o o w i t h the white oblong spores; stem J -I in. high, J in thick
and tltto“ T f J® " “ ®> lowefonL Xortive:
of the p ileX.-A}!j. " distinctly furfuraeeous, nearly of the colou?
7 3 9 . F o lyp o zu s S c h w e in it z ii. Dr. “ Sohweinitz’s Polyporus.”
Pileus tluck, spongy, then corky, strigoso-tomentose, rough,
bright brown ; stem thick, very short or obsolete, ferruginous •
pores la ije , variable, and torn, greenisb-sulpbur.—Dr. Epicr
Corda. v. 1.10. f . 88. Kl. ex. no. 513.
Amongst roots of pines. Eare. [Mid. Carolina.]
noi! a central stem, and also imbricated, and varies in the thick-
->^‘® - t - - p a r e n t .
7 4 0 . F o lyp o zu s zu fe s c e n s . Dr. “ Rufesoent Polyporus.”
Flesb-coloured. Pileus between spongy and corky, soft, iin-
w i n ’t irregular; pores large, sinuose and
190 flesh-coloured.—Dr. Epicr.p. 4 3 3 . Sow. t.
On the ground, about stumps. [United States.]
Smaller than P. Schweinitzii, softer, and of a different colour.
7 4 1 . F o ly p o zu s p e z en n is. Dr. “ Perennial Polyporus.”
Cinnamon then bright brown. Pileus coriaceous, thin, plane,
then iiifundibuliform, velvety, becoming smootb, zoned; stem
ratber film, thickened below, velvety; pores minute, angular,
^ u te , at first veiled, tben naked and torn.— F r. Epicr. p. 434
E o sth .t.6 . B o lt.t.87. Now./. 192. F l. Dan. t. 1075 f l B ull
^ 4 4 / / . 2 . NO/1W/./.125. Kl.exs.no. 31. F cU .e x l i& o . p lu i.
1 6 . t o . 136. P r i c j .m . F « .
On tbe ground and stumps. [United States.]
n e S rn la S iw h P u J to ’ ‘^®"J <>7 colour, cup-shaped when young,
7-/? • ,®" "I? ’ confluent, zoned, soft and velvetv and mnrked
fimbrtotp •’'t ^ striated appearance; margin
cXreffi S tim T to v ’ h “ “ ® ’• angnlar,current, btem 1 in. high, variable in thickness, verv touast-lhe ngvethlv teotvrn , bdnel-tifn?
Xript J - oi'al, white, '0001 X ’OOOlSin. A beauripKbfistm
charcoal hraps in woods, with a zoned pileus, :dark
rich chestnut brown, sometimes almost je t black,
Sect. 2. Pleuropus—pihus horizontal, stem lateral or excentric.
7 4 2 . F o lyp o zu s sq u am o su s. Dr. “ Scaly Polyporus.”
Pileus flesby, tougb, flabelliform, expanded, sub-ocbraceous,
variegated, with broad, adpressed, spot-like, centrifugal, darker
scales; stem excentric and lateral, blunt, reticulated above,
blackened at tbe base ; pores tbin, variable, at first minute, then
broad, angular and torn, pallid.—Dr. Djifer.yi. 438. Grev t 207
Bosth. t. 2. Schoeff. 1.101,102. F l. Dan. t. 983,1196. B d t. t 77
Paul. 1.16. Sterh. 1.13.14. IIuss. i. t. 51. Coohe, B.F. t. 19. Vent.
t.37. P r ic e ,/.115. Kl.exs.no. 30. Harz. t. 32. Gard. Chron
(1860), ji. 975. E n g .FI . y .p .l3 4 . Fchl. exs. 1328.
On trunks, especially ash. Common.
Solitary or imbricated. From a globose, or turgid, scaly, blackish knob,
arise one or more stems, which are at first slightly compressed, flat, and hollowed
out above where they are furfuraeeous ; gradually the depressed surface
expands, and the hymenium is formed beneath the small scales of the upper
part of the stem. Pileus, when fully expanded, pallid ochraceous, vrith
scattered, brown, adpressed scales ; spores oblong, white. In vaults and
hollow trees it sometimes assumes the form oîaClavaria, but in this case
X W w lJ h T ““ *' rery large, '0005
7 4 3 . Folypozus Rostkovii. Dr. “ Eostkovius’s Polyporus.”
Pileus fleshy, tough, dimidiate, somewbat infundibuliform,
smooth, even,_ dingy ; stem long, excentric, reticulated, abruptly
black, base thickened ; pores decurrent, broad, pentagonal, acute,
toothed, wbite, then dirty yellow.—Dr. Epicr.p. 439. Bostk. 1.17.
Ann. N .H . no. 709. Bisch.f. 3305.
On stumps. Eare.
Thin flaccid, 6 in. across, infundibuliform, but often lateral, smooth, even
pale ochraceous, mottled below with darker spots and virgate, dark brown
at the base ; margin lobed, involute. Flesh white, tough. Stem connate,
black, tough, reticulate from the deourrent pores. Pores large, 2 lines or
rnu:c!le;i , -*n00X05? in. long, '0002 m. broad.—^®"y Hr. Spores with two
7 4 4 . Folypozus picipes. Dr. “ Pied-stem Polyporus.”
u flesby, coriaceous, rigid, tough, even, smootb, depressed
behind or m tbe centre ; stem excentric and lateral, equal, firm
at first velvety, tben naked, punctate, with black dots ; pores'
decurrent, rounded, small, tender, white, at length reddisb-grey
—Fr. Epicr. p. 440. Grev. t. 202. Pers. Ic. Piet. t. 4, f . l 2
Bostk. t. 20, Fckl, ex s.1397.
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