 3-5 in. broad, firm, umbilicate, then infundibuliform,
regular, even, smooth; margin involute, without striæ. Flesh firm, dry,
Sect, 2. Furcatoe.
R u s su la fu r c a ta . Fr. “ Forked Russula.”
Mild, at length bitter. Pileus flesby, rigid, plane, tben depressed
and infundibuliform, even, somewhat sbining, witb a
silky lustre, a t length smooth ; margin even, acute ; stem stout,
firm, even, attenuated downwards ; gills adnato-decurrent, ratber
thick, somewbat distant, forked, white, as well as tbe stem.—
Fr.Epicr.p. 352. Krombh.t.62, f . 1 ,2 ,t. 69, f . 18-22. Bull. t.26.
Schoeff.t.94,f . l . Paul, t.7 4 , f . l . B u xb .y .t. 47, f .2 . E n q .F l.
Y.p. 22. Barla. 1.16, f . 1-9.
In woods. Sept. Common. [United States.]
Stera stuffed, moderately firm, white. Pileua when young plane, the margin
deflexed, then subin fundibuliform, green. Taste acrid.—Fries.
617. R u s su la s a n g u in e a . Fr. “ Blood-red Russula.”
Acrid. Pilens flesby, firm, convex, then gibbo-depressed and
infundibuliform, at length even, moist ; margin tbin, acute, even;
stem spongy or solid, slightly striate, wbite or reddish ; gills
decurrent, tbin, very crowded, somewhat forked, connected, white.
—Fr. Epicr.p. 351. Bull. t. 42. Roq. t. 12, f . 1. Smith, P .M.
f l 7 .
In woods.
Stem stout. Pileus fleshy, firm, obtuse, then depressed and infundibuliform,
polished, 2-3 in. hroad, blood-red, or growing pale about the margin.
Flesh firm, cheesy, white. Gills very narrow, and much crowded. Taste
acrid and peppery.
618. R u s su la r o sa c ea . Fr. “ Rosy Russula.”
At length acrid. Pileus compact, convexo-plane, unequal,
viscid, then dry,variegated witb spots; margin acute, even ; stem
spongy or solid, even, wbite, or reddisb; gills adnate, rather
crowded, plane, unequal, wbite, divided behind.—Fr. Epicr.p.
351. Bull. t. 509,/. .Z.
In woods. [United States.]
Stem solid, firm, at length spongy within, even, smooth, about 2 in. long.
Pileus fleshy, convex, expanded, obtuse, but never depressed, 2-4 in. broad,
cuticle when young and moist viscid and separable. Gills in all states adnate,
crowded, fragile, forked behind, always persistently white. Spores papillose,
almost globular, diameter '00026 in. (Fig- 52, reduced.)
L 2