Series I. LEUCOSP©RE.— Spores white, PI. ii.
* Hymenopliore d is tin c t from the fleshy Stem.
J Without a ring.
Gills adhering to the hymenophorum,
and sinuate . . . . . .
Gills separating from the hymenophorum,
and decurrent . .
t Stem lateral or a b se n t...................
* With cartilaginous bark.
Gills decurrent.................................
Gills not decurrent.
Margin of pileus at first incurved
Margin of pileus always straight
IV. Spores purple, sometimes brownish-purple,
hrov/n.—Pratellie. .
* Without cartilaginous bark,
t Hymenophorum free.
X With a r i n g ...........................................
X R in g le s s ................................................
t Hymenophorum confluent.
Veil normally ring-shaped on the stem
Veil normally adhering to the margin
of pileus........................................... .
* With cartilaginous bark.
Gills d e c u r r e n t...........................................
Gills not decurrent.
Margin of pileus at first incurved . . .
Margin of pileus at first straight . . .
20. Seheloma.
vi. P axillus.
22. Crejiidotus-
25. Tnbaria.
23. Naucoria.
24. Galera.
dark purple, or dark
26. Psalliota,
27. Pilosace.
28. Stro;pharia.
29. Hypholoma»
32. Deconica.
30. Psilocyhe,
31. Psathyra.
V. Spores black, or nearly so.—C ..........
Gills deliquescent . . . . " ............................ ii. Copkinus.
Gills not deliquescent.
Gills d e c u r r e n t ...............................................viii. GoMPHIMUS.
Gills not decurrent.
Pileus s t r i a t e .................................................34. Psathyrella.
Pileus not s tr ia te ............................................33. Panoeolus.
1. AG AR ICU S, Linn. Syst. Nat. (1735).
_ Spores of various colours ; gills membranaceous, persistent,
witli an acute edge ; trama floccose, confluent witli the inferior
hymenium. Fleshy fungi, putrifying, and not reviving when
once dried, hence differing from such genera as are deliquescent
coriaceous, or woody. ’
“ divided into five series, accordingto the colour of the spores,
the subgenera in each series are arranged in the accompanying plates,
kach Sf nes consists typically of three groups.
1 .—Hymenophore distinct from the fleshy stem.
confluent and homogenous with the fleshy stem.
^.^Hymenophore confluent with, but heterogenous from, the cartilaginous
stem. ^
These three groups are kept distinct in the plates, the subgenera in each
series eorrespondmg in position with its analogues in the other series.
•»» Hymenophore confluent w ith , h u t hete ro g en eo u s from th e c a rtilag in o u s Stem,