! í f .
/ 1 U' ;
I. ; í
i 3
I ,
On the ground, incrusting stones, &c. Rare. Kew and
Bowood. [Mid. and Up. Carolina.]
901. Thelephora fastidiosa. Fr. “ Stinking Thelephora.”
Effused, soft, amorphous, incrusting, white, passing into
laminose branches ; bymenmm inferior, a t length rufous, papillose.—
Dr. Djjfer.yi. 540. Ann. N .H . no. 285.
On tbe ground. Foetid.
ti abominable odour, which time m dried specimens. - A/. J .B . remains for a long®
902. Thelephora byssoides. P. “ Byssoid Thelephora.”
Iriegularly effused, at first byssoid, ocbraceous-white, then in
a compact flesby disc, pulverulent, yellowish, circumference
byssoid, whitish.— Fr. Epicr. p . 542. Enq. F l. v. p . 168 Berh
exs.no.20. F l.D a n .t.2 2 1 6 .f.2 .
On the ground amongst fir leaves, &c.
Patches 1 ft. or more broad, at first white, very thin, soft and cottony,
but not radiating, with a slight ochraceous tinge in the centre, gradually
thickening, and becoming more or less tuberoulated; at length of a more or
less intense yellow-brown from the ejection o fth e oval, obtuse spores.—
31, J • Jj.
Sect. 4. Besupinatus.
903. Thelephora cæsia. P. “ Ash-grey Thelephora.”
Effused, determinate, soft, continuous, asby-grey ; bymenium
nearly even; setæ quaternate.—Dr. Dpfer.y». 541. Nees.f. 254
Fers. Ohs. i. t. 3 ./. 6. Ann. N .H . no. 365. Berh. Outl.p.269.
On tbe ground in woods.
The surface is sometimes quite smooth, sometimes distinctly papillose.—
31 • J . IS.
9 0 4 . Thelephora sebacea. Fr. “ Waxy Thelephora.”
Effused, flesby, waxy, becoming bard, incrusting, variable,
tuberculose or stalactitic, wbitisb, circumference similar ; bymenium
flocculose, pruinose, or evanescent.—Dr. Epicr. p 542
Pers. Comm. t. 4 .f. 4. F L Dan. 1.1302. Letell. t. 607. f. 3. Berh
O u t l . t .l l .fQ . Dow. <.12./. 253. Kl.e xs.n o .l8 1 1 .
On grass, &c. Common. [United States.]
9 0 5 . T h e le p h o r a p u t e a n a . Solmm. “ Cellar Thelephora.”
Eoundisb and effused, flesby, ratber thick, fragile, pallid-
yellowish ; circumference mucedinous, white ; bymenium subundulated.—
Dr. Dyncr.jj. 542. FL Dan. t. 2 0 3 5 ./. 1 . Ann. N H
no. 7.
On stumps, wood in cellars, &c.
Varying from almost perfect evenness to considerable inequality of sui-
face, with various tmts ui of unve,olive, tawny,mwny, lerruginous,ferruginous, cinereous, &o.,
in the same patch. When m rubbed T<nKVwrv/4 -¡it t- has U a disagreeable _ 1_ i _ fishy i odour.—t M.J.B.
906. Thelephora laxa. Fr. “ Loose Thelephora.”
Membranaceous, soft, loosely adherent, beneatb arachnoid,
tomentose; circumference byssoid, wbite ; bymenmm papillose,
pallid, tben olive-ferruginous, powdered witb ferruginous spores.
—Dr. Epicr.p. 543. Ann. N .H . no. 366.
On lichens, moss, &c. Eare.
Analogous to Thelephora puteana.
907. Thelephora arida. I<r. “ Dry Thelephora.”
Membranaceous, effused, adnate, continuous, circumference
whitish ; bymenium even, sulphureous tan colour, then setulose,
powdery,ferruginous-umber.—riww. N.H . no. 8. Dr. E l. i. p. 19 7 .
Berh. exs. no. 148.
On decayed pine-wood. Common. [Low. Carolina.]
Not so thick as Thelephora puteana.
908. Thelephora olivácea. Fr. “ Olive Thelephora.”
Membranaceous, effused, adnate, circumference fimbriated,
whitish; hymenium dull olive, setulose, tomentose.—Dr. Epicr.
p. 543. Berh. Outl.p. 269.
On pine wood,
909. Thelephora anthochroa. P. “ Bright-coloured
Effused, sub-adnate, circumference byssoid, p a le r; bymenium
even, brownisb-rose, then pallid, floccose, velvety.— Fr. Epicr.
p. 544.
var. versicolor. Variously tinted with fugitive shades of
lilao and brown.—Der¿. Outl.p. 270. Ann. N .H . no. 809.
On sycamore twigs. Eare. [Mid. Carolina.]
The young plant of the above variety is not at all brick-coloured, but
variously tinted with fugitive shades of lilac and brown.—B. é Br.
V 2