radiated - fidfu J r ’ margin free, smooth, hut beautifully fibroso^
S t 'k T ffi^ e ^ h a ^ p “K™ “ J'®®®"*/?' / / ' ’L interwoven, very close“
M .J . memmoides, and bright in colour, almost orange—
8 7 9 . Phlebia contozta. Dr. “ Contorted Phlebia.”
Effuse, ratlier firm, rufous, then brown, smootb on both sides,
circumference indeterminate, folds bore and tbere conglomerate,
/ . “ ‘S « ', d r i . s c d . - t o
On decayed wood. Rare.
t i te “ e Z 4 Z f a t t “ e f a X Z “e ? im t C O *
8 8 0 . Phlebia vaga. Dr. “ EamblingPhlebia.”
Effuse, adnate; circumference byssoid or fibrillose, dirty-yelt
Z t ’ y f o^ish-grey ; yeins creeping, ik ric a te , at
length coalescing, and granuloso-papillose.—Dr. Epicr. p. 527.
Ann. N .II. no. b l . Loudon,/. 16126.
On decayed wood. Common. [Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
Gen. 33. GRANDINIA, Pr. Gen. Hym.
Hymenium waxy, granulated;
granules obtuse, entire, equal,
crowded, smooth, persistent.
Hymenium amphigenous, continuous,
waxy, papillose, warty, orgranu-
lose; the granules globular or hemispherical,
entire, obtuse, crowded, regular,
glabrous, persistent. Inorusting,
spreading, soft fungi.—Dr.Duicr.
Kg. 76.
881. Gzaudinia papillosa. Dr. “ Papillose Grandinia.”
J ’’®’ ™Jn-otund, entire, seceding, milk wbite, smootb
and yellowish beneath ; circumference furfuraeeous ; bymenium
very much cracked ; granules minute, crowded, equal, subspherioal.—
Fr. E picr.p. 528. Berh. Ann. N .II. no. 282. Libert, exs.
no. 2 1 .
On sticks. Wiltshire. C. E . B .
The plant found by Mr. Broome in Wiltshire is exactly like that of Madame
Libert; it was probably omitted from Berkeley’s Outlines from a doubt
whether it was really the species intended by Pries.
8 8 2 . G zan d in ia g z a n u lo sa . Dr. “ Granular Grandinia.”
Waxy, broadly effused, agglutinate, tan-coloured; oiroumfer -
ence determinate, smootb; hymenium equal; granules hemispherical,
equal, crowded.—Fr. Epicr. p. 527. Vhelephoragranulosa,
Eng. F I .y .p. 171. Berh. exs. no. 299.
On fallen branches. Common. [United States.]
Forming a thin, adnate, whitish, or sub-oehraceons stratum, following the
irregularities of the wood, with scarcely any definite circumference, beset
with crowded, rather sharp granules.—-M. J.B.
(Fig. 76.)
8 8 3 .
G zan d in ia o c e lla ta . Dr. “ Ooellate Grandinia.”
Waxy, broadly effused, agglutinate, livid ; circumference indeterminate,
sterile; bymenium unequal; granules crowded,
somewhat conical, obtuse, equal, of tbe same colour.—B . 4 F'<-.
Ann. N .H . no. 1027. Dr. Epic r.p. 527.
On dead prostrate trunks. Aug. Sept. Bodelwyddan.
Coed Cocb.
Gen. 3 4 . ODONTIA, Fr. Gen. Hym.
Subiculum formed of interwoven
fibres, clothed with papillose
or spine-shaped warts,
which are crested at tbe apex.
(Fig. 11.)
Hymenium inferior, formed of fibres
interwoven into papillose warts,
rarely awl or brittle-like, furnished at
the apex with a multifid crest. Re-
supiuate, spreading fungi, dry, not
waxy, approaching more to Hydnum.
—Fr. Epicr.p. 528.
Mg. 77.
8 8 4 . Odontia fim bz ia ta . Fr. '• Fringed Odontia.”
Effuse, membranaceous, separating, traversed by rhizomorphoid
threads, pallid ; circumference fibrilloso-fimbriate ; warts minute,