1 0 6 . A g a z icu s (Clito cyb e) e c ty p u s . Fr. “ Copied Clitocybe.”
Pileus rather fleshy, plane, at length depressed, and revolute,
hygrophanous, finely streaked, with adpressed sooty fibrillie; margin
rather striate ; stem becoming hollow, elastic, fibrillose ; gills
adnate, somewhat distant and pallid, at length stained with red,
mealy.—Fr. Epicr. p . 79.
In meadows.
Stem 2-4 in. long, 3-5 lin. thick, sub-bulbous, dirty yellowish j pileus about
2-8 in. broad, honey-coloured, then rufescent; margin very thin, striate.
1 0 7 . A g a z icu s (Clito cyb e) b e llu s . Fr. “ Pretty Clitocybe.”
Pileus rather fleshy, convex, then depressed (dull orange),
sprinkled with minute dark scales ; stem stuffed, equal, tough,
rivulose ; gills adnate, sub-distant, connected by veins, yellowish,
reddish brown, at length mealy.—Fr. E p ic r.p . 79. Eng. F I. Y . p .
In fir plantations. Foetid.
Pilens 2J in. broad, deep orange brown, becoming gradually pale ■ gills in-
carnato-ferruginouB ; stem 2J in. high.-M . J. B. Often growing in comnanv
with A. laccatm. =. f j
1 0 8 . A g a z icu s (C lito cyb e) la c c a tu s . Scop. “ Waxy Clitocybe.”
Pileus membranaceous, convex, then depressed, and somewhat
umbilicate, variable, hygrophanous, mealy ; stem stuffed, equal,
tough, fibrous ; gills adnate, thick, distant, brightly coloured, at
length mealy.—Dr. Epicr. p. 79. Schoeff. 1.13. Bull. t. 570, / . 1 .
Grev. 1.24:9. Kromb. t. 43, f . 17-20, t. 72, f . 19-20. Batt. i. 18,
G .I. Huss. i.t. 47. Berk. Outl. t. 5 ,/ . 3. Bolt. t. 63-64. Sow. t.
187-208. FI. Dan. 1.1249. Batsch.f. 99. Eng. F I. v. p. 41. Price,
f . 122.
In woods. Extremely common and variable. [United States.]
Sometimes of a bright amethyst, usually reddish brown; pileus 1-2 in. broad
convex, the centre more or less depressed, often cracked or squamulose, with
a mealy appearance, sub-carnose, turning pale when dry, margin incurved
often very much lobed and wavedj gills more or less of the colour ofthe pileus’
not changing colour, horizontal, broad behind, and adnate, thick, distant,’
sometimes forked above, mealy from the white spores ; stem 1-6 in. long
thicker and downy below, flbrillose, tough, hollow, ofthe colour of the pilens
not becoming pale.-Af. J. B. Spores globose and echinnlate, -00035 in
diameter; echinnlate spores are unusual in Agarkus.— W.Q.S.
Sub-Gen. 6. P l e u r o t u s . Fr. Epior. p. 129.
Veii evanescent, or none ; piieus fleshy in the iarger
species, with a smooth or ragged margin from the remains
of the veii ; substance either compact, spongy,
siightiy fleshy, or membranaceous ; stem mostiy iate-
rai or wanting, when present confluent and homogeneous
with the hymenophore ; giiis with a sinus
or broadiy decurrent tooth.
H a b . Most of the species grow on wood, a few oniy
Fig 37. on the ground.—(DZ. I I ., f g . 6, a n d fg . 37.)
The species are large, handsome, and polymorphic, but some are small and
resupinate ; they generally appear late in the year, and return, year after
year, to the same habitat more frequently than terrestrial fungi ; all are
harmless,^ and some edible. All the species become putrid when old, and
never coriaceous or woody.— W. G. S.
Sect. 1 . Lepiotaria.—piieus scaiy.
1 0 9 . A g a z icu s (P leu z o tu s) c o z tica tu s.
Fr. “ Large scaly
Pileus compact, excentric, villous, at length floccoso-squamu-
lose; stem firm, fibrillose, veil membranaceous, to rn ; gills deourrent,
sub-distant, anastomosing behind.—Hym. Suec. p 236 B
4 Br. Ann. N .H . 1865, no. 995. Saund 4 Sm. t.4.
On an old prostrate elm. Oct. Belvoir Castle.
7 inches across, expanded, swollen iu the centre ; disc,
especially in the centre, broken up into brownish grey silky scales, which are
h e riL aWMl I® strongly involute margin; veil woven, ad-
-if margin ; stem 3 in. high, 1 | in. thick, pitted
and silky below the evanescent ring, firm and tough, m ottled; gills rather
ZrS“™ white, very decnrrent, anastomosing behind, sometimes forked ;
edge entire. Smell rather strong ; a large and noble species, perhaps too
closely aUied to A. d ryinus.-B. A Br. Spores '0005 X '0002 in
110. A g a z icu s (P leu zo tu s) d z y in u s. P. “ Spotted Pleurotus.”
Piieus compact, hard, obiique, variegated with dark spot-iike
scaies; yeii fugaceous, torn, white, appendicuiate; stem iaterai,
stout; giiis decnrrent,narrow, neariy simpie.—Dr. DnZcr. ». 129
Pees. f . 177. Huss. a .t. 29-33. Vent. t. 44, f 1-2. Schwff.t.233.
Eng. FI. y.p. 70. Gard. Chron. (1860)p. 832.
On trunks of ash, wiiiow, &c. Oct. [U. States.]