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from that of the stem. Gills free, pale, distant, slightly ventricose. Stem
1-2 in. high, 2-3 lines thick, equal, solid, very tough, the outer coat squamn-
loso-hbrous, base downy, somewhat rooting, and attached to the roots of
grass. Taste and odour strong but agreeable.—I f . J B
6 5 8 . Mara smiu s fu s co -p u rp u z eu s.
Fr. “ Purple-brown
Inodorous. Pileus ratlier flesby, convexo-plane, sub-umbilicate,
growing pale; stem fistulose, smooth, without juice, brown-
lurple, base rubiginous, strigose; gills annulato-adnexed, at
length free, distant, rufescent.—Fr. E picr.p. 377. Pers. Ic. 4
Desc. t. 4, / . 1-3. Eng. F l. Y .p. 49. Mag. Zool. 4 Bot. no. 41.
Berk. exs. no. 127.
In woods, amongst leaves. Common.
Stem short, scarcely exceeding 1 in. long, 1-2 liu. thick:, smooth, at first
palhd, a e n rufous or blackish purple, with a strigose, rubiginous, woolly
base. Pileus |-1 in. broad, brownish purple, growing pale, tan-colonred and
6 5 9 . M a ra sm iu s W y n n e i. B. f Br. “ Wynne’s Marasmius.”
Inodorous, cæspitose. Pileus fleshy, convexo-plane, subumbonate,
iliac brown, tardily changing colour ; stem fistulose, of
tbe same colour, furfuraeeous ; gills thick, distant, adnexed,
bright coloured.—D«rL Outl.p. 220, /. 1 9./. 3. Ann. N .H . no. 802.
Amongst leaves, twigs, &c. Coed Cocb.
Greprious or cæspitose. Pileus l - l j in. across, variously tinged with brown
^IPimy changing colour, umbonate, slightly fleshy. Stem 2 in.
high, 1^ line thick, rather paler than the pileus, fistulose, furfuraeeous,
springing from a white mycelmm, but by no means strigose or tawny at th!
base. Gills distan^t, thick, moderately broad, adnexed, beautifully timred
With hlac ; intersticeg even.— é Br. j &
6 6 0 . M a za sm iu s e zy th zo p u s. Fr. “ Pallid Marasmius.”
Inodorous. Pileus ratber fleshy, convexo-plane, then obtuse,
even, turning pale, at length rugose ; stem fistulose, striate,
smooth, dark-red, somewbat pruinose wben dry, base whitish,
strigose ; gills free, seceding, broad, lax, connected by veins’
quite entire, whitish.—Dr. Epicr. p. 378. Kromb. t. 3 ,/. 8. Ann.
N .H . no. 65.
Amongst leaves, near stumps. [Cincinnati.]
Stem tough, 2-3 in. and more long, 2 lin. thick, at length compressed,
blackishped smooth above, paler from the first, base strigose. Pileus about
an inch broad, pallid, with a pinkish tinge. Gills broad, lax.
6 6 1 . M a za sm iu s t e z g in u s . Fr. “ Clustered Marasmius.”
Inodorous. Pilens somewbat flesby, convexo-plane, obtuse,
shining, whitish ; stem fistulose, smooth above, sbining, pallid,
reddish below, whitisb-villous, rootmg; gills seceding, free,
scarcely crowded, narrow, pallid.—F r. Epicr. p. 371. B .4 B r .
Ann. N.H . 1866,/». 55. M. Stephensii, B. 4 Br. Ann. N .H . ser. ii.
vol. xiii.yi. 403, no. 708.
Amongst dead beecb leaves. Dnrsley.
Fasciculated. Pilens 4-1 in. across, depressed and wrinkled in the centre,
______ , „ , - Ligu
gills few and distant, rather broad, of the same colour as the pileus. Taste
and smell like that of M. oreades.—B. A Br.
6 6 2 . M a za sm iu s im p u d icu s . Fr. “ Strong-scented
Foetid. Pileus rather flesby, tougb, convexo-plane, then depressed
; margin at length striate and plicate, growing pale ;
stem fistulose, equal, purplisb, when dry everywhere velvety-
wbite, base naked, rooting ; gills nearly free, ventricose, flesb-
colour, tben whitish.—Fr. Epicr.p. 377. B r.Bath. Trans. 1870,
p . 77. Fr. Mon. H ym .ii.p .222.
On and about pine trunks. Hanham.
Small, gregarious. Stem easily compresse/ 2 in. long, 1 linethiok, varying
from rufous, rufous-hrown, to violet. Pileus J - l in. broad, bay-brown
or rufous, growing pale; margin membranaceons, paler.
6 6 3 . M a za sm iu s azch y zop us. Fr. “ Tan-ooloured Marasmius.”
Inodorous. Pileus ratber flesby, convexo-plane or depressed,
smooth, growing pale ; stem stuffed, tben hollow, rigid, straight,
pallid, rufous beneatb the wbite tomentose bark, base similar;
gills adnexed, seceding, crowded, linear, pallid.—Fr. Epicr. p.
378. Pers. U .E . t. 26, f . 4. Ann. N .H . no. 276.
Amongst leaves. Rare. Bristol. [Mid. & TJp. Carolina.]
Fasciculate. Pileus about an inch across, tan-coloured. Stem scarcely 1
lin. thick.
664:. M a ra sm iu s sc o io d o n iu s . Fr, “ Strong-scented Marasmius.”
Strong-scented. Pileus somewbat flesby, tougb, even, soon
plane, rugulose, and crisped ; stem fistulose, equal, quite smootb,
sbining, rufous; gills adnate, crisp, wbitisb.—F r.E p ic r.p . 379.