Sect. 2 . Clypeolai-n.—-píle-aB sliield-like.
21 . A g a z icu s fL ep io ta ) a cu te sq u am o su s . Wm. “ Squarrose
Pileus fleshy, obtuse, at first floccose, then bristly with erect
acute, squarrose scales ; stem somewhat stuffed, bulbous, below
the ring rough or silky, prninose above ; gills approximate, lance-
olate, simple.—Huss. ii. t. 5. Kromh. t. i./. 18-20, t. 2 9 /. 18-21.
A . Maria}. Klotsch. Linnæa vii. t. 8. Berk. Eng. E l. v. p. 4 Ann
N .H . no. 139.
On soil ill gardens, and in greenhouses. [Cincinnati.]
tawnUnr” ^ 4ark coloured scales. Stem
s t Z n A X Z u 'L 01-more. 4 lines to i in. thick. Ring white. Substance
fleshy, tough, elastic, white. Spores'0001 X '00023 in.—IF.ff.B.
^GAKicus (Lepiota) Fhiesii. Lasc/i. recorded by B. & Br. Ann. N.H. (1866)
IN o. Í.J.U5 was entered xn error.]
22. A g a z icu s (L ep io ta ) h isp id u s . Zaseh. “ Hispid Lepiota.”
_ Pileus fleshy, thin, umbonate, at first tomentose, then breaking
up into squamose papillæ. Stem flbrillose, stuffed, thin, atten-
uated, above the ring floccoso-squamose ; gills approximate, ventricose,
simple.—imwoea 1829, wo. 407. Ann. N .H . no 901 Fr
Icon. 1. 1 4 , / 1 .
In shady woods, amongst pine leaves. Aug.
like“ r i J â w L T ^ ^ ^ ^ Pileus 2.3 in. broad, umber. Smell
2 3 . A g a z icu s (L epio ta ) Badh ami. “ Saffron Lepiota.”
Pileus at first campanulate, obtuse, then expanded, or depressed
and umbonate, hispid with minute,velvety, ermine-like scales ; stem
bulbous, white, silky, stuffed with cottony threads ; ring firm
slightly moveable ; gills remote, ventricose ; whole plant when
wounded of a saffron-red. Ann. N .H . no. 664. Berk. Out. p. 93.
Under yew trees. Sept. Apethorpe. Norths.
Pileus 2-4 in. across, at first campanulate, obtuse, at length expanded, often
depressed and umbonate, hispid, with minute, velvety, fuliginous scal¿, but
sometiines entirely fuliginous, without any distinct scales; stem 2-3 in. high
4-2 in. thick attenuated above, bulbous below, white, silky, or flocoosol
squamose, stuffed with cottony threads ; ring firm, erect, and deflexed, more
or less moveable, beneath, frequently clothed with dingy granules • gills
truly remote, ventricose, rather broad. Spores elliptic, -0003 in. long, flesh
tolerably compact. The whole plant vfceu wounded assumes a rich red tint
Smell rather disagreeable.—JÍ. J. B.
2 4 . A g a z icu s (L ep io ta ) m e le a g z is . Sow. “ Sowerby’s Lepiota.”
Pileus fieshy, thin, convex, then plane ; cuticle broken up into
black scales ; flesh turning r e d ; stem solid, squamulose, thickened
downwards, and black ; root reticulated ; gills nearly free.—Saw.
1. 171. Berk. Outl.p. 101, no. 50 (sub. Tricholoma') B . 4 Br. Ann.
N.H. 1865. E n g .F l.Y .p .9 .
On hot-heds. May—Oct.
“ It has a solid stem, and a curious, somewhat reticulated root, in drying
it becomes of a blush-red all over, except the lower part, which retains the
darker hue.”—Sow. Stem about 3 in. long, f in. thick, nearly equal, pileus
IJ in. broad. Stem stouter in proportion than in A. clypeolarim.
25 . A g a z icu s (L ep io ta ) c ly p e o la z iu s . B u ll. “ Fragrant Lepiota.”
Pileus fieshy, soft, umbonate, at first with an even crust, at
length broken into floccose adpressed scales ; stem fistulöse, thin,
almost equal; ring evanescent, floccoso-squamose; gills free, approximate.—
B u ll.t. 405. 5 0 6 ,/2 . Tratt.Aust.t. 26. Paul.t. 136.
Eng. FI. v. p. 8. Fr. Icon. 1. 14,/. 2. Berk. Out.p. 94. Vent. t. 44,
/ 3-4.
In woods and hot-houses. [United States.]
Sweet scented. Variable in colour, white, yellow, pink, rufous, brown, &c.
ish, pale brownish, or rufescent, the whole clothed with fibrillose scales. Ring
sometimes remaining on the stem, but generally attached to the margin of
the pileus, or evanescent. Inodorous and insipid.—M. J . B.
2 6 . A g a z icu s (L ep io ta ) c z is ta tu s . Fr. “ Stinking Lepiota.”
Pileus slightly fleshy, rather obtuse, cuticle at first continuous,
naked, then broken into sub-grannlose scales. Stem fistulöse,
slender, even, equa l; ring entire, evanescent; gills free, at length
remote.—Fr. E p ic r .p .15. B a ts c h .f.205. -P r ic e /105. Grev.t.
176. Krombh. t. 25, f. 26-30. Berk. Outl.pl. 3 / 7. Eng. FI. v. p.
9. H u ss.i.t.4 8 . Berk. E x s .n o .1 .
In fields, lawns, &c. Common. [United States.]
Pretty, and remarkable for its strong scent. Solitary or snbgregarions.
Pileus i - l i in. broad, expanded, umbonate, white, the cuticle broken into
rufescent scales, which are either flat or reflexed, less frequent on the margin,
ring sometimes attached in fragments to the margin, sometimes moveable
on the stem, flesh firm, th in ; gills remote, numerous, slightly ventricose, the
margin uneven, often imbricated, tinged slightly with yellow. Stem 1-2 in.
nigh, 1-2 lines thick, tough, composed of fibres, smooth or fibrillose, hollow
hut with a few cottony fibres, flesh towards the base reddish, with a rooting
mass of branched fibres. Spores white, elliptic. Smell and taste strong and
unpleasant.—A f ./.B .